
Wednesday 7 January 2015

Happy New Year !!

Never thought it'd be the 7th of January before I would write my first post of the year. It has only just started and already it's flying. Before I go any further: hope you had a wonderful celebration of the start of the year, and I wish for each and every one of you that 2015 will be the most creative and fun year ever!

I have managed in the past weeks to finish another journalpage. It might be the last one for a while, because tomorrow our container will arrive! YES! So instead of painting, I'll be unpacking boxes, looking for places to put stuff, trying to make this place a home for the time we'll be here (we are living in the house of one of my sisters for now, until we find our own place). 

I wonder how (and IF!) my paintings have survived the long 10-week-journey from Australia all the way to Belgium, on raging seas and in stormy weather.... At least that is how I imagined it these past months ;-) Can't wait to see everything again...

I made this journalpage somewhere between Christmas and New year, feeling a bit down because of the cold and the grey skies, and missing the light of Australia. And I guess it translated into these kind of sad figures. I love how my inner turmoil turns into images on my pages, without me  having to try. They just appear, and I recognize my feelings in them. Fascinating process I think ....

This is the complete spread:

I was painting at my friends' house and forgot to take my camera. So no in-progress-shots this time. 

Here's a great picture to start the new year:

haha, love these women!

Also: don't forget! Registration for Soul Food is now open!! Can't wait! Starting February 1st, it goes on for three whole months, with 2 mixed-media lessons a week from 20 different teachers (including moi ☺). All videos are downloadable, and the class stays open till the end of the year. And on top of all that: every teacher shares her favorite recipe :-) And all this for the price of $65 USD! (with a 10% discount for 2014 alumni). Can you say no to that!?? More info here.

I will be linking this to Paint Party Friday, and hope to find the time to visit more blogs this week. Might be next week before I get to it though. 

Thanks so much for visiting! Wishing you a wonderful day, and let the weekend be relaxing ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love your work, Denise! I signed up for Soul Food the other day....Can't wait for your class!!!! So excited!

  2. Hi Denthe, good to see you. Happy New Year. Very nice work as always. Have fun unpacking and enjoy your new life in a new country. Take care.

  3. colourful, vibrant, emotional journal page! i do love it. Have fun unpacking

  4. Wonderful that you share all of your pages- up or down ") As always- your art inspires me! I am so happy for you to finally be receiving the stuff part of your lives! Hope all traveled well for you!
    hug and see you soon in class! xo

  5. Voor jou ook de beste wensen voor 2015!
    Prachtige journalpages en met dit weer kan ik me goed voorstellen dat je Australie mist!
    Groetjes Karin

  6. have fun unpacking!! hope everything made the journey ok :)

  7. Dear Denthe ~ I cannot tell you how deeply your pages have touched me today...your artwork and words are so powerful and beautiful and real to me.
    Reuniting with your belongings after their long journey will be an adventure I'm sure.
    Thank you also for convincing me to sign up for SOUL FOOD this time around!
    Sending Peace * Love ♥ and Light

  8. Happy new year. I bet you are very excited to open all those boxes. Hope everything has survived. Lovely journal pages. Will look into soul food

  9. Those journal pages are juicily gorgeous! Good luck with the move Denise, and with your teaching!
    Jess xx

  10. Happy new year. I remember how wonderful it was to finally get all my art stuff unpacked after 6 weeks of being in storage when we moved. It's great you've finally got it with you again. I can definitely see a darker side to this journal page-not as vibrant as your usual work but beautiful even though. Good luck with your soul food -I'm sure it'll be wonderful. X

  11. I imagine the weather and season is totally backwards, but is it good to be back? Your art is always so beautiful and full of emotion! I hope you can settle soon and have a wonderful 2015! ♥
    See you in Soul Food!

  12. Beautiful journal work. Have fun unpacking the container! Valerie

  13. Gorgeous colours. Always love your work. Fab quote too.

  14. Mooi werk Denthe!!! Zo creatief!

    Groetjes, Saskia :)

  15. I feel the sadness in your journal glad you can purge it to paper and hope you see more bright skies so to speak!! Hope everything was in perfect shape and you continue on your way! Happy New Year my friend, wishing you an abundant creative year!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. I wish you a good beginning in your new country! I just can imagine the big change from Australia to Europa in the middle of the winter here! But your art says everything!

  17. Hello Denise! Hope Belgium makes you smile. It's beautiful country.We all feel depressed during Winter.Things wiill change for better.You just need some time to adapt to your new reality,myfriend.

  18. Well done for expressing your emotions on your beautiful and rich pages! Happy New Year to you!!!

  19. Sad faces but beautiful vibrant colors. Love your pages and always look forward to your contributions.

  20. haha I love that picture at the end. It definitely gave me a good chuckle. Your work is always so beautiful. I hope all of your work gets safely to you!

  21. Beautiful work and I love the words, so very true! Happy reunion when your paintings arrive! Hugs, Deb

  22. luv #3 best

    ╭✿ ╯All the best for the New Year 2015

    much love...

  23. Beautiful juicy work this week. I'd love to have you link over at my site too.

  24. gorgeous journal pages!! I do hope your container and its contents arrive in perfect condition. Happy PPF!

  25. Love your journal spread. Good Luck with the unpacking and Best Wishes for 2015.

  26. It's great to see your amazing and colorful paintings again. Happy New Year! I hope you get settled in quickly and that every one of your wonderful paintings make it to Belgium OK.

  27. how great is that your containers are there. And your managing still to work your great art in your art journal, an artist somehow just cannot not create

  28. Beautiful! Art is wonderful therapy! Best wishes for your unpacking and happy PPF!

  29. Prachtig is jou jou stijl Dente..............
    moet een goed gevoel zijn ,jou kunstwerken hebben het overleefd
    mooi alles door je handen laten gaan, en een plekje geven.
    Ben je al een beetje gewend?
    Groetje Christiene..........................

  30. Fabulous journal pages! Love the colours! Lovely that your goods have arrived and you can unpack!

  31. What an amazingly complex painting with the birds and people flowing into and around one another and interacting between themselves. The bird on the right seems to reflect the sadness of the message.
    I especially love the birds and the colourful patterns.
    Thanks for the funnies, poor ladies in the third row, but the ones in front make up for them.

  32. I think it's AMAZING that you'll be doing Soul Food!!! And good luck with the move - it's NEVER easy but when it's done, you do feel like you have an amazing fresh slate. Happy New Year!! xoxoo

  33. Hi Denthe, Oh no you will be so busy! And to think you have to do it again when you find your own place! Well your work this week is so colorful yet so sad as you say. The quotes are fabulous! I love the happy ladies in the first row, those poor third row ladies! I started a journal page today using your tips, so letting the warms dry! have a great week and enjoy seeing your stuff!

  34. I've been terrible about visiting blogs lately. I hope all your artwork and belongings arrive safely. I didn't realize it would take so long. It seems like you've been moving forever. I hope you're settled in soon, and back to making art. I love the little painting I bought from your Etsy shop. It hangs right beside me at my desk. :)

  35. Hi Denise, dit werk is ook weer zo schitterend. Dank voor je reaktie op mijn blog. En de tas is van kunstleer of plastic en de sealing ga ik doen met Décopatch Aquapro (nr.1 Satiny Sealing). Degene van wie ik dit heb heeft het op jassen, tassen, schoenen, etuitjes etc. gedaan en blijft goed zitten. Ga in maart een workshop doen op linnen tas schilderen, maar principe is natuurlijk hetzelfde.
    lieve groetjes Marja

  36. i love the top photo of your journal page
    wow, your class is soon to begin
    wishing you a grand time!


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