
Saturday 18 October 2014

Almost there ....

Look where I spent the last 4 days ...

Isn't that the most beautiful place to say goodbye to a great country? It was so great taking a few days off and leave all the packing and stressing behind. I am going to miss Australia so much. My heart really is torn between the love for this country and its people, and the need to be closer to family and lifelong friends. Next week will only consist of saying goodbye and not knowing whether we'll ever see these people or places again. My stomach is in a constant knot, and tears are often not far behind. So happy to have had the chance to live here for more than three years, so sad to go. And at the same time knowing that it can only be like this, that we don't want to stay that far away from family and friends any longer. But it's not always easy to do the thing that you know in your heart is the right thing to do....

Anyway, because of this little holiday, I fell behind with the Inktober challenge, and I know I won't be able to keep up anymore. I will still be drawing, but probably won't find the time to scan and post.

Here's what I was able to finish this week:


I know I'll definitely do this challenge again next year. I love making ink-drawings. And I'll keep on making them. Not sure whether I'll be able to post though. On Thursday the container will come to pick up all of our stuff. On Sunday we fly to Melbourne, where we stay for 2 days, before flying to Brussels. It all depends on how everything goes and whether we have internet-connection wherever we are.

But I'll try to visit all of you in the meantime :-)

I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday, a bit later than I usually do, but I was on a beautiful island without internet-connection, so that's a good excuse I guess ... ;-)

Thanks so much for being here and for all your support! I hope your weekend is going great. Take care, and I'll be back! ♥ ♥ ♥

Oh yes, almost forgot my funny for the week ...

I feel like this a bit too often lately ;-)


  1. I love your ink drawings, the detail is amazing. Good luck with your journey. I hope to get connected up soon so we can see more of your work.

  2. Dente misschien goed dat er geen internet was even rust om bij te komen........
    je laat het hier mooi verzorgd achter, met mooie byzondere inkttekeningen.....prachtig!!
    Ik wens je een goede reis met jou gezin en dat alles naar wens mag gaan.
    En natuurlijk kijk ik uit naar het nieuws dat we van je krijgen.
    liefs groetjes tot dan Christiene....................

  3. Hi, you are invited to share this with Feline Art Friday:

  4. You can always fly back for a beach holiday! Don't worry, life goes on....
    We're going to Sydney in February, our son lives there...

    my blog - > BLOGitse

  5. Looks wonderful where you camped out. Wishing you all safe travels going home.

    Of course I love all of your fab drawings. See you soon, hugs Annette x

  6. Your inky drawings are wonderful! I can understand how you are feeling. Take care of yourself, Valerie

  7. I love the ink drawings and I wish you well in your final goodbyes in Australia and greetings wherever you are moving to.

  8. Your drawings are so skilful and full of emotion, it's hard to leave a place you love, but good to go home too.
    I especially like your first and last drawings and Rumi certainly knew a thing or two.
    Best wishes for your move and we'll all (mostly) be here in the same place at PPF when you are back home.
    "See" you later!

  9. stunning ink portraits Denise!!! I can't imagine the tuggings at your heart throughout this big move. I just heard from my dear aunt in France that she was in the hosp. 2 wks, had heart sx, and then got in a car accident recently. Her two sons live quite a distance away as do other relatives so she is pretty much alone. How I wish I could help her- but then , my immediate family is also here in the US...

  10. I'm sure you'll find free wifi somewhere...all starbucks have it!! Great inks... that photo looks so similar to a photo Tracey has posted before!! Being unsettled is always a bit traumatizing until you feel secure again! Wishing you a smooth move full of great luck with a joyful ending! We are all here for you!

    Hugs Giggles

  11. Beautiful faces & technique!

    All the best with the changes that lie ahead!


  12. Good luck and safe travels. It must be so hard to leave the people you have come to cherish and a place that so feeds your soul and your art. I am sure it will always infuse who you are and who you will become on your path. xox

  13. Safe travels and hope you get settled in to your new place soon. So sad to leave people and places behind that you love.

  14. My heart feels for you Denise-some day it will feel better-relish the time left there ,trying not to stress too much xoxo
    Your inks are wonderful! ")

  15. I'm using that sticker, haha! LOVE your ink faces. Just love them. I really enjoy seeing what your are up to, thanks for sharing!

