
Friday 5 September 2014

Food for the soul

I am really excited to tell you that I will be teaching in SOUL FOOD 2015! 

Yes! I will be part of an amazing group of artists who generously and "soulfully" share their secrets, and I will even be sharing one of my favorite recipes with you :-)  Looking forward to next Spring, and I do hope you will join us!

Here's a little bit about SOUL FOOD 2015
A brand new Soul Food class will run at Community Thrive, from February 1 through April 30, 2015.
You can expect:
  • 3 Head Chefs: The amazingly talented Mystele Kirkeeng, Heather Santos and Jeanette House
  • 17 Sous-Chefs (myself included)
  • 2 video instruction mixed media lessons per week for 3 months
  • Each artist’s favourite comfort food cooking recipe
  • All downloadable videos
  • Classroom access through Dec 31, 2015
  • Access to a private Soul Food community group on Facebook
Registration will open on January 1, 2015, and you will need to be a member at Community Thrive in order to purchase and participate in Soul Food.

The community is free to join and you can register here. When your registration is approved, you’ll find the Soul Food purchase link here (from January 1, 2015).

The purchase price for SF 2015 is $65 USD.
  • 10% discount available to our SF 2014 alumni
Everyone who purchases SF 2015 can also take advantage of:
  • 10% discount on Slimline SF 2014 [featuring the head Chefs’ 17 lessons]
  • 10% discount on a new class that we’ll be announcing on April 1, 2015!
In the meantime, there’s lots happening at Community Thrive to keep you playing: themed art challenges, free mini classes, and other online classes are all available now; and a new round of Mystele’s popular Gut Art class will open in October 2014.

Follow this link to meet the Soul Food class of 2015 Faculty and take a look at the amazing artists that have gathered just waiting to inspire you!

Visit Community Thrive and take a look!

I have been practicing with using a videocamera to record my introduction to you. Oh my, still have a lot to learn ;-) But it'll get ready. I just need to learn not to talk too much, because once I get going it's hard to shut me up ...

Meanwhile. I've been busy with the move, but managed to start painting some more rocks, as a surprise for friends here in Australia. These are really small rocks, and I really like painting them too. Until now most rocks I used were about the palm of my hand.

Here are the rocks that I finished last week and didn't show you yet:

My calendar for 2015 is finished and I just ordered one! I haven't publised it yet on Lulu because I always want to get one for myself first to check whether I didn't make a mistake somewhere. It'll be available within a few weeks, when I've received mine :-)

Here are some more pages from my calendar:

That's it for now, haven't been able to do much more. One would think I would've packed up the whole house by now, but nothing could be further from the truth. I didn't even pack one single box yet. I just don't know where the time goes. There are so many urgent things that pop up during the days that I can be happy if I manage to do some phonecalls. I am starting to get really annoyed by answering machines though. Or "put-on-hold"- machines, whatever you call it.  Have you noticed that there's not a single one that has decent, calming music on there? My stresslevels shoot through the roof after listening to them for 10 minutes. Aaarrgghhh!

So to end this with a smile, here's another Pinterest-find:


Okay, that's it for this week. Linking this to Paint Party Friday, as always. Hope you're having a wonderful day, and wishing you a weekend full of fun and warmth. Thanks so much for visiting! I'll be back next Friday ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I love your rocks and your calendar art rocks as well! Congrats on your new endeavors!

  2. lovely rock art and calendar pages, good luck with Soul Food 2015 and your move!

  3. Love your rocks and art, good luck with soul food. Valerie

  4. That sounds really exciting Denise-Congrats on being a teacher. Will you be teaching your otitis paintings? I've heard of soul food but I've never really done an online class as I've never managed to fit it in and worry I wouldn't be able to get it all done. Maybe someday! Is live to see your video lessons though!
    Your little rocks are lovely and your calendar looks fantastic. Your very smart ordering a sample first-I'd have just stuck it out there and then discovered an error! !

    1. eh, what is an otitis painting Nic ... ;-D

  5. Ha Dente,je hebt hard gewerkt,en kijk uit naar SOUL FOOD 2015.......
    Ik lees tussen de regels door dat je steeds op zoek voor iets nieuws,en dat lukt jou goed
    je agend heeft mooie vrolijke kleuren, de stenen is ook echt leuk om te maken,en ook heel leuk om te krijgen als kadootje.Dente ik wens je tussen het schilderen door veel plezier met het inpakken van de verhuis dozen.
    Fijn weekend groetjes Christiene........

