
Friday 20 February 2015

Third week of the 29 faces challenge

It was hard this week to get all my faces done. Somehow time ran away with me. But in the end I managed it :-) There's still some day this month that I have to make 2 faces, but we'll "worry" about that later ☺

Face #13 was part of a journalpage:

As well as face #14:

And here's the whole journalspread:

I had an accident on this page, shaking a bottle of white fluid acrylics that I forgot I had already opened.... I just let it all drip across the pages, and in the end it turned out okay. Love making these weird figures, just following lines that are already on the page from previous layers :-)

Face #15 was another lyricsgirl, with lyrics from Heather Nova:

Face #16: watercolour and marker

Face #17: watercolour

Face #18: yes, I finally made another floodle (doodle combined with flowers)

And the last one for this week: #19: pencil and marker:

And I got a nice surprise this week! Sweet Carol from "pouring my hart out" nominated me for a Liebster award! I have received this award a few times already, but every time I feel privileged to have my blog chosen. One problem however is that it's getting really hard to find fellow bloggers who want to accept this award. So I'm going to bend the rules a little bit. I'll answer the questions Carol asked me, but I'm not going to nominate other blogs. I think all of you out there in Blogland are great, and I want to give it to every single one of you. So go ahead, if you want it, you can answer the same questions Carol asked me, and pass the award on to others if you want! Hope that's okay with you Carol, and I want you to know I really appreciate the gesture ♥

Okay, here goes (I'll try to keep it short):
1) How did you get into blogging?
When we emigrated to Australia 4 years ago, I started a blog to keep family and friends informed, and I liked it so much that I decided to start one for my art adventures as well.
2) How did you come up with your blog name?
That's easy: the first 3 letters of my first name, and the first 3 letters of my last name :-) It's the name I was already using to sign my paintings.
3) What is the best bit of blogging?
Without a doubt the connections with like-minded people all over the world
4) What is an art/craft you have always wanted to try?
5) Where do you do most of your art?
In my kitchen, and while we're living in my sister's house I have a nice big studio I can use !!
6) What would be your dream job?
Paint and create all day, either alone or together with other people
7) Where is your favorite place in the world?
Phew, there are so many .... I guess one of my most favorite places must be Ningaloo Reef in Western Australia
8) Can you speak more than one language?
Well, growing up in the Flemish part of Belgium we have to learn 4 different languages in highschool: Dutch (mother language), French, English and German. So I speak 4 languages, although I admit my French and German are a bit rusty ;-)
9) Where/how did you learn your art?
By experimenting, doing workshops (online and in person), getting books in libraries and practicing practicing practicing .....(or maybe playing playing playing ☺)
10) What is your favorite film?
That's a difficult one, since I haven't seen a film in ages. I guess "life of Pi" must be one of my favorites....
11) What is your dream for the future?
Being able to live from my art :-)

Phew, that were quite a few questions. Hope I didn't bore you ... I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday and to the 29 faces challenge. Hop on over there for some serious eye-candy!

Thanks so much for visiting and supporting me, I love the connections with all of you and hope to get to your blogs this weekend! Have a lovely day, and a weekend without stress!
See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I like accidents like that, I often drip and drop paint here and there, also on walls and and carpets...

    That doodle with flowers is my favorite of today, it's stunning.

  2. Your faces are all wonderful, and love how you used the drips and drops. Valerie

  3. Wonderful faces, well done for keeping up with the challenge, loved reading a little about you, always wondered about your blog name!

  4. Thank you for sharing about yourself Denise!
    These faces are all fabulous and each one speaks of it's individuality! Gorgeous really! I'm such a fan- can you tell?! heehee ") xo

  5. I love the freedom and whimsy of portraits #13 and #14, as well as the strong line work in portraits #15 and #18. I enjoyed reading your responses to the Liebster award questions. Blessings!

  6. A visit to your blog is ALWAYS eye candy for me! And reading your answers to the Liebster Award questions was very interesting. Love your blog and Happy PPF

  7. Denise, needless to sy I love your art. It is fabulous!

  8. I love that colorful spread in your journal. I'm looking forward to your Soul Food class!!!

  9. Gosh these are all such gorgeous paintings/portraits I wouldn't be able to choose one favorite! Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself too:)

  10. Gorgeous faces, I ove number 16, that wispy hair if fantastic.


  11. I always enjoy seeing your beautiful and colorful art, Denise. However, your talent at drawing faces is so outstanding I wish you'd include at least one every week in your posts. Even when 29 Faces challenge is over, I mean.

  12. Awesome job on all your faces. I love the dripping style.

  13. i love that you are using all different types of media for your 29 faces challenge!! so cool to see them all at once.

  14. expressive, colourful art which i love, especially the journal pages. Hope you have settled into your new life in Belgium. Hot over here in Oz. Queensland had a cyclone yesterday hit at Yepoon, but not as severe as was expected which is good. Adelaide having 40 degrees C temperatures with fires. the weather in Oz is crazy

  15. It's so clever to make faces in many different styles.
    It's fun to try to choose a favourite, so mine today are 16 with the bird and 18 with the flowers.

  16. Oh I love those colourful images and faces...all of the faces are gorgeous...and I think 15,16,17 are sisters...thanks for sharing a bit more about yourself with those questions!! Great post!! Love all your girls but I am particularly smitten with the hair on lyricgirl!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Denise - I've seen several of your faces on FB. They all are unique and also lovely. I have loved your art since I first saw about 4 years ago. You definitely inspire me

  18. I love, love , love your work. You are inspiring.

  19. What an amazing gallery of images!!! Love them all!
    It was great to read your information, how great for people to learn 4 languages at school!
    Fabulous art, cannot say it enough times lol

  20. Wow, so beautifully vibrant, and then some so delicate and pretty. Fantastic series. Also, four languages, cool! I took several semesters of German but it did not stick. : /

  21. Dente je gezichtjes zijn fantasties, en echt je jou eigen stijl ...Prachtig!!!
    Fijn dit overzicht met de vragen leuk iets meer te weten van de vrouw
    achter dit mooie kunstblog!!
    Wens je een goed weekend

  22. Fabulous faces! The last one is breathtaking. :) Love the answers. I was raised bilingual and learned English in elementary school as my 3rd language and then German in high school as my 4th language. :) But I'm also rusty on my German and Croatian. When you don't converse in said language you tend to forget a lot.

  23. such gorgeous faces, each one was a delight to take to heart.
    lovely also to learn more about you.

  24. Love the journal pages - such fabulous color! Happy PPF :)

  25. wonderful color on the most recent ones.

  26. these are all wonderful! I love #18 particularly for the flowers, but all are terrific! Thanks for your visit and kind words:)

  27. Wow you have made some beautiful faces :D They are all so different and unique, but still wonderful in their own way! Especially I love your journal pages, they look so free and joyful, but also the floodle is one that I really like a lot, it inspires me to try to floodle some more ;)

  28. Love your art!!! and really loved reading the answers to all of the questions, getting a little bit more insight into who you are.

  29. You are so good to take the time to answer all of those questions and it was interesting to read!
    Your artwork is so rich and deep...I am grateful that you share that too.

  30. Adorable faces are this all Denthe! And the spread is just GORGEOUS! Love your art!

  31. Another Liebster Award for you! How wonderful! I am still thankful for the one you gave me when I first began my art blog and think of it often because I never got a chance to pay it forward - but I still plan on it. ;) Intentions...

    I love your ladies and that you had a white paint explosion and went with it! Such wonders that can come out of accidents!

  32. I always love your faces and so many in one go. They are all great.

  33. You never bore me, Denthe. It was interesting to get to know you more.
    The colour and the light reflecting from your girls' eyes are stunning!

  34. Such a fabulous and varied array of faces. I really like 13 & 14. They are so striking and colourful and a great contrast to the others. Love the floodle too.

  35. Your painting are just fantastic, the first ones with bright lovely colors and always the sweet bird :)
    It sounds exciting to pick up lines from the previous layer. I should try that more.
    Lovely faces also.


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