
Thursday 12 February 2015

Second week of 29 faces

I had forgotten how fast a month goes when you make a face a day. You're so focused on getting your face done that the month is over before you know it. I need to keep in mind that I have to get my video for Soul Food ready by mid March. So I started using my sister and my friend as guinea pigs for trying out my lesson :-) Face #7 is an experiment for my Soul Food lesson:

Face #8: another graphite and marker combi:

Face #9: Lyricsgirl, yes! It has been ages since I made lyricsgirls, and I LOVED it! Expect more of these :-) Lyrics are from Christina Perri:

Face #10: another experiment: watercolour and marker:

Face #11: another watercolour:

And last one for now: face #12: another lyricsgirl:

That's it for now. I'm also working on a new journalpage, but it's not finished yet so that'll be something for next week.

I'll be linking this to Paint Party Friday and of course to 29 faces. Hop on over there to have a look at the wonderful work everyone's producing!

Thanks so much for coming here and leaving your lovely comments! It always stimulates me to keep going :-) Hope your day is beautiful, and your weekend filled with love ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love how your faces turned out!

  2. Your faces are so exquisite and stylish!

    Time flies and so does February and that means we shall soon have spring!!

    Sorry, but I can't leave my comment with my wp-profile, blogger doesn't allow that and you don't have name/url alternative here, so I have to use my old blogger-profile.

  3. Wonderful faces, day by day. Happy PPF, Valerie

  4. ze zijn schitterend, stuk voor stuk!
    Gezellig weekend!

  5. What a great array of differently made faces.
    I struggle to find a favourite - maybe the first because it is so colourful (and I am looking forward to your Soul Food lesson) and maybe number 10 because it has the two birds or maybe number 11 because it looks like such a skilful use of watercolour.

  6. I love how each one is different yet they are all so recognizably your work! I really like your experiment with markers and watercolours in face 10 and love the almost abstract feel to face 7

  7. Gorgeous! Each one takes my breath away! The eyes on your last one-I just love these! xo

  8. Oh how to pick a favorite...I bet you can't...I do love the graphite one though and #7 for the all gorgeous!! These girls all need a book of their own!!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Oh, how I love #11! All of them are beautiful. Number 7 has the usual, bright and beautiful colors you have in a lot of your recent pieces.

  10. I'm sooo happy to see you back to making art again. Each of your faces is so lovely. I can't pick a favorite, but I will say that No 8 graphite drawing is speaking directly to me. :) I LOVE how you did her hair.

  11. So lovely faces! You have your own style, like it!

  12. Awesome ladies, all beautiful. Love the all.

  13. They are all simply WONDEFUL Denthe!
    Amazing Ladies !
    Happy weekend - Happy Valentine's Day!

  14. I love all of your different faces! I really like the idea of adding quotes or lyrics to it too. Looks great!

  15. I LOVE your faces and have also enjoyed seeing them in the Facebook group. :)

  16. what a gorgeous collection of faces-love them all! Love Christina Perri too:)

  17. Beautiful collection of faces. Love them all!!!

    Have a great day!
    Nora Clemens-Gallo

  18. Always such expressive eyes. xox

  19. wow, such gorgeous faces with depth and beauty.
    i loved seeing each of them!
    wishing you a grand time creating your lesson.

  20. Such wonderful art, all your faces are fantastic, I can't pick a favorite.


  21. Love all of your faces!!! Things have been to unsettled here for me to participate this time round but I"m enjoying looking :)

  22. Is Face #7 your sister or your friend? tee hee - love those eyes!

  23. An amazing array of faces. They are all wonderful, but I particularly like the one for day 8.

  24. Wowza! I think I like your experiment (#7) the best - although it is hard to choose a fav! Happy PPF!

  25. So much beauty! Good luck with your Soulfood-class! And I would consider myself lucky to be a guinea pig for your class! lol
    Happy PPF

  26. All your faces are so special and this time Face nr. 8 is catching my eyes! Beautiful ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  27. Lovely faces. . . real character to them. Blessings, Janet PPF

  28. Dente wat zijn jouw dames mooi ,gekleurd of zwart wit mooi?
    Ik vind ze allemaal even mooi!!!
    Veel succes met al wat je doet...............
    Groetjes Christiene.............

  29. these are all so great!! i love the wonky eyes on #7 :)

  30. Lovely drawings Denise! Each one has a particular quality that I love!
    Jess xx

  31. These faces are wonderful! I really like all the different styles and materials you used.

  32. I love all the different personalities. Each unique. Great job.:)

  33. Beeautiful faces Denise, I love the odd eyes on face 7. Will you be doing a tutorial on painting hair in your soul food class?

    1. Thanks Sandra! I will be doing something with hair yes, just some different techniques that you can use :-)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.


  35. Renee Dowling20 February 2015 at 17:21
    It is so enjoyable to see all of the different techniques you use! Each face is delightfully different. The details are splendid! Thanks for sharing! Your style continues to evolve!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !