
Friday 12 September 2014

sketching again

Discovered my sketchbook again :-) It's so easy to take with you everywhere, I really should do it more often ....

Will play a bit with the background of this one in Photoshop. Some time when I can find the time ... ;-)

The last few days I've been finishing some small rocks that I wanted to give as a present to some dear friends of mine. In the gallery where I have my work, there's another artist who used to be a buddhist monk, and who leads buddhist groups in his home. He invited me to one of those last year, so I did, and I met the most wonderful people there.

Look how small they are ....

I am not religious. I was brought up a Catholic, but I gave up religion when I was in my twenties. I couldn't justify all the bloodshed and hate between people because of difference in religions, I couldn't stand people trying to force their ideas onto others thinking they were somehow better or wiser. If you want to believe in a God, go ahead, I have no problems with that, but don't go around condemning other people when they don't believe in the same things. The only religion, if you can even call it that, I think it's more a way of life, that I feel a bit close to is Buddhism. And being in those groups confirmed that for me. So since I'm moving back to Belgium, and I'm not sure I will be able to go to the meeting in October (I will probably be up to my ears in packing ...), I took these rocks as a going away present for the other people in the group.

Usually the rocks I paint are much larger, but last time I was at the beach I found these cute small rocks and took some home with me. And I really like making them. I might even start selling them online, since they don't weigh much and the shipping costs wouldn't be ridiculous.

This week Dawn DeVries Sokol mentioned on Facebook that her new book about Art Journals will be released in April 2015. And I'm very honoured that she asked me to be in it! Here's the cover, so you can drool over it (I know I do!) until it comes out in April next year :-)

And last but not least: There is a promo again in my Society6-shop: free worldwide shipping and $5 off iphone-cases, to celebrate the launch of iphone6-cases! But only if you use this link!

Since last week they also have long-sleeved shirts. I don't have that many shirts in my shop yet, but I'm working on it :-) Here are some examples:

To end this post, here's another "funny" from Pinterest or Facebook, don't even remember where I got it :-)

haha, love it!

Thanks so much for your visit! I hope you're having a beautiful day, and a relaxing weekend full of warmth. I'm linking this as always to the wonderful ladies at Paint Party Friday!
See you next week! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Fantastic ART! Congrats on being featured!
    Happy PPF!

  2. Denise, how I love your art, my friend! It is always a feast for my eyes. As for religion, nature is my temple.

  3. Why, oh why haven't I got the patience to sketch like you do! If I'd got that, I'd be much more talented, but 'm so lazy and what just to paint, paint. Practice would make me better.

    Those rocks are so cute and so tiny!

  4. Adorable rocks! COngrats on the book!!!

  5. Great art and love the photo! Valerie

  6. Just love your drawing - she is so beautiful...
    And such a fun photo :)
    Happy PPF :)
    no. 17

  7. Love the drawing of the girl and the rocks are super! Congrats on the book!

  8. What a fun post! I love your adorable rocks! They are so happy!! Your girl is beautiful too!! Thanks for sharing all this happiness!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. These tiny rocks are adorable and perfect if your friends were to use them as gratitude stones! I agree with you completely on religion. It was actually becoming vegan that made me realise no god would allow so much suffering of innocent creatures. I am very spiritual though especially since learning reiki and i believe there is a profound universal connecting between everything and that our energy continues after we're no longer here. I think Buddhism has a lot of the elements like that. Congrats on being part of the art journal book-that's brilliant. Society 6 is perfect for your style of art-your work looks great on everything from phone covers to duvet covers!

  10. What a lovely idea to give those beautiful rocks as gifts :-) I really liked them, they gave me a nice feeling and made me smile! It's times like these I wish I had an iPhone so I could get one of your amazing cases!!

  11. Superb!! Love your tiny little sweet hearts :)

  12. Beautiful artwork and congratulations on being published, such a thrill. A lot of terrible things happen in the world in the name of religion. I believe these awful people use religion as an excuse for their wicked behaviour..........oooh I could go on but won't...........Happy PPF, Annette x

  13. Your pebbles are beautiful, what lucky friends to receive them! :) If I had to pick a religion it would be Buddhism (even though it's not strictly a religion!) but I not the sort of person that can follow an organisation fully, maybe that's why I'm an artist. ;)
    The weekend is approaching! Have a good one Denise. xx

  14. Great stuff Denise! the rocks are so cute and colourful and that drawing is really good. Lots going on for you! good luck with all the packing and moving

  15. Your stones are always so lovely! As for that sketch, what a beauty, enchanting work as always here!

  16. Very creative post full of beautiful art!
    Happy PPF!

    my blog is here - > BLOGitse

  17. Denthe, so beautiful stone paintings. Happy for your succes in the art:) Happy PPF!

  18. Een feestje om hier te kijken en te lezen
    een hand vol steentjes,zo zie je goed hoe klein dat ze zijn
    prachtig zo als jij daar een gezichtje er op schilderd....
    Dente ,een vraagje heb je ook wel eens mensen als model?
    Ik wens je een goed en gezellig weekend.
    groetjes Christiene.....

    1. Dankjewel Christiene!
      Om op je vraag te antwoorden: live portretten heb ik nooit getekend, ik werk meestal van foto's. En dan probeer ik er altijd nog wat dingetjes aan te veranderen, om het meer van mezelf te maken.... :-)

  19. super congrats on being published Denise-well deserved!! Your portrait is stunning with her sweet and tender expression. And of course, I think your art looks good on anything!

  20. Love your rocks and paintings. Congrats on all your endeavors coming to fruition. Selling your rocks is a great idea.:))

  21. I love all your stones, much detailed work! I have tried my own stones, but get crazy over all those little percised work that they require!! Congrats of beeing part of Dawn´s book and to your society-6 shop..looks very awesome all your stuff! ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  22. Love the sketch and those stones are soooo cute!! Just what I love!!

  23. Love your 'nude' sketch! And what pretty small rocks.

  24. Congrats on being features in the book!!!! That is very exciting♥ Love the sketch and those rocks are fantastic... Some people are going to be very happy with their gifts. Good luck with the packing ... I know what a chore that will be.

  25. Fabulous on being featured in Dawn's book!! I'll be looking for my copy in 2015!! I love your small gift rocks and I am sure the receivers will love them as much!-especially coming from your heart!
    You are not only a very talented and creative woman but a very soulful and wise one- thank you for sharing such a lovely post- and your portrait is striking! xoxo

  26. Wow so much going on, congratulations on the book and your work being featured. Checking in, thanks for sharing your work! Love to see what you're up too...
    Happy Paint Party Friday :) xo Tam

  27. What a lovely style you have! Your sketch is beautiful and the rocks you've painted are wonderful!

  28. Fantastic sketch! And I love your little painted rocks. Well done. :)

  29. Stupid internet just ate my comment!!
    Anyhoo - how cool that you are going to be featured in the new book - CANNOT wait to see your pages!

  30. Oh your painted rocks are so pretty and the sketch is awesome! Congrats on the upcoming book you are in!

  31. Your drawing is beautiful. Love the cute little rocks. How nice to share the story behind the rocks. The book about art journals sounds great.

  32. Wow this is a full post packed with lots of beauty. The sketch is so delicate and those rocks are a brilliant idea for gifts.
    Love that photo too... it made me giggle
    Congrats on your future feature.
    Happy PPF to you

  33. The painted rocks look wonderful and so pretty with all of their colors! Your society6 shop looks fantastic too. I think your art looks amazing on the pillows! So pretty!

  34. Loving those rocks, lucky friends! Congrats on being in the book to come, it looks great!

  35. Nice to be in the sketching practice. I never did get the hang of taking stuff with me. Sweet parting gifts. xox

  36. I too admire Buddhist philosophy. Your work always seems deeply spiritual and I sense many hidden meanings in the multiple layers you use. I love your sketch you are super talented x

  37. so wonderful to see all your arts, rocks and sketch!
    i feel similar about religions
    Buddhism is wonderful as is the Celtic path....
    wishing you the best with your move!

  38. Hi Denthe, I love your little rock faces! What a thoughtful gift for your like-minded friends. Sounds like October will really busy for you.

  39. I love the sketch. The journal book looks interesting. Your shop is great. Blessings, Janet PPF

  40. Love your colourful stones, my favourite is the bird.
    The book looks terrific, how exciting to be in it
    And I love your last photo, so amusing.

  41. Denise, your rock paintings are amazing. i can't over the detail in such small stones... BEAUTIFUL work. And what a kind gesture to give them to your new friends in the Buddhist group. I am with you on religion. None for me, thank you. The sunrise & sunset are enough for me. :-) So happy that your work will be published in a book soon. You so deserve it. You've been making beautiful art... thank you for sharing! xx


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