
Friday 8 August 2014

a bit of journaling in between other things ....

This week I started in earnest with my todo-list for our move back to Belgium. But I managed to do some art in between. This is a journalpage that I had finished before but didn't post yet:

It's mostly collage from my own artwork, except for her hair. I love