
Friday 15 August 2014

Experimenting with patterns

I've been wondering a long time how to make patterns, and in December I came across this post on Michelle's blog on how to do it. I was so happy and immediately set to work to make one...

Of course I should've started with a simple pattern, just to try it out.  Did I? Nooooo .... I didn't .... I started out with about the most complex pattern I could make: one of my doodles..... Needless to say it didn't really come out as it should ....

This is precision work, meaning you have to cut the paper exactly straight, and tape it back together exactly right. I don't know where I went wrong, but I was off by about 1 mm, and it showed clearly in the pattern. The lines in one part didn't match up, and it just looked bad.

This is the doodle I started out with:

 I then cut it in two and taped it together in the middle

And cut it in two again and taped it back together. Somewhere around that time something went wrong (but I didn't know it yet)...

Then I drew another figure in the middle, like this:

I saved it as a pattern in Photoshop and started playing, and then was all disappointed because, as I said, some lines didn't match up.

So, just to be clear on this, I did this about half a year ago. Tried fiddling with it in Photoshop but couldn't get it right, so I tossed it aside ....

Until last week... In my Society6-shop, it's now possible to sell duvet-covers, and my mind went into overdrive with all the patterns I could make. Luckily I had scanned every image on my computer before cutting it up, and I suddenly got the brilliant idea (if I say so myself ☺) to cut it in pieces using Photoshop. That was bound to be more precise than me taking the scissors in hand. And I wouldn't have to do the whole drawing again.

So I got to work, and the lines matched beautifully. So I printed it out and drew another figure in the middle, which was fairly easy to do since I already had an example. Scanned it all in, made a pattern and tadaaa! It worked!

Here it is:

I meant to colour it in, but that was way too much work with all the small patterns in there, so I chose to make two versions, one black & white, and one with a blue background.

Here's an example of a shower curtain in my Society6-shop:

And of a duvet-cover:

Not sure whether I should leave it like this or make the pattern a bit smaller. What do you think?

So much fun to do, and I'll sure be making more patterns in the future. Thank you Michelle, for pointing me in the right direction :-)

Just so you know: there's again a promo in my Society6-shop, with up to 30$ off depending on your total amount.

This week I didn't manage to paint one single brushstroke ..... We had a long weekend, Monday was a public holiday here in Queensland, and in the weekend we celebrated my son's 14th birthday. So the rest of the week went by in the blink of an eye. I did manage to make some more Christmascards though, to sell in my Etsyshop.

Yes, Christmascards.... Or New Year's cards, however you want to call it. If someone had told me last year I would be making Christmascards in August I would've declared them crazy. Usually I only start thinking about Christmas one week before. But, well, this year everything's a bit different, and since I'll have to close my Etsyshop somewhere in October, and won't open it again until the new year, I have to do it now. Here are some of the cards that are for sale now:

Okay, that's it for this week. Thanks so much for being here, I really appreciate your visits and comments. Linking this as usual to Paint Party Friday. Take a look over there to see many different artworks from talented artists all over the world.

Hope you're having a nice day and a wonderful relaxing weekend ahead of you. Take care, I'll be back next week! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. The duvet looks brilliant, Denthe!! Wow!!

  2. Such a great post filled with your special art! Your shower curtain and photoshop work turned out really well, it can be such fun playing with your art digitally, I'm still to pursue this more. Your cards are beautiful, I love the first two, they are very special and that first one is very striking!

  3. Those patterns are fantastic, and so much hard work! Valerie

  4. Wow Denise you are a photoshop genius! I hate photoshop as I just can't figure out how to use it! ! Honestly I wouldn't have thought there was anything wrong with your doodle first time round but the cutting up and sticking together seems so complicated yet you made it look super easy!
    I can't believe you've mentioned the 'C' word in August!! I have been ignoring my Etsy shop lately but guess I need to think about that too!
    Your duvet and shower curtain look amazing-I think your work lens itself beautifully to the product on sale in society 6.x

  5. Love your cards but am totally amazed with your gorgeous black and white work and have to say I loved it before you photoshopped it. The black and white quilt is my favourite. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. Your hands make magic!

  7. What an interesting post. I love the blue. Thanks for showing us how. xx

  8. Your curvy, curly patterns are beautiful.I enjoyed seeing they way they developed and became more intricate.

  9. this is so cool!! i love the little pop of blue color you used on the duvet cover.

  10. I love, love, love your beautiful pattern! I want to try that technique sometime, so thank you for the pointers. Happy PPF and Blessings!

