
Thursday 29 January 2015

Full of plans .....

I have a big room in my sister's house which I can use solely as a studio. A big luxury for me, since I never had my own studio. When I first started painting I had a really small place where I could paint, but when we lived in Australia our house was very small and I had to use a corner of the kitchen table to work.

So now that all my art materials have arrived I had a blast setting everything up as convenient as possible, and today my friend came over and we art journaled in the midst of all my materials and paintings. And I didn't have to clean up afterwards! I could get used to this ... :-)

I made another journalpage, although for now I'm not sure how many more will follow. Yesterday I sketched a lot and tried out some ideas for a new painting, and there are so many things I want to start now that everything has arrived.

I have been wanting to participate in the 100 faces in 365 days challenge, and now I figured I can just as well use the faces I paint every week in my artjournal. In this spread there are 3 already :-)

I had fun making this spread. All my favorite colours. Such a great medicine against the bleak winter days.

And guess which challenge is starting in February? Yes, one of my favorites: 29 faces! I couldn't participate in September because of our move, but now I can and I will. Looking forward to it! Might be a bit of a challenge because I also need to start recording my lesson for Soul Food. Mine will only be in April, so I have a bit of time left, but still. Don't forget: Soul Food also starts on February 1 !!

I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday, the weekly blogparty where you can link up to if you created something this week. And if you don't want to participate, it's always worth a visit to take a look at the wonderful art on display there.

Here's my funny for this week:

Oh, I can so relate to that cat ;-)

Thanks so much for visiting! I wish you a wonderful end of the week, and a  warm, relaxing weekend!! I'll be back on Sunday for the start of the 29 faces challenge :-) See you then ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Oh, such sweet luxury, you're going to have an inspirational year in your studio!

  2. Wonderful - have fun in your studio. I work in my kitchen, too. Valerie

  3. Beautiful! Good to hear you have loads of room to grow now! That's a nice bonus to the move!
    Hugs Giggles

  4. Fab art work. I so agree with that cat too!

  5. Beautiful work, magical colours! Enjoy time in your studio!

  6. Wonderful colourful painting. I really like all three cropped versions too, they stand alone very well.

  7. Schitterende creaties! en wat heerlijk dat je een eigen plek hebt waar je alles gewoon kunt laten staan!
    Fijn weekend!

  8. So pleased for you that your art stuff has finally arrived and to have your own dedicated room is a joy! I can't wait until Steve builds my little art shed as having to cover the dining room table with an old bedspread so I can paint on top of it and then clearing it all away in time for dinner is a pain!! Not to mention the many canvasses on easels taking over our dining room! This journal spread is wonderful - very typically Denthe and I love it!

  9. Denise, I am so happpy for you that your supplies have arrived and that you have your own studio too!!! You must be thrilled!! I am so looking forward to class with you in SoulFood!! Yay!
    A wonderful spread with three glorious faces- your colors always make me so happy! love&hugs

  10. glad to hear you are participating in 29 Faces ... i usually participate in February so I'll see you there.

    the house we live in now has a room which i call my "studio." It is SO nice not to have to clean up and put things away every day!

  11. Your work is always so beautiful and I love your journal pages. So bright, pretty and thoughtful. And yay for more art making room! I used to have to paint at a kitchen table too and now have dedicated art space. Such a wonderful pleasure. See you at 29 Faces :)

  12. Beautiful Denthe art! How wonderful to have a special room to do your painting in! I'm so glad you are settled enough to be able to play.

  13. So glad you have a special room dedicated to your art! I spent many years moving things in and out of spaces and having to clean it all up as I had no one space either. Thankfully I have my son's former room as my art room and I am in heaven! Beautiful journal pages. And that kitten- that would be me:)

  14. Your own studio that is a blessing indeed. I love seeing your faces, lots of beauty there.


  15. I cannot wait to see your class in April! Your pages here are beautiful, so much energy!

  16. How nice to have a big space where you can work on many things at once. YOu will no doubt be painting away. We shall look forward to all your new work. Wonder if it will change now that you are in Belgium again. xox

  17. really nicely expressed faces

    happy PPF

    much love...

  18. Your pages are always beautiful. Happy that you have a bigger space to work in.

  19. yea, an art studio, fabulous!
    so fun to journal with a friend too. your pages are a joy to see.
    i am looking forward to 29 faces as well.

    sweet weekend to you.

  20. Can't wait to see your faces this February!!

  21. Oh, I love your art and the quotes! It warms my heart to see the beauty…
    Looking forward to the 29 faces as well!
    And great for you to have some space just to make art!
    Have a great weekend and happy PPF!

  22. I always love looking at your work! I am joining 29 faces this year and am excited to begin tomorrow. Glad to hear you have a studio space where you can spread out your creations! I have my art table in a corner of our dining room but at least I have a table, I say. :)

  23. Isn't that wonderful to have a studio?Love your work!Amazing colors!

  24. Leuk zeg...een eigen studio. Wat zal er gewerkt worden :-). En 29 faces....ik ga het niet redden, maar ben heel benieuwd naar de jouwe. Veel plezier!!

  25. So lucky you are to have a room that is all to yourself and large enough for your work. My husband and I currently share one of the spare bedrooms for our hobbies and we are constantly invading each others space :) Love your art ♥

  26. Ahh Denise so happy for you and your new studio! So wonderful to have a place to paint and get creative and don´t think about cleaning up! I too are lucky to have one ;) Your new paintings are so magical as always! And I can´t wait to have your class in SOULFOOD...wuhuu starts out tomorrow!! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  27. beutiful work, geat colors, looks magical!

  28. Wat fijn Dente dat je de ruimte hebt om je te wijden aan je kunst
    die ik hier volg met plezier.....en je laat hier weer bijzonders zien
    Het weer is niet wat je gewend bent, maar dit katje laat zien hoe het moet!!
    Ik wens je een fijne week ......met het maken van gezichtjes............en mooie kleuren.
    liefs groetjes Christiene.....................

  29. Sounds like a wonderful studio. Love your work and look forward to more. Blessings, Janet PPF


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