Today's Quote
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Wilson Mizner

Thursday, 21 January 2016

having fun

After a few hours of frustration and not knowing how to proceed, I suddenly had fun again painting my large canvas. It's finally coming together in my mind's eye. Not at all finished yet, but it's getting there :-)

Here's another sneak peek:

Yes, an owl ... I had to google it, because while I recognize an owl instantly I had no idea how to paint one. And of course, it's not really realistic, but so are none of my figures for that matter.  They don't need to be either, I'm happy with fantasy-like creatures :-)

Here's how the whole canvas is looking right now:

Can't wait to paint again! Alas, this weekend I will be painting walls and doors in our new house, so this one will have to wait ...

I also made a journalpage for Colour me Positive. This week it was all about living life to the fullest:

Still haven't figured out a way to make art a daily practice, but I'm working on it :-)

I'm linking this up to Paint Party Friday and to Colour me Positive. Lots of great work to see in both of these! And here's to finish on a funny note:

 lol :-D     shared this one on Facebook already, so here's another one:


Okay, that's it for this week! Thanks for your visit! Wishing you a wonderful day, and a creative and stressfree weekend. I'll be back next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. wonderful that you have added a new bird to you art.
    it is looking wonderful. they both are.
    wishing you fun as you work on your house this weekend.

  2. Have you ever considered doing a video on your process? I'd LOVE to watch how you create your multi-layered canvases! ♥♥♥♥♥♥

    1. yes, considered this but still struggling a bit with the technical side ... ;-)

  3. I love your owl so far and the whimsical characters! I am with Robin I too would love to watch you create!! Good funnies too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Beautiful people and animals have appeared in your canvas, and the rt journaling is wonderful, too. Have a great week, Happy PPF, hugs, Valerie

  5. Lovely post and throughts. I'm waiting for until next week what great you've to show us. Have a wonderful PPF xx

  6. I love your fantasy figures - giving rein to your imagination! the owl already looks fab and the overall layout of the painting so far looks perfect. I'm so looking forward to seeing it completed.

  7. That's great how the people and creatures have eventually emerged from your original painting. Love the owl and what a magical way of painting.
    That is so crazy about the Himalayan salt.

  8. Love that you have added an owl and I'm looking forward to seeing the completion. Your journal spread is fabulous!! Happy painting-whatever your substrate:)

  9. Beautiful and magical qualities your artwork always has Denise!
    You have me wondering if you'll be able to resist painting something a little extra on your walls ;-)
    Happy Weekend and Happy PPF

  10. I love watching these masterpieces emerge! I can't imagine you being frustrated as your results are so serene.

  11. Love the images--love the owl! They are a phantomy in a way--I like the white outline. xo And the salt thing is too good!

  12. Your painting is beautiful. I thought it looked finished. Knowing it isn't, I am really excited to see it finished, awesome work. Your story about the owl made me smile. I've done that before. Have a great PPF week! Rasz #55

  13. I agree with Robin, it would be inspiring to see your work in progress in a video!!

  14. You are so funny. I have some pink salt better look at the date. LOL As always your art is inspiring.

  15. Oh I love owls Denise! I am sure this will be a favorite!!

  16. i love stopping by to see your art ... and your funny pic(s) for the week :)

  17. Great funny pics!!! Love the journal spread, especially the eyes. It's also nice to see the progress of the painting, it's very inspiring.

    Warm hugs

  18. Hooray for getting your mojo back for this large painting, which is looking fantastic!

    Please let us know if you discover the secret to making art a daily practice. Though, I can tell you a drawing pad next to my bed has increased my daily art because I discovered I enjoy drawing with tv in the background at night.

  19. Love how the painting is evolving ♥♥♥♥ The journal page is awesome too. The quotes are great and I love the salt one :)

  20. LOve IT!!! looking beautiful.....I knew there was an answer to those increasing tupperware lids! :)

  21. Denise, I love the journal pages! The contrast makes the images pop out. And your canvas is coming along beautifully. My electric power is back on and someday I will be able to get out of my long, snow-packed driveway!

  22. Gorgeous canvas and journal pages. I always create fantasy creatures... I can't do anything else if truth be told. I'm also struggling trying to find a routine for my art, but I seem to be managing more this year so I'm heading in the right direction.
    So the mystery of the missing socks is finally solved. Brilliantly funny... thanks for sharing and the giggle ;D

  23. You have a full plate but I am glad to see that there is time for art. Some life situations just demand more time than others but the good news is that it will pass and you will have more time for your art!

  24. Love, love, love your style!! That large canvas is amazing - I can't wait to see what you do with it next. Happy PPF! xo Silke

  25. Denthe, I am gobsmacked! Utterly amazing work. And I've been enjoying my wall calendar and my desktop background. Thank you! xoxo


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