Thursday, 8 September 2016

working on my new painting

The way the time is flying by is really getting to me, so today I decided I would paint no matter what! The gallery has been asking for another large canvas, and it has been standing on my easel since weeks. I just need to make time for it, and let all the other things go. I had the house to myself for the first time since 2 months, so I put on my favorite music and started painting. Ooh, I so enjoyed it. Although it was frustrating too at times. The less I paint, the more difficult it gets. It's almost as if I have to learn the same things over and over again. But after two hours I got the hang of it again. Sadly that was also about the time I had to stop to get the kids from school. Still, I managed to almost finish one corner of the canvas.

Yes, a dog! It was there so clearly, I just had to bring it out. This is how the whole canvas is looking now:

I also made a new wallpaper for my newsletter-subscribers. Here it is:

 If you want to download it, here's the link!

I managed to make only one face this week! So it's good that I'm not participating in the 29 faces challenge, I wouldn't have been able to do it and if there's one thing I hate it's starting a challenge and then having to quit ....

She will probably also become a lyricsgirl, but I need to find the right lyrics for her. Didn't have time for that yet ....

Okay, that's it! Except for my funnies of course :-D  Here they are!

hahahaaa! I love all of these, they make me laugh every single time :-D

I'm linking to Paint Party Friday again. Hop on over there for a quick look through some amazing art.

Thanks so much for your visit! Have a beautiful day and make sure you do something that feeds your soul this weekend! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. great curly hair and love all the colours on the canvas :)

  2. wow, your painting is looking fabulous!

    both your faces are wonderful and the funnies are indeed funny.

  3. Love how your painting is coming along! Thanks for the funnies! Always good for a laugh. :)

  4. Wonderful art, great funnies, you seem to like Donald Trump as much as I do!Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  5. I'm not sure but I wonder if Donald trump in hiding in your new canvas. I'm sure I can see his hair! :)LoVE the new canvas. I know what you mean about not painting for a while making it harder. I find the more I paint the more inspiration I have. It's not like it runs out through overuse it actually grows. I'm with you on the challenge. I hate giving up so would be reluctant to start something I couldn't complete.

    1. omg please nooo!I don´t want him on there even hidden ....

  6. the funnies are hilarious... and I hope you get more time to paint this week... I always seemed to have less time in the summer... though now there are no school runs it isn't as bad...

  7. "The less I paint, the more difficult it gets."

    Oh, that's so true! My creativity and brain is still on holidays and starting something new is so difficult.

    I love the way that dog appeared into your beautiful painting, but I do hope Trump isn't going to appear there :D

  8. I love how this painting is progressing - that dog is so gorgeous - and I'm glad you're making time to paint when you can - it's so frustrating when life gets in the way of creativity but you're right you simply have to make the time or weeks can go by and you've not painted a thing.
    Your girl is beautiful - I love her hair!

  9. Its looking fantastic. I love how you find faces and images in your pieces. It feels very ethereal. Beautiful work. Have a great weekend. and Happy PPF. Hugs-Erika

  10. I so love your Art! The painting is magical and beautiful.
    And lyricgirl is sweet, like to see her newly.
    Thanks a big smile😀 the cow story is too fun...👏
    Thanks for the calendar, will load it.
    Happy PPF ❤

  11. I am loving the new painting and can't wait to see what the finished product looks like ♥ Time has been escaping here too and things are piling up on me. I did decide to drop out of 29 faces. The stress of creating something every day was more than I can handle right now with everything else going on around here. Life is just too busy and I"m too old to keep up :)

  12. Oh, I am so happy to hear it is not just me that gets out of the flow from absence of creating!! So happy to see you back and I just LOVE the dog in this one- perfect!!
    Your girl is beautiful as well and i am sitting here going through songs in my head to see which I would put with her...
    as for the funnies- hahaaaahaaaahaaa Love the Cow, Love the Trump and money even more!!
    Thanks for sharing and loved your visit, I have a special place for one of the pieces you sent me, when i finish it, i will send a photo! xoxo

  13. I am really loving your new painting with he dog Denise. Your lyric girl drawing is so lovely-she has such an innocence about her expressive face.Love the funnies!!

  14. Ohhh the first thing I thought when I saw your painting is, "I don't think I have ever seen a dog in her art". LOL I love it!!! Especially the glow on his ear. Thank you Denise for the free download that is so generous of you. Your lyric girl is adorable. I love her hair. Have a great weekend.

  15. Your paintings are so interesting--a tiny bit haunting. Love the sketch of the girl/woman. So pretty. xo

  16. I just love your paintings and could get lost just staring at everything I see in them! And those jokes - made ma laugh out loud. Thanks for that!! xoxo Silke

  17. As always, I m loving your wonderful colors and enjoy seeing the dog. Working full time I find it incredibly difficult to keep the creative juices flowing. It is interesting to hear that others have similar experiences. Thanks for sharing and happy PPF

  18. Luv the subtle colours and the way the girl, dog and bird emerge
    Happy PPF

    much love...

  19. I always say this... I love your process shadings. Hopefully you have more time now that school is back. I didn't start to paint until I was an empty nester. And now I can't stop. I have the same experience that you do when I don't paint for a while. But it comes back quickly. That might be why I try not to have breaks :)

  20. Great post! Your painting is beautiful! I love the different images in your painting. Your girls face is precious. I had to bail on 29 Faces too. I have to realize my body does not always want to cooperate with all the creations in my mind.
    Thank you for posting so much, it was fun going through all your images, oh and those funny ones too! Happy PPF and have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Rasz

  21. I love your new painting with the dog... I often wonder if your paintings are symbolic in some way! They would make great tarot cards...just because there is much interest in them!! Love your soon to be lyrical girl and funnies! Glad you had some lone time... I know how precious that can be!! Hope you have a creative week!

    Hugs Giggles

  22. I love the way your color flows through your painting. Ethereal,really. Love it!

  23. I love the way your color flows through your painting. Ethereal,really. Love it!

  24. Gorgeous art, so radiant, peaceful and magical! Beautiful colors and such wonderful energy in all that you do! Love it!
    Happy PPF
    Victoria #54

  25. Your painting is breathtaking. Also loved the funnies, especially the last one with the ear cleaning. LOL

  26. Denthe, you are so wonderfully talented. It's so hard sometimes to carve blocks of time for painting - especially when we have young children - but I'm glad you found at least some time for your art. Your painting is fabulous & feels very peaceful to me. xx


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