
Friday 26 December 2014

Overview of a creative year

Last week on Morag's blog "Paper Rainbow", she gave a round-up of her year's creative highlights, and I thought that was a really good idea. I always feel as if I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do, but looking back on my year I realize I've accomplished quite a lot. Maybe not all I had in mind, but then I always make my goals too big, and I shouldn't forget that I also made an intercontinental move this year, which takes up a LOT of time (still does!).

So here's my overview of this year :-)

January: Since it was summer holiday in Australia we went on a trip, and I didn't do much art. But I did manage to squeeze in a 2 day-workshop with Orly Avineri about art journaling. This is one of the spreads from that workshop:

February: my favorite challenge: 29 faces! Making a face every day of the month, and  one extra, since February this year only had 28 days. Love that challenge! Here's my overview of all the faces I did that month:

March: Did all kinds of things in March, but I also finished a painting: "I don't know how to let you go". One week after I put it on my blog it was sold already! My quickest sale ever :-)

April: in April I did a giveaway on my blog to celebrate 200 followers. This was one of the 2 paintings I gave away:

May: in May I did a weekend workshop with Tracy Verdugo. Two whole days of painting, bliss! This is one of the paintings that I started during the workshop: "Build a brighter world".

June: Another one of my favorite challenges started this month: Summer of Color. Six weeks of creating something using the prescribed colours. A real challenge sometimes to use colours I don't really like, but sometimes it leads to interesting discoveries. This is an overview of the 6 paintings I made.

July: in July I finally tried out something I'd been wanting to do since a while: making a poetrybook with my art. I used poetry from the public domain, in combination with images of my art. Loved making it, and will definitely make more in the future.

August: I managed another thing I had been wanting to try out since a long time: making a pattern! After a lot of trial and error, I came up with this:

September: August and September I was the featured artist in the Seaside Artist's Gallery in Redcliffe. At the same time it was my goodbye to this wonderful gallery, where I was able to exhibit for almost 3 years.

October: the month of our overseas move, but I still managed to do a few drawings for the Inktober challenge. Loved it so much that I'll definitely do it again next year!

November: so little time to do art, but I managed to do some sketching, and also had a giveaway on my blog for a spot in Soulfood, where I'll be one of the teachers next Spring!

December: the end of the year, and I've discovered artjournaling all over again :-) Of course it helps having a friend who loves this too, so most of the time we sit together and paint. A practice I really want to continue in the next year.

Thanks so much Morag, for giving me this idea for an overview of the year. I did much more than I thought I did, and it gives me a boost knowing what I could achieve in a year that was marked by a big house move that needed a lot of time and preparation. I know now that even when you have limited time on your hands, it's always possible to do something creative. You just need to remember to do it.

This'll be my last blogpost for this year, so I want to wish you all a wonderful new creative year, a year to overcome challenges and embark on some new adventures, a year where you remember to take the time to just play! Thanks so much for sharing this journey with me, for being here and for taking the time to comment, for encouraging me and giving me wings to keep on going. Big hugs to all of you ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. so gorgeous Denise, had not seen the pattern you created previously - very awesome and absolutely love the journal page and everything you do

  2. A beautiful year-roundup. I enjoyed every picture and LOVE the quote on the very last one:-)

  3. I've been drawn to your art from my first discovery of it. I love the way it emerges from paint and paper and shapes like magic. You might want to check out sketchbook Skool for their free intro klasses about art journaling. I'm having a blast with those klasses and community!

  4. You have made wonderful art this ear. Valerie

  5. Your year has been so creative and productive, Denthe!!

    You've painted your year with magnificent colors!

    (Your blog doesn't allow me to comment with my wordpress profile, since there isn't name/url-possibility in your comment box. I've had lately troubles commenting blogger blogs. Have to use my old blogger-profile)

    I wish you an inspirational next year!!

    1. Sorry you've had trouble commenting! If I allow the name/url-option in my comment box I also have to allow anonymous users, and then I get a lot of spammer-comments. So I'm afraid I have to leave it like this. Or I would need to install word verification .... (something not many people like...)

  6. I've enjoyed following your Blog this year! What a lovely idea to do a review! I hope you have an amazing 2015 :-)

  7. This post made me cry Denise! I feel the greif in many of your pieces, and I see the amazing evolution of really cohesive work that IS Denthe! There is a confidence in your style that is really clear now. It's so inspirational to other artists! I would recognize you anywhere and know you have powerful things to express!! Love your work, your heart and your mind!! Thanks for sharing the good the bad and the ugly with us in the last few years I know you've had some struggles! Wishing you a New Year abundant with good health, wealth and joy!

    Big hugs Giggles

  8. I have so enjoyed the year with you. Thank you for all the answers to questions and for sharing your wonderful creations. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy 2015.

  9. I remember all of those posts. What a great year and so many changes too. xox

  10. Isn't it so amazing to look back at the production of a whole year? Sometimes in the moment it feels like either I'm not getting anywhere or I haven't done anything. But a retrospective really helps one's perspective. That blue face at the top is so cool and striking! So many gorgeous paintings in your brilliantly unique style. Congratulations on a productive year and I hope 2015 is the same. :)

  11. It was fascinating to see your art over the year here, as I had not seen all of them.
    Best wishes for 2015 and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your art next year.

  12. It was a great year of art for you! Thanks for sharing your year with painting! Much fun with painting 2015!

  13. Denise, you are an inspiration! Your art is so unique and from the heart! Your colours are always so captivating and the accompanying words so profound! Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with us! How lucky we are to have found you! You make the world a much brighter place to live!

    Sincerely, Renee

  14. What a most fabulously creative year you have had Denise!! I love that you shared it in a review!!
    Can I say, I love your art?!! hugs and Happy New Year to you and your family, my friend! xo

  15. thanks for sharing your year in review!! it was a great year...i enjoyed each and every visit to your site. happy new year!!

  16. What a wonderful year, seeing your work like this is like leafing through a beautiful calender. I especially love your SOC piece, it is a wonderful challenge and really does test us ;) Happy new year, may it be full of rainbows.

  17. How fun reliving your year with you! As I read, I kept thinking, "Yup, I remember that. I remember that." I feel very in the know! LOL.

    You had a wonderfully creative year!

  18. Love all of your works, so this is a great idea, thanks. Happy New Year and Many Blessings, Janet PPF

  19. I found you via Morag's blog and I am so happy I did. It was a pleasure to read the recap of your year. You have been blessed in art and life. Greetings from Wichita, Kansas USA! Happy New Year!

  20. I so love your art, and seeing it again in your recap was wonderful. Happy new year

  21. A beautiful review. I enjoy your way to paint, your own creativity and your great Ideas.
    Thanks for sharing with us.


  22. Wow so much amazing projects! you are so full of energy and expression! Your art is so very joyful and it is always a pleasure to visit your blog! Can´t wait to do your Soul Food Lesson! Happy new year Denise! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  23. Gorgeous REVIEW!
    Wishing you all the best for the New Year!

  24. WOW! This is awesome. Isn't it surprising when we lay out the whole year like that?! Your work is extraordinary and always very inspiring Denthe! HAPPY NEW YEAR my friend. xx

  25. so wonderful to have a big glimpse of your gorgeous art in a year!
    I agree a great idea to pull it all together this way. you overflow with beauty and creativity.
    lovely 2015 to you!

  26. Wow, your art of the year looks so wonderful and amazing! A super review. I hope your 2015 is wonderful too! :)

  27. I really enjoyed the journey through your year ~ beautiful!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !