
Friday 23 January 2015

Finally .....

I'm back again.... Phew, really hope this time I can go back to posting at least once a week. The past few weeks flew by in a haze. Even though I'm getting quite experienced in moving houses, it still takes me by surprise how much work it takes to get everything sorted out again. I didn't touch a single paintbrush for more than two weeks :-(

Until yesterday .... :-)

Journaling again. As compensation for not being able to paint on a canvas, I've taken to painting in my artjournal in the same way I would do on a canvas. Just painting layers until I see figures emerge. Love this kind of journaling. Even though, or maybe just because, the figures sometimes look really weird.

But I love bringing them out. They're like visitors from my subconscious, sometimes telling me things I didn't realize (yet). After I've finished a page I start going through my stash of quotes and lyrics, until I find one that I feel fits perfectly with what the image means to me.

Softness. Kindness. Innocence. Loving each other in spite of our differences. In spite of our weirdness. I guess I needed to bring that out after another few weeks of horror all over the world.

This is the entire spread:

I only have one in-progress picture. Can't believe how difficult it is making pictures in these dark days.

I saw the two figures right away, but it took me some time to see the other ones. After I saw them I just kept going and didn't even think about taking pictures anymore :-) I'll have to remember it next time.

I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday, and will be paying everyone there a visit this weekend, since I didn't manage last week. Our things are more or less unpacked. Today I'm going to hang my paintings all over the house. Don't want to leave them in bubblewrap all the time. They all arrived safely, thank goodness :-) So nice to see them again, they're a bit like my babies ...

Three more things:

- on the first of February the fun starts in Soul Food!! If you didn't sign up yet, but want to know more, you can find all the information here.
- my calendars are now 20% off until the 26th of January!! If you don't have one yet, you can find them here! Just enter the code NWC20 at checkout to receive your 20%.
- and last but not least: there's free worldwide shipping in my Society6-shop this week!

That's it for now. Wishing you a wonderful Friday, and a warm and cosy weekend! Thanks for visiting! I'll leave you with my funny for this week ;-)



  1. Welcome back! Moving is pain, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do!

    I love your blues.

  2. Oh how I miss you!! I think the break has been good though. I see new aspects of your creativity and I love it!! Gorgeous new whimsical faces with less than perfect features...I think they are gorgeous!! I love how unique they are!! Not weird, but rather wonderful!! Glad you are getting settled with your babies!! Love your funny of the week too! I had a female lhasa apso that looked exactly like that when she would run in the snow!! Adorable I'd pick off the big pieces then have to deal with the rest in a bath!

    Hugs Giggles

  3. Good to see you back! Love your art journaling. Valerie

  4. Yes, I've missed your posts too.
    I like your faces in the blue and they do look different, maybe a bit darker as if the weather is not so good? It's raining and blowing a gale here.

  5. Glad you are back. I love your technique of letting your paintings speak to you.Its a very interesting way of working. Your page looks great and I love the blues.

  6. So glad you are going to be back on a regular basis! Have you moved into your own home yet or will you be with your sister for a while longer? I'm sure you must have found it difficult being back in Belgium with all that's been going on there and in France over the last few weeks - I thought of you when I heard the Belgium news. I can totally relate to the dark days - it does make it difficult for painting for any length of time - even with a daylight lamp! Your journal pages are wonderful - I love the quirkiness to the faces. Look forward to seeing your large colourful canvasses again soon.

  7. by the way is 'quote of the day' an app as I noticed both you and Giggles have the same quote today!!

    1. Yes, I got the link through Giggles. Don't remember what it was though. I'll see whether I can find it :-)

  8. Oh these journal pages are wonderful! I too just moved and you are's a lot of work! And I didn't paint either. Your faces are so soulful. Their eyes are gentle and friendly. Have a great weekend!

  9. Always good to see your beautiful work. I am signed up for Soul Food, but my life is turned upside down right now, so I hope I don't miss too much!.

  10. It is amazing that you have been able to do this beautiful journaling so soon after moving. Good luck in getting everything settled.

  11. Oh such gorgeous work!!! I love it the interaction with the bird, so very sweet!

  12. This is really beautiful. The journal page is amazing and looks so thoughtful and sweet. I really love the colors and all of the layers you put into your art. It's gorgeous :)

  13. Hi Denthe. Glad things are getting better organized and good to see you. Beautiful work as always, Take care.

  14. I can always come away so impressed with what you "see' emerge in your art. And they are always so symbolic too. The lady at the bottom left pg. reminds me of an Egyptian queen. Glad you're able to squeeze in some art time in between all the unpacking.

  15. oh, forgot to say-LOVE the funny! Our first cocker used to get covered in heavy balls of snow just like that-and then I'd have to get the hair dryer to melt them off when we'd bring him in!

  16. Yea, Denthe, welcome back!!! (Even though I didn't move, I have been holiday etc etc etc busy, & just got back on board myself!!) Love your faces & musings, as always!!
    I would love to participate in one of your courses ... right now I'm signed up for BOTH Shiloh's Legend & the year long Red Madonna - so charting my course, AND working on getting my house/things in order as IF I were moving!!


  17. Wow!!! I love this work - that should be no surprise as I love all that you create. :) I signed up for the Documented Life Project and have been so excited to begin, but now that my journal has arrived I am a bit paralyzed by this journey into the unknown. Excited and terrified! Those blank pages stare at me with so much potential and choosing one is a bit daunting. I must step into the abyss. Eek.

  18. Lovely pages, journalling is fun.

  19. I really like this painting! It is so full of emotion - and the rich blue tones are thought provoking :)

  20. Ha Dente, prachtig deze ik de kleuren blauw....... mooie kunst
    en ik hou ook nog eens van de kleuren blauw
    Fijn dat kunst baby's goed zijn aan gekomen,
    wens je een goed en gezellig weekend.
    groetje Christiene.

  21. So glad to see you back- and what a beautiful spread you have created- I love the figures- these are so uniquely you! And the words are a perfect selection for this spread! xo

  22. Beautiful pages and wonderful faces! So unique and serene.

  23. More great pages!!! I love your journals ♥ Soon you'll be all settled in and bringing out the canvas again and life will be back to normal.

  24. Welcome back. Yes, still unpacking slowly. I am hoping that some of it will just go to goodwill or a thrift. It's all in our barn. If I forget it for long enough I won't have to unpack. LOL Cute dog covered in snow balls, ha. Nice journaling. xox

  25. Denise, whenever I visit youur blog, air gets lighter.Your art is poetic, It makes my heart beats fast!I am glad your paintings arrived safe and sound.Unpack slowly. You have all the time in the world. Stay sweet, my friend!

  26. Moving and resettling takes an enormous amount of energy and time...a kind of creativity all its own.
    Your journal pages are really beautiful and deep and touch me on many levels dear Denise!
    Thanks also for the giggle...we have snowflakes falling outside the window this morning.

  27. Love the quote. And love your process! You have a unique way of seeing and helping
    us see!


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