
Friday 22 August 2014

Doing things I haven't done in a looong time ...

Not having much time to make art these days  is forcing me to rethink what I can make and still enjoy doing without taking up too much time. So I discovered my watercolours again :-)  I can make the drawing while sitting with my daughter on her bed at night, and colour it in really quickly. So here's my first (!) watercolour-girl for this year ....

I'll be using her for cards and my Society6-shop, adding a background in Photoshop. I love making these, don't know why I didn't make one for so long. Guess there are too many things I love making ... ;-)

And while sitting on the bed with my daughter, doodling is also a favorite. Here's a new doodle I finished:

Meanwhile I've also been working on my new calendar for 2015. Only finished 2 months for now, more will follow soon (I hope!):

And some more (dare I say the C-word in August Nic? ☺) Christmas- and New Years' cards that are now available in my Etsyshop:

That's it for now. I have been thinking about making a daily planner for 2015, but I'm not sure I can afford spending the time making it while I should be packing and other boring stuff .... Still, the idea is there in my head and I might act upon it ...

Thanks so much for your visit! I hope you're having a great day wherever you are, and an enjoyable weekend ahead of you! I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, with thanks to Eva and Kristin! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Lots of beautiful work, love the pretty cards you have made. Valerie

  2. Oh -- another fabulous post for PPF this week from you!
    Lovely -- adorable ARTWORK!
    Happy PPF!

  3. beautiful watercolour girl! wow.

  4. Beautiful creative work here as always! Your work has a haunting and poetic quality to it.

  5. Beautiful Denise...I love all your work. Your watercolor is gorgeous, so delicate and sweet!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Your watercolour girl is lovely, I like all of it, especially the doodle. Katis right your work has an haunting quality to it. Wonderful.

  7. Loving your watercolour girl, so beautiful. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. I love your watercolour girl. All your projects look great. Happy PPF!

  9. Ha Dente de tijd word hier goed besteed, altijd genieten hier bij jou
    en de ideeën houden hier zeker niet op..Je kaarten zijn plaatjes!!
    ik hou zo van de gezichtjes die je maakt prachtig...
    lieve groetjes Christiene....

  10. So many great pieces for someone who doesn't have the time-I wish I was that productive with all the time I have that I waste online! ! You should definitely do some more floodles as well-they could make really nice Christmas cards (agh yes the c word-mind you with the weather lately it seems like winter already anyway! !)

  11. Oh my-your watercolor girl is absolutely stunning Denise!!! Amazing doodling too. Good for you to be so far ahead with Christmas cards-I tell myself every year I will start months in advance but I just can't get myself to go there while enjoying summer:)

  12. Wow, you always have such beautiful artwork to see! So colorful and pretty! I hope you let us know when your calendar is available, I'll pick one up. It's bound to be gorgeous :)

  13. Nice work for someone who has no time. Love your rabbit in the painting. xox

  14. Your work is wonderful! I like your calendar pages, and can't wait to see what the rest of your months will be. Happy PPF!

  15. Very nice. Love the idea of the planner. Your doodles are awesome as always.:)

  16. I just recently started watercolors too... definitely a lot different from the acrylics that I was used to. haha! Beautiful work, as always!!

  17. oh my goodness, each piece is so wonderful!
    you have chosen some amazing quotes!

  18. Beautiful watercolor, Denthe. You are such a versatile artist! I love the gorgeous calendar pages you have done.

  19. So this is what someone with not much time can do!!!!, Aaaarkkk!
    Love your "doodles", there are lots of fascinating patterns there, including the girl with the design-er hair, and I seriously love the Neil Gaiman quote you have found.
    Both your cards are so lovely and so beautifully unusual.

  20. Totally lovely watercolor - especially the hair, such a light touch and great result! I totally love the doodle, especially the main figure (though I am admittedly biased toward pen and ink, particularly when it's so wonderfully and finely detailed). :D

  21. Great doodle and your use of color is so pretty.

  22. You inspire me, so!!! Wonderful!!

  23. Love that you can do this amazing work while sitting on the bed with your daughter. A great way to finish you day. . .

  24. Beautiful post with beautiful and inspiring art pieces!

  25. I love the quote in the middle of your doodle- and such a nice time spent hanging with your daughter that way! Looking forward to your 2015 calendar ") Hope all is well with the move -hugs

  26. You have such talent in your finger tips. LOL Your water color girl is lifelike. Every detail is perfect. Noo noo not the "C" word. I am just getting Halloween things up in my Etsy store. LOL I love these cards. I think it is the colors that pull me in, but then I see all the details, the depth of your art and the feelings of emotion.
    Happy packing. LOL

  27. More beautiful work this week!!! I love your cards especially that first one ♥

  28. Your watercolor is so smooth and lovely. My eyes love looking at your artwork. I'm still new to watercolors and am in awe.

  29. It's great to see how many different styles you create. The watercolor girl is wonderful as well as the doodles. You are such a busy artist. The first two months of your calendar are so beautiful too! I'm also dreaming of creating a calendar but up to now I have only one and half canvas finshed so far ...

  30. Great work with your different styles. I like the colors very much. Have a nice day, Happy PPF!

  31. Denise, I was scrolling down your blog when suddenly my eight-year-old nice came closer and said: "This is so beautiful, auntie! Who did that?" See my friend, your art is superb! It touches people's heart no matter how far they are!

  32. I love the doodles you do and the watercolor while sitting with daughter seems so soft and dreamy...How are you able to keep drawing and talk to your daughter as well...:-) The calendar looks like it is going to be pages of lovely art and words! I liked the soft hearts wording very much!

  33. I love your work so vibrant. I used to doodle a lot as a child maybe I should start again. Your calendar will be awesome.

  34. Wonderful watercolor girl! I love how fast and fresh watercolors are! It is SO hard to get the chores done when so many wonderful painting ideas are floating around your head! Happy PPF!

  35. Oh she is adorable Denise.... I love her soft sweet face.... and your doodled page is fabulous <3

    Jenny X

  36. There is a feast for my eyes here. Lovely lovely lovely.

  37. The pieces for your calendar are breathtaking. I so love the colours you use.


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