
Friday 29 August 2014

Rock mania

Two weeks ago I started painting a rock for a commission, and figured I could just as well start putting a groundlayer on my other rocks, in case I found the time somewhere to make some more.

Because I'm working at the gallery tomorrow, and my rocks are almost sold out, I got them out again this week and started decorating.

And couldn't stop...

It's a weird thing with these rocks, they can lay there for months without me going near them, but once I get them out it's sort of addicting to keep working on them. I love the feel of these rocks in my hands, and how the shape of each rock defines what I'll put on there. I always work on more than one at the same time, keep going back and forth between them until all of a sudden they are all finished, and I can start looking for a fitting quote for each of them.

Funny enough, the one that I started out with, the commission, is not finished yet. But it's getting there. Here are a few that I finished this week:

I also made a few more pages for my 2015 calendar:

Still working towards the creation of a year planner, although I really shouldn't, given I have so much to do at the moment, but I'm not quite ready yet to give up on the idea. I have been making my own planners since 1997 (gee, can't believe it's been that long!), but I haven't made one since living in Australia. Mostly because I want to try out a self-publishing venue (until now I printed it out myself), but in the end it was too complicated and time ran away from me. I will try out a few pages this weekend, and then either proceed with it or wait for another year ...

Oh yes, despite having to get ready for the big move, I spend too much time on Pinterest (I figure at the end of the day I deserve a break from organizing, so I treat myself to some Pinterest and completely lose track of time, as I'm sure some of you will be familiar with ... ☺). And I come across so many funny/interesting/ wise things on there, that I decided to end my blogposts with one of these pics every week ;-)

can't stop laughing with this ... :-D

That's it for this week! I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. Thanks so much for being here and leaving your wonderful comments. I hope you're having a great Friday, and some nice things to look forward to in the weekend! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Hi there, hope all is good. Where do find all these rocks? I like all the different shapes and sizes and the painting that you've done on them is just awesome. What fun it must be. Great job. Happy PPF!

    1. These rocks I found on a beach when we were on holiday. But I've been told that gardencenters sell them too. Ask for river rocks :-)

  2. I meant to say where do YOU find all these rocks. Sorry about that. It's been a long day.

  3. Your deviated rucks are gorgeous. I gathered a load of rocks from the beach ages ago planning to do some rock painting but they'd still gathering dust in the garage! I think I'll leave painting rocks to you-you do it so well! Was it flora bowley (think that's how you spell her surname) that you learnt the intuitive painting from? I just noticed she's running an e course in September and I'd giving away free places. I'd love to do it but have some stuff on in September that means I wouldn't have time. I love this dog pic-I saw that on Facebook and laughed. I love pinterest too-best way to waste time ever!

    1. Thanks Nic! Yes, I did Flora's first e-course in 2012, and learnt so much in her workshop. Really worth doing if you get the chance!

  4. Decorated not deviated-auto correct drives me mad!

  5. Your rocks are wonderful, you have painted overtime this week! Hugs, Valerie

  6. I love the rocks and also your calendar pages. Beautiful!

  7. The rocks are wonderful, you manage find really interesting shapes. Love the calendar pages. I too spend way too much time on Pinterest too!!!

  8. Your rocks are truly stunning and if I saw them in a store I would definitely purchase a few... I love the happy one!! Have you checked out Vista print but get the upgrade paper and gloss if you try it...they sometimes have 40 and 50 percent off prices...just to see if you like any of your work on it... just a thought!!
    You always inspire me!

    Hugs Giggles

    1. thanks Sherrie! I used Vistaprint only once, for cards, and I wasn't pleased with the quality: the paper was too thin, and the cards were cheap but the shipping costs really high. Might try it again with upgrade paper. Thnx for the tip!

  9. What a fascinating idea, painted rocks. I wonder what paint you use as a primer and then to paint the pattern. You've painted such beautiful details on them, both the designs and the words, that's very clever.
    Your calender pages are glorious.

    1. thanks Sheila! I always use acrylics, and sometimes (when I feel like it ☺) I put a layer of gesso on there, but not always. If I have really opaque paint I skip the primer. For details I use acrylic paint markers, and for the eyelashes a really thin liner brush and fluid acrylics or ink. The words I do with an acrylic marker. And to finish a couple of coats of satin varnish....

  10. Your rocks are amazing. I am not surprised that they are almost sold out.Happy PPF!

  11. Your rocks are so cool! I painted a few in the summer and they turned out just hideous, not my cup of tea, obviously :(

  12. Wow I love these rocks!! I want to do it too now. Although I don't know where to get rocks from lol! I'm in central London so not many places with rocks around here. Next time I go to the seaside I will try and find some.

    1. Try a garden center! You might get lucky :-)

  13. Ha Dente,leuk je weer met stenen te zien,een mooi bezigheid prachtig om te zien!!
    maar waar haal je stenen? ...ik zelf ben er ook mee bezig geweest, en vind het ook zo leuk om te doen........Mooi je kalender.....2015.
    Ja en de hond is prachtig....komt mij bekend voor,heb een hond gehad en die door de deur ging,
    net als deze hond met de bank...maar toen hebben we niet gelachen...
    wens je een goed weekend......Christiene.

    1. bedankt Christiene! Deze stenen heb ik gevonden op een strand toen we op vakantie waren. Ik hou altijd mijn ogen open voor mooie stenen. Ik heb gehoord dat je ze ook in tuincentra zou kunnen vinden, heb het nog niet geprobeerd maar je kan altijd eens gaan kijken ....

  14. great idea lovely colours and that dog is funny

  15. Your rocks really "rock"! It is amazing that you can put so much color and design on something like them. They are beautiful. Good luck on your packing up. It is a long tedious process. Just be sure to label the boxes of art supplies. I love the dog cartoon.

  16. your rocks are truly amazing-such intricate details on such a small surface-and your lettering-I sure wish mine looked half as good! Your calendar is looking really good. LOVE the dog photo!! It'll be fun to see what you show us each week.

  17. I love your artists brain. You have so much talent. The rocks are awesome. I really love your calendar pages. The second one really caught my eye.
    Have a great weekend

  18. Your paintings are beautiful and always full of mystery and I really love those painted rocks, very special!

  19. your rocks have such personality, very nice!

  20. your rocks rock, I had to say that (lol) love them, and your planner pages you are so talented

  21. The painted rocks are wonderful, love the sayings. The calendar is coming along beautifully. Blessings, Janet, PPF

  22. I saw that great dane on the couch too - made me laugh out loud!!! Those rocks are so gorgeous - no wonder they are sold out. I think I will have to get one of your calendars this year - they are so full of color and shapes.

  23. Fantastic! That's so cool about the rocks and I totally love that last one with the happy quote.

  24. Wonderful pieces! Love how colorful the stones are. :)

  25. calendar pages and rocks are just gorgeous. You know how to work with color, that's for sure.

  26. Your colorfully decorated rocks are truly inspirational. YOU ROCK! Happy PPF

  27. I love your painted rocks. I have some rocks that I have collected on the beach down the south coast, they came back to the Blue Mountains with me to paint on one day! ;)

  28. Denthe! Lovely lovely work! Beautiful! :D

  29. Your painted rocks are amazing!

  30. Prachtige collectie stenen, schitterende combinatie van kleur en tekst!
    En je kalender pages zien er ook weer prachtig uit!
    haha schitterend die foto van die hond!!

    Groetjes Karin

  31. Oh you had me in stitches with that one too Denise.... how funny.... good old Pinterest... love your painted rocks and love too how when you feel inspired to create... it just all comes together.... your calendar pages are beautiful as well.... so happy that I got to meet you in person before you leave Australia :)

    Jenny X

  32. your rocks are gorgeous
    little medicine pieces
    love your calendar pieces too
    sweet week to you.

  33. Oh that's brilliant! Love that couch ;) AND I was at the beach last week and there were so many large, smooth rocks. (Why didn't I bring some home?!) I told my husband about you and your painted rocks! And now, here you are with more. Love them, especially the pink one. They are just fab! xoxo

  34. These are so lovely and beautiful...I have been going around for some rocks for sometime now as they aren't easily available here. I did resort to my own thing lately coz of it and that is clay...I will soon be posting it in my blog :)

  35. I love your colourful rocks! That reminds me...I have a pile of them I collected a very long time ago and wanted to paint them, maybe I should do them soon! :)
    Jess x

  36. omg Denthe, your rocks are just gorgeous!! I laughed my head off at that dog image too! HAHAHA! I had so much catching up to do here & went as far as reading about your move back to Belgium. I understand that completely. Home is home, right? I hope everything goes well for you and that the transition is smooth. The art you've been making is just fabulous. The calendar, doodles, patterns, and especially the rocks! i just love them. Take care my friend! xx

  37. As always your work is beautiful and inspirational. Those quotes are perfect for those rocks and I would love to see what it feels like to paint on rocks. I'll have to try it someday.


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