  6. Congratulations on teaching at Soul food. I know you'll do well... I just love Mystele and her wonderful artwork!!
    Love your rocks and that calendar is gorgeous! The words match perfectly! It's been such a joy watching you evolve as such an inspiration!!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. love those painted stones... really wonderful gifts... and that pinterest find is a gem... love that first haircut... would look great on the mutt lol

  8. I was thinking of signing up for Soulfood this time. thefact that you will be teaching there makes it even more tempting!!

  9. Hehe... had a giggle at the hair-do's although I'm a little nervous as I'm about to ring my hairdressers. I must check the number before I dial!
    Your stones are fantastic and they reminded me that when on holiday in New Zealand I painted a few stones and left them in the house for the host. She was thrilled and wrote me a beautiful email to thank me. It was such a simple thing to do but the impact on the recipient was huge.
    They make great gifts.
    Happy PPF and thanks for bringing my memory back to me ;D

  10. Wowow how exciting for you. Congratulations! Your rocks are so adorable. I would imagine you sell lots of those.
    Have a great weekend

  11. haa..the text almost made me spit my coffee out on the screen. :))) I'm always trying to come up with something witty to say to strangers texting me, but I'm usually dull, so I don't bother answering at all. Love the rocks, and all you've got going on. You sure are busy, girl.

  12. lots of great news here Denise! I will certainly consider signing up (esp. after checking the links). Love your painted rocks and the calendar looks fantastic too!

  13. You will be a great addition to Soul Food. Hope your packing is going well. xox

  14. The calendar is fantastic. I love seeing it. Blessings, Janet PPF

  15. Congrats on being part of soul food! Your paintings are always so beautiful and unique, I would imagine you will sell many calendars!

  16. You make stones soft!

    my blog is here - > BLOGitse

  17. You're so talented and busy, busy, that's great. The year 2015 is going to be solid rock for you! Roll it, girl!

  18. Congrats on your on-line teaching happening next year! love your calendar art and rocks

  19. How exiting Denise, you will be teaching an online class. I have just signed up for Community Thrive, so have some exploring to do on their website. Love your rocks and your calendar is looking fantastic.

  20. Your rocks are awesome. I wish you lots of fun teaching at Soul Food. It's been a while since I've been to Mystele's blog. Gosh, I remember her from 2007. Have fun with the class.

  21. Wow!! Huge congrats on joining the soul food team. You will add so much to the team with your fantastic box of magic colour. I do love those rocks. They are so * you *

  22. Good news about the upcoming class. I will check it out. I'm always looking for new ways to be inspired!

    oh, and thanks for the funny!!

  23. How absolutely wonderful that you will be teaching at Soul Food Denise!! Looks like I will be signing up for class now!! Yay! Hope all is moving along smooth with your move! xo

  24. Congrats on being selected and one of the teachers for Soul Food!!!!! I love the rocks you have done and can't wait too order my new calender.

  25. Love the rocks and congrats on the Soul Food and good luck with it. Love the Pinterest this week.

  26. Magical and beautiful work as always here! So great to hear you are teaching in Soul Food, wonderful news!

  27. Love the rocks and so glad you will be teaching Soul Food 2015 can't wait...

  28. Totally loving all your wonderful, colorful rocks!

  29. wow wat gaaf, gefeliciteerd!!

  30. Congratulations for your new teacher year 2015! Beautiful rocks:)

  31. Great news that you are going to be teaching!! Love your stones! Thank you Denthe for your lovely words at my blog, and, yes, I would have loved if you could have visited! :-)

  32. luv the stone art; have a nice week end

    much love...

  33. Very pretty, lovely work.
    Greeting from Belgium.

    Honors costumes Opera with the textiles museum of Lyon

    Mons in Belgium My city

  34. I've never taken Soul Food before but I will now - I can't wait to see you paint - hope you do some of your amazing hair that I always love - hint hint. . . LOL!

  35. SO true about the middle of the night! Love your rocks, calendar and everything! Happy PPF!

  36. Congratulations, Denise. To be a teacher sounds really exciting. I'm sure, you will do great.

  37. Congratulations! How wonderful. Your work is wonderful, too.

  38. I sense you will be a wonderful teacher and i am sure that you have SO much to share!

    Your rocks and calendar are wonderful, beautiful with lovely meaning!

  39. YAY!! Um, HOW fabulous is that!? That's amazing! I am so happy for you - and Soul Food looks great! It should be an amazing class! xoxo

  40. Oh! AND I want a calendar. Looks gorgeous!

  41. Would love to see you in action on video!! I know what you mean about talking a lot, I do the same thing! I try to really cut down on it otherwise my videos would be 20 minutes long!


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