
Friday 3 October 2014

art in between other things ...

Last weekend I decided to use up some almost empty paint tubes, as well as some fabric paints that I had made into washes and couldn't take with me. That was fun! Also used up some spray paints on new rocks that I collected.

Here's some of the fabric:

It's only background for now, when I'm back in Belgium I will add some stencilling and stamping and marks.

Here's a canvas that I used my leftover paint on. I had only a few colours, and I kinda like the effect of this limited colour palette:

Wondering which way I'll be  going with this one :-) (can't wait to paint again ....)

Also finished two more rocks:

big size difference ...

And these will definitely be the last ones, since I've started packing my paints (boohoo!)

So from now on I'll only be using pencils and markers and maybe watercolours. So I decided I could just as well join the Inktober challenge. Never heard of this before, but Cindy mentioned it on her blog last week (thnx Cindy!), and it seemed like the perfect challenge for me to keep making art amidst the packing. The challenge is to make one ink drawing a day for the entire month. Not sure how long I'll be able to keep going, I'll still only post once a week (although I might post more often on my Facebookpage), and the week of the move I probably won't find the time at all, but still, I want to try.

Here's day one:

and day 2:

and day 3:

Well, that's it for now! Thanks so much for your visit and your comments, it's greatly appreciated :-)
Linking this as always to  Paint Party Friday, the weekly party with lots of eye-candy.

Take care of yourself, have a happy day and I wish you a wonderful loving and fun weekend! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I really love all of them, and to think you did all that with left-over paints. Nicely done! Happy PPF, and have a great weekend!

  2. You've been busy, and I love everything you've done. You have a very unique and beautiful drawing style. Blessings!

  3. You are always busy and you make amazing inspiring art!
    Happy PPF!

  4. Hooray for Inktober! You're quite welcome and you know, I just saw mention of it myself a couple weeks ago. I've been trying to recall where I saw it but no luck yet. (Maybe Facebook).

    The little tiny face rock is just adorable. And all the inktober girls are so cool! Love the different hairstyles, especially that last curly one.

  5. These are wonderful! A true artist keeps going no matter what! Your inks and rocks are incredible...the large rock looks like a funny... I saw toes.... You could always split your last post before the move and schedule the one you may miss...lots of busy artists do that!!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Beautiful work. Have a good journey! Valerie

  7. Every thing here is so inspiring! Your inktober drawings are wonderful and the rocks are so fun

  8. Mandela was a wise man....
    You know how to do it - paint, draw...
    I've never heard about inktober challenge...thanks for the hint.
    Happy PPF!

    my blog is here - > BLOGitse

  9. Your work is always so beautiful, I love your special rocks and as for those felt drawings, they are so very lovely, very delicate, they touch me. All the best for the removal process, it's great you keep up with art in all the hustle and bustle, it will soothe you when needed.

  10. Great backgrounds and love your rocks and those fabulous drawings Denthe. Happy PPF, Annette x

  11. Wonderful fabric backgrounds, cant wait to see what you do with them, wonder if being back at home will change your colour palette? Loved the rocks and the ink drawings are wonderful, love Day 2 and its quote.

  12. Paint, ink or another medium- your art is always beautiful, Denthe. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  13. Your painted fabric looks great and I'm sure will be very useful later.
    Your ink drawings are sublime and the challenge sounds a perfect one for when you are limited as to your art supplies. I like them all but especially like the first one with the flowers.

  14. Your ink girls are amazing and it sounds like a fun challenge. Water pens are great, too, to take on the run. They work well with watercolor pencils. Looking forward to seeing more of your art.

  15. Beautiful work as always!! I swear you are great at every medium you try! haha!

  16. Denise, Is there anything that you cannot create? and be beautiful?! heehee Those rocks are so cool, that fabric is gorgeous with those subtle tones, the canvas is-a perfect background, and your ink drawings are incredible! I love your art!! "0 (sorry about having to pack the paints "(

  17. I love your painted rocks! What talent you have with any kind of substrate! I love the colors on the canvas.

  18. How extraordinary! I love your pen and inks, but the fabric and other pieces you post are equally amazing. Wow!

  19. Love the rocks, & such fun, colourful fabrics & canvas! The ladies are also lovely
    I'm impressed you still find time for art 'midst the packing & preparing to move SO FAR!!

  20. Hi I love your sketches. What caught my eye is your shading. Just a bit under the chin and on the first one on the back of her neck where her hair would leave a shadow. Very well done. Your fabric and especially your background are fabulous. Love all of those colors.
    Have a great weekend

  21. Very brave to start a challenge with all that's going on on your world. I'm glad you did as I love your ink ladies.

  22. you know i looooove everything you do, and those ink drawings are the cutest bits of art!!! i wonder what you'll end of doing with them once you've finished the challenge !

  23. Love your rock painting. I started doing that, too. And good for you for allowing yourself to keep creating in some form or fashion in the midst of your packing. I know it's hard to see things being put in boxes especially your art supplies.

  24. What great use you made of your left over paints. I love your rocks with the painting and sayings.

  25. Your girls are all so amazing! It's always so inspirational to come to your blog.

  26. It's phantastic to see how much phantasy there is in your artwork whether it's fabric or stone or canvas or paper ... you are such a great artist to make art from everything. Thank your sharing all this inspiration!

  27. Sketching is also a good thing - I would miss painting too. I really like the drawings - and look forward to seeing what that painted fabric becomes.

  28. love that you used up your almost empty supplies.
    inktober sounds like fun, also just what i have been doing lately.
    your pieces are all so dear.

  29. Dente, een verslag tussen de verhuis dozen,mooi zijn je penteningen, ook leuk dat je laat zien het verschil tussen de grote en kleine stenen,ook weer met een prachtig kopje er op.
    Dente ik kom hier met plezier kijken met wat jou zo bezig houd,veel plezier tussen de kunst en het verhuizen.
    Ik hoop je hier gauw terug te zien.
    groetjes Christiene.................

  30. Boy, I love your painted rocks, Denthe! I just found a pen drawing in my sketchbook of a face you did a long time ago that inspired me for some small egg-shaped gourds I have that I want to paint. Looking forward to more of your Inktober pieces!

  31. Your ink work is always amazing - you will rock Inktober!!

  32. Ouch, moving is serious business. The art will be your shining moment inside your soul. I love the rocks, especially Be a voice not an echo. The gals are fun, grief sometimes I need another world too. Blessings, Janet PPF

  33. I REALLY LOVE THE ROCKS! you rock the rock! :) what paint do you use for them?

    1. thnx Ahdini! I use regular acrylics for these, sometimes ink, and acrylic markers. And I finish with 2 coats of waterbased varnish.


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