  16. Wonderful work in ink!!! Your style shines through no matter the medium!! Best wishes for your new adventure - who knows what amazing things await you :)

  17. I love the wonderful detail in your drawings. They are just lovely.

  18. Happy times ahead and treasured memories to keep.... good luck wherever the next path takes you. Lovely drawings in your special style.

  19. Safe travels Denise. Hope you will be back on-line soon so i can enjoy your beautiful art and wonderful blog posts

  20. Oh Denthe... I am sad for you. I totally understand your aching heart, to leave such a beautiful place! But you must trust that your decision to move is the right one for now. And Australia will always be there for you, if you decide to return to it. I wish you the BEST in your travels and I hope to see you back here soon. We'll miss your lovely art. (Your ink drawings are incredible)... lots of love to you! xx

  21. Wishing y all the best on the road you are about to take. May your journey be a magical and positive one. I love your work Denthe. It's very passionate and I can see it comes from your heart. All the best with moving.

  22. Your sketches are so moving and beautiful Denise. Good look in your new life. Where are you moving to? Happy PPF

    1. thanks! We're moving back to my home country Belgium ....

  23. Wonderful artwork is this! I wish you a save traveling!

  24. You are happy when you have seen that great land. NeW adventures are waiting for you:)

  25. schitterende tekeningen, de een nog mooier dan de ander.
    Als ik zo naar die foto kijk kan ik me voorstellen dat je moeite hebt al dat moois achter te laten.
    Aan de andere kant, dichter bij je familie en vrienden is ook weer genieten, maar dan op een andere manier.
    Groetjes Karin

  26. I'm feeling with you - this really is what will always be with us who live and love two countries. There will always be something that we'll miss. I'm glad that you had a few relaxing days before you're going back. I think it's not emotionally restful though... Wishing you a good journey back, safe travels! From spring into autumn and winter...

  27. I hope you have a safe and uneventful move - treasure all your memories and enjoy spending time with your family again!! It is why the move is worth it. . .

  28. I know it is difficult to leave a place you are so fond of. I agree you are very fortunate to have lived in such a wonderful place. New adventures await you. Love your ink drawings. You are so very talented and I enjoy seeing your creations.

  29. that beach scene looks amazing
    so glad you got away to enjoy the land you live on
    and to say goodbye
    it is so hard to not know if we will see people again
    close one door
    another opens
    wishing you a safe and good journey
    loved seeing your arts

  30. Oh Denise, I am so sad you are leaving Australia, even though I have never met you in real life. But I can totally understand that you want to be close to your family again. And also understand how heart breaking it must be to leave this beautiful country behind. It sure has grown on me over all the years that I have lived here now. I could not imagine my life now anymore without Australia. At least these days with internet it is not out of sight out of mind. You will still be here on your blog. Looking forward to read your blog posts about your experiences settling back in in your home country. And looking forward to see more of your amazing art. Wishing you a good trip home. Best of luck.

  31. Your drawings are wonderful as usual, and so heartfelt. Good wishes for your voyage to your family homeland.' Thank you for your comment on my blog.

  32. Totally loving all the hair! I totally understand the sadness but I imagine you will be so thrilled to be able to see your friends and family all the time! Good luck! (I had trouble keeping up with inktober also. But that's ok! It helped us do a little art in between all the other things.) :)

  33. Will miss you until you can post your beautiful art again. Just think of all the beautiful memories of Australia you will take with you

  34. I don't know how you can manage to art and move at the same time. :) Love your beautiful art. And good luck with the move. Hope everything runs smoothly for you. :)

  35. Good luck with the move! Hope you're getting settled into your new home, and are able to post again soon.

  36. Oh I know exactly how you are feeling having been through exactly the same thing last year. We were in Melbourne for 6 years and loved it but felt we needed to come back home to family.
    Once I made the move I settled back into life and felt it had been the right thing to do.
    I've move around the globe for 24 years and now realise after so much practice that you need to give yourself six months to settle into a new place. I wish you the best of luck with everything.
    Nearly forgot to say your ink drawings are incredible. I've enjoyed browsing so much and can only apologise for not visiting sooner.
    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend ;D


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