
Thursday 26 February 2015

Where did February go?

Can't believe it's almost the end of the second month of the year!! Time always flies when I'm doing the 29 faces challenge, but it seems this time it went even faster.

I managed to keep up with the faces though. Here's faces # 20 through 23, all from the same journalpage:

I had been reading an article about the lives of women in societies where women have no rights whatsoever. It was heartbreaking and infuriating at the same time. And a few days later, when I was painting in my journal, these women appeared. Shapeless, without hands, powerless, but somehow still with strong minds that can't be broken. I love how my feelings find their way on my pages and paintings without me having much say in it. Sometimes I only realize after I've painted something that it has to do with emotions or feelings or things I've dealt with in the days before. Here's the whole journalspread:

The quote from Virginia Woolf says: "there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind". Love that quote!

Here's face #24: another lyricsgirl with lyrics from Heather Nova

Face #25: coloured pencils and marker

And faces #26 and #27: both from the same journalpage that I made while preparing for my Soul Food class in April. So much fun to try things out, I'm getting really excited about it :-)

I'll show the whole spread in my next blogpost. Only 2 more faces to go!!

That's it for this week. Thanks for visiting! I love reading your comments :-) I'll be linking this to Paint Party Friday, and to the 29 faces challenge of course. So many talented artists, click on the links to see their work!

Hope you're having a wonderful day, and I wish you a nice relaxed weekend doing things you love ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I loved to see these fabulous paintings, and exciting to try new things out :)

  2. Well done for getting this far with the challenge and with such beautifully detailed faces. I love the first painting you can feel the emotion in it.

  3. Well, in Finland February went to drain, it's been raining a lot, actual water, no snow, which I like because I have this thing with winter, don't enjoy it at all.

    Your faces are full of promise of spring, sun and a world with colors!

  4. Love that Wolfe quote too. You have created wonderful. Faces. Like fuzzy I can feel the emotion of the first piece. I love that heather nova song the lyrics make a wonderful addition.

  5. Where did February go. For me it was snow, snow and more snow. Hoping March is less so and more living. Great faces, as always my talented friend. xox

  6. Wonderful faces, and I, too, have been wondering where the month went!

  7. Powerful work! Love how your mind materializes on the page! Fabulous quote, too - we should all remember that one! Happy PPF!

  8. Your art is emotional and powerful! And your Woolf quote, perfect. I look forward to seeing your work each week. Happy PPF

  9. Your varied art always carries so much wonderful symbolism and meaning Denise. I love your colorful pieces but I also love the Lyric girls. Good for you to complete the faces challenge!

  10. Beautiful art. I love your colors, Denise. I am so amazed by your face drawing as in the Lyric girls. Such talent!

  11. Gorgeous, gorgeous faces! Each so unique and full of emotion. <3

  12. Love your faces! Don't know how you do it, you are amazing!

  13. Amazing all this Denthe!
    Love every single piece!

  14. i love that you let, or it just happened, the article influence your art
    then found quotes that support our eternal spirit no matter what happens in our lives.
    though a free and beautiful experience is preferable.
    also to treat each person with dignity and acceptance, even love is hoped for.
    thank you for sharing so much.
    we each have two faces to go ;-)

  15. I am sooo loving your faces and that you have done so many! I keep looking at the layers of colour in the images. I think this journal spread may be one of my favourite and I am glad that you explained what you were thinking about at the time. Beautiful!

  16. Your faces and the colors always amaze me. The first four face are particularly beautiful, and after I read your "story" about the creation of them they even spoke to me more. Virginia Woolf's words are perfectly fitting. This is a very meaningful journal spread - thank you for sharing it with us as well as your thoughts.

  17. Fan-Tas-Tic.... the art, the quote... the journal pages. beautiful!
    And I know it will be FUN to see your class in Soul Food!
    Oh, I totally agree, the month went too fast!

  18. I hear you, so sad. I've been watchin Wentworth and it has affected my faces too! These are all so amazing and can't even tell you how happy your work makes me and I am so in love with the last two gals with the different eyes. My best friend has two different coloured eyes...of course I never see it anymore!! Always inspirational...I love both your art and your heart!!

    Hugs Giggles

  19. Tremendous faces, really brilliant artwork.
    I especially like the first dramatic face with the little red flower and the last two - is that a sneak peak to your Soul Food lesson I wonder?

  20. oh my gosh Denise - your art just blew me away this week. I love the thought and the art showing women with no rights - but still strong minds. That is just terrific. Like your last 2 faces - a bit of a more definitive features, abstract and still full of wonderful colors!

  21. Highlights the color and eyes. saludos

  22. Great faces Denise. Your faces always have a special feeling, all of them. Awesome work!!

  23. Gorgeous faces Denise, and the first with the four is my fav!! I love the eyes- you make all of them with such soul!! xoxo

  24. Absolutely love all of your faces and congrats for keeping up. I missed it this time around but hope to participate in the next one :)

  25. I know what you meant about where was February? Scary how time flits by so fast.. All your faces are awesome, every single one,

  26. Such an assortment of beautiful faces. I love the multi-colored ones the best, but they are all so good. You have a lot of talent with faces.

  27. Your faces are always so beautiful and expressive, and of course richly colored. I enjoyed your post today. I am in the Soul Food, but was out of town with my Mom for three weeks, so don't know if the classes started already.

  28. So many wonderful faces here, such expression and creativity!

  29. Amazing faces and range of expressions and styles. Thanks for sharing your incredible art.

  30. Het is zo leuk Denise elke keer als ik hier kijk wat voor een leuke kopjes hier weer staan
    ik heb weer met plezier gekeken.
    Wens je een goed weekend.........
    Groetjes Christiene.

  31. It is amazing how our feelings seem to always come out in the art! Great job, as always!

  32. I love all your faces and the expressions. The colour is just fabulous. I can't believe how quickly this year is going either, feels like it'll be Christmas tomorrow.

  33. These are wonderful - I can really see your faces evolving while still being absolutely and uniquely yours! I hope you have settled back into life in Belgium even with the grey dreary winters - your art will surely colour your days!

  34. omg, your faces are so fucking awesome. There. I said it. Amazing artwork. That journal spread with the quote by Virginia Woolf is just so beautiful. I am learning lots by watching the art you make. Thank you for sharing Denthe! xx

  35. I love how all your faces are completely different!! I can't even think about the fact that it's March already! Scary!

  36. Gorgeous and each face is very unique. I love them all. Blessings, Janet PPF


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