  11. Oh, Denthe, what a delightful, enjoyable visit today! Your piecing together of the doodle is just wonderful. I could never be precise, not even to the 1 mm. And how beautiful and colorful the other pieces are. I love that text on the last one. And she is so gorgeous.

  12. You always amaze me. LOL Making this pattern and getting to work, even if you did set it aside, is brilliant. I think you should sell a lot of these. Your art is so exciting to me.

  13. such gorgeous pieces of art Denise and I love the look of the black and white shower curtain and duvet! I admire you for figuring out the patterning-sounds too complicated to me.

  14. What a lot of interesting art you make.
    Funnily enough I came across this method of making designs just yesterday - the idea must be floating about in the air. The design you have made is so spectacular and complex.
    Your cards are something quite different too and would be appropriate at any time of the year with their lovely pictures and messages.

  15. Wow, crazy cool! Hmmm not sure if they should be smaller? I'm just impressed with the design and possibilities!! Thanks for sharing...
    xo Tam
    Happy Paint Party Friday!

  16. Wow! Your pattern is amazing and makes a fabulous bed spread. This could be a great new line for you :) Love your cards too, the last one looks a bit like you :)) Have a great weekend x

  17. i love that pattern, I am going over to her site to take a look, wow its turned out fab on the bedspread and the shower curtain, and your cards, your talent is awe inspiring.

  18. Like the design/pattern. Love it! The bedspread is really outstanding. I bet these would sell fast. Excellent work! :)

  19. What a wonderful pattern and idea/instructions. Thank you for sharing. Also, your artwork and quotes are beautiful and inspirational. Great work!

  20. What fun things you came up with! & I can see why you're working on the Christmas cards now, but must feel odd!!
    Happy PPF!!

  21. Get out! Thanks for linking to me - was wondering why I had so many visitors today. . .
    Anyway - what a great idea to scan and cut up the pattern in Photoshop! I had difficulties with my cut and retaped pattern too and had to spend time cleaning it up - wish I had thought of that! Now I want to go back and make more patterns myself but with your tip!

  22. you are so good at these patterns! And beautiful cards too!

  23. Such a wonderful pattern - and a brilliant idea to cut this in photoshop! Your cards are also lovely - as all of your work is! Have a wonderful, creative week!

  24. Denthe!!!!! WOWZA! love love the pattern! I love all the pieces! beautiful!! i feel like dancing when I come to your page! i just realized your background on your blog has the same colours as the abstract piece I created! :D Loving your work and Happy PPF! :D woot woot!

  25. Brilliant Denise! You are so very clever and sooooo freakin talented!! Love the patern- every step of the way to the duvet! ")

  26. OH Denise!!!!! That Duvet is absolutely DIVINE!!!! I love your cards also the middle one is my favorite least at this point ♥ Have a great weekend and relax.

  27. wow so much patience they look fabulous

  28. I love the intricate art. The duvet is beautiful. Blessings, Janet PPF

  29. A million thank yous for sharing this amazing tutorial and your gorgeous art!! I have always wanted to know how to do this....since I love pattern more than anything! Love your's so unique and the shower curtain too!! Next year you should enter this
    Only sorry I didn't know about it sooner...I could see your art on many items!!

    Hugs Giggles

  30. wow this is so interesting, the duvet is great, I always love seeing your art.

  31. What beautifully unique artwork! I would buy those shower curtains...I would. Your artwork fills my eyes--which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  32. The pattern is SO COOL! And with directions for putting it together! Hooray to Michelle for posting it and Design Sponge for writing it! I think I might like the design a bit smaller on the duvet. But it's hard to say! Probably some people will prefer one and some people the other. :)

  33. such wonderful pattern art
    as i read what you did i felt like i got lost in patterns.... confused
    not sure if i could pull it off
    but all your images look wonderful!

  34. Your patterns are awesome!!! And they look fabulous as prints! Love cards and thoughtful quotes :)

  35. I also have to add, I LOVE your blog background! Sooo beautiful. And thank you for your visit to my new meme:)

  36. WOW that is awesome!!! I love the intricateness of the design. I think it works really well as a duvet cover. My favourite is without the blue background.

    I love making patterns in photoshop, cutting digitally makes it so easy!

  37. That is a great and fantastic pattern!! Wow - it looks delicious, seriously.

  38. Okay, you had me at duvet! THIS is so much fun! I love the idea and love your execution. Brilliant to cut it in photoshop and the results are really cool. And I know what you mean about not painting a thing - but for me it's been impossibly long. Thank you for the inspiration - and happy belated birthday to your son! xoxo


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