
Friday 6 February 2015

first week of 29 faces

Participating in a challenge like the 29 faces makes you realize how fast time flies. The first week of February is already over!
Here are all the faces of this week:

Day 1: graphite with black marker
Day 2: watercolour

Day 3: experiment: I took a double page in an old book, put some paint on there and then closed the book while the paint was still wet. Then I searched for a face. Not difficult to find with all that hair ;-)

Day 4: the opposite mirrored page of day 3, here I could see the profile right away

Day 5: another watercolour:

And finally day 6: just trying out different hairstyles. Not very happy with this one, but hey, it's a face :-)

That's it for this week! I had wanted to continue on a new big canvas, but alas, time is escaping me. I did however start experimenting with examples for my Soul Food Lesson in April. That was fun! I only hope I still know how to videotape everything ....

You can still subscribe for Soul Food if you want. The first 2 lessons were aired this week, but all videos are downloadable and available till the end of the year. And even though time flies, that is still a long time away :-)

I am linking this to Paint Party Friday and to 29 faces challenge. Both are exciting challenges/bloghops with lots of wonderful artists. You can participate if you want, or just enjoy all the art on display.

Thanks for visiting and leaving these lovely comments! I wish you a joyful day, and time to enjoy a relaxing weekend ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Your faces are fantastic, one more beautiful than the other. Valerie

  2. All beautiful, especially day 4, this challenge was made for you!!

  3. Fantastic faces. Love the first one the best.


  4. Dente, het is hier genieten van al die mooie verschillende gezichtjes
    en ze zijn ook nog eens knap!!
    wens je weer veel plezier met de gezichtjes die nog komen !
    liefs een groetje Christiene

  5. I love your dedication to this project. My favorite portrait is the first one, with your bold interpretation of the dread-locks. Happy PPF and Blessings! #34

  6. they are all gorgeous. good luck with the 29 faces project.

  7. Love all of them Denise!Gorgeous work!

  8. Wonderful faces! My fave are 3 and 4. I have been out of the bloggy world for a few weeks and forgot that 29 faces was in feb, have done 3 faces for my post today maybe I will join in?

  9. All your faces are wonderful but i really love Day 1!!

  10. All your faces are beautiful. I can't pick a favorite.
    I missed this challenge this time. Maybe I can try in September.
    Happy PPF

  11. Gorgeous, every one! I love the birds too!

  12. such gorgeous faces and interesting ones too
    they are each a joy to see.

  13. I am a face behind for the first week so I am going to do two today. Love seeing all of these lovely faces! I have to try the two pages sandwiched together with paint technique - love it!

  14. All your girls are beautiful, you do a great job creating them!
    Have a wonderful day!

  15. They are all so lovely but I especially like the first face with that awesome black hair. Super fun seeing your faces! Thanks for sharing, happy Paint Party Friday :)

  16. I love the variety of faces you have created, and I admire anyone taking this challenge-still too hard for me to do! I really love the last one with her hair blowing across her face.

  17. What wonderful variety.
    The first is remarkable, such a sensitive face and the black black hair, the fifth is so skilful, painted in watercolour, and I like the birds in the third and fourth. I like all the faces very much, really.

  18. I love the way you are always experimenting, trying out new techniques and inspiring others along the way with your beautiful creations :)

  19. Hi Denise. Fantastic work. Love them all. Looks like you've been busy.

  20. Gorgeous!!! My favorite is the first one - love all the black!

  21. Your faces are full of personality, my favorite is number one, because it's black and white, it's edgy and effective!

  22. I think I missed both watercolor girls, they are so pretty! That Day 4 profile with the birds is my favorite, SUCH a sweet face! Love it.

  23. I love how the 3rd and 4th faces turned out, the thin lines on the background are awesome, thanks for sharing

  24. Wonderful - and that graphite and black marker portrait is SO dramatic!!

  25. Very fascinating paintings! Especially I am interested with painting with a book. I'll try that myself :-)

  26. I love your faces. You are one of the most colorful artists around and I think the faces in color are fab, especially the watercolor ones. However, there is something about face #1 that really grabs my heart. I hope you will show more graphite and marker drawings.

  27. Love all your faces, but the ones that are most like your painting I adore. xox

  28. All are super cool Denise. Each with it's own personality. Have a great week.

  29. I love each one, but #1 and 3 are my favs! and I simply can't wait for your class at Soul Food!! hip hip hooray!! xoxo

  30. These are all so cool! A large majority of my art is done like you did the third and fourth one! My favorite is number one, she is a real artist and I love those dreads!! Wonderful as always!

    Hugs Giggles

  31. Denthe, i love day 4! The one with the little white bird. Your work is always so interesting. I love coming here for a visit. Have a great week, my friend! xx

  32. The one you don't like I love. Her hair is like rain and it's like the sun is coming through in her sunshine on a cloudy day but with emotions, bringing her hope. Very deep piece depending on how you look at it. Your faces are all beautiful, btw.

  33. Great progress on the challenge! I especially like the profile in the painted book page.


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