
Friday 10 October 2014


I'm up to my ears in packing boxes and papers and things to sort out, but at night, because of the Inktober challenge, I "force" myself to draw, and I feel that's good for me. Otherwise I probably wouldn't take the time. Although I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up ....

Here's day 4:
 Day 6:
 Day 7:
 Day 8:
 Day 9:
 And lastly day 10!

Phew, now that I see them all together for this week, I realize I got quite a lot done, even though I sometimes only took about 10 minutes. Shows how fast you can build up a collection.

This weekend we will be at the Queensland gymnastics championships, where our daughter is competing. Lots of time to fill up there, since there's always long waiting-periods in between routines. So I'll certainly take my sketchbook and might work ahead for Inktober. Because I can assure you: things are getting pretty hectic around here and I've reached screaming point a few times already ;-)

Last week I forgot to add my funny picture for the week. So here's an extra funny one for this week:

Hahaha, love this one :-D

That's it for now. Linking to Paint Party Friday again, hop on over there to have a look at all the art and maybe participate yourself :-)
Thanks so much for visiting! Hope your day is beautiful, and that you'll enjoy your weekend! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Wow !! What beautiful illustrations...intense and pleasing to eyes as well !

  2. Yay, someone else who is doing Inktober! I'm already a bit behind after working a few 16-hour days in a row, but I'm going to try and catch up over the weekend. Absolutely lovely work!

  3. fantasic portraits ! Wow! Happy PPF!

  4. What size these beautiful ink works are?
    If I had to draw a horse I could do just perfect number 4 :) :)
    Happy PPF!

    my blog is here - > BLOGitse

  5. Love your beautiful drawings, each one is a true gem. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Wow what a collection for such a busy lady!! These must be doing you good in your time out, they are so lovely, all the best for your days ahead!

  7. Wonderful gals here...I love how current they all are too!! Very with it, modern fashionable girls! No matter how chaotic life gets Denise, you can always come to your blog and know everything is consistent and all your creative life is recorded here! I hope it brings you some peace in the coming days! I hope we can bring you peace during this transition!!

    Big hugs Giggles

  8. wow het zijn weer kunstwerkjes allemaal, dag 5 springt eruit voor mij, gave pet heeft ze op!
    Sterkte met pakken en alvast een gezellig weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  9. I love your girl portraits. They are gorgeous! :)

  10. Well kudos to you for still doing inktober in the middle of moving continents! I love these girls-do you bar them on real people or are they completely made up because they are all so different facially but all so pretty! Good luck to your daughter in the gymnastics. X

    1. Thnx Nic. Most of them are made up, although I sometimes use pictures to get some inspiration for body-postures. But when I use pictures I almost always change the face and go wild on the hair .... ;-)

  11. Ha Dente, deze mooie dames hebben niets te lijden gehad
    van jou tijdsnood ,ze zijn super mooi !!
    voor jou dochter veel succes met haar sport.............
    en voor jou veel vrije minuutjes voor jou kunst
    weekend groetje.........

  12. Wow, you are so good at drawing! These are gorgeous pen and ink drawings. Good luck to your daughter.

  13. I just love your ink drawings!!! Best of luck with all that you have to get done this month... I feel for you <3

  14. Beautiful ink drawings!! Numbers 6,9, and 10 are my favs - and it was hard to decide! Happy PPF :)

  15. your illustrations are all incredibly beautiful Denise!!

  16. You can create a lot of beautiful work in a short amount of time. Love your inspirational artwork! I also got a kick out of that horse. I must share with friends. Thanks and have a great weekend! Best of luck to your daughter.

  17. These are all wonderful! I have a soft spot for 7 and 8. Well done to you for keeping on drawing! I know how crazy it can be. The hardest part is knowing you wont see your belongings for several months. Good luck to your daughter in the competitions.

  18. Absolutely brilliant illustrations,
    I'm in awe of not only your work but also how you are fitting everything in.
    I didn't know about Inktober so maybe I'll have a go next time ;D
    Thanks for sharing and inspiring.
    Have a great weekend and Happy PPF to you xoxo

  19. So that's how you draw a horse?? :)
    Well done on the ink challenge...all beautiful and despite being overwhelmed with packing too!

  20. Wow! These are amazing. Good Luck with your packing.

  21. Great faces. Sounds like you needed the break and to do the sketching!

  22. such gorgeous and tender pieces
    one and all
    wishing your daughter a great event and you lots of drawing

  23. As always, your drawings are amazing.

  24. Wow Denise your sketches are gorgeous...and they looks amazing all lined up!! and thumbs up for the to do of drawing a horse..hillarious :) ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  25. They look terrific all together! So much great hair.

  26. I love how you draw the hair on your subjects. A friend of mine taught me that same technique when I was in my early 20's. I never forgot--and credit her for much of what I do now. Your artwork is magical. It fills my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  27. Your drawings are so amazing. Each one has such expression and beautiful features.

  28. great ink drawings!! looks like a fun challenge for this month. LOL ... the horse drawing. it's so easy to draw a horse!!

  29. Daaaaaang! Look at you go! You have just inspired me to try to get back to drawing something every day. I love your range and the expansiveness of your style. Day 8 is captivating!

  30. Your Day 5 drawing spoke to me...just made a copycat version in my your ladies! And that "drawing lesson" at the end of your post is a hoot!

  31. I love these, I don't even think I can pick a fave one! They are all so good in different ways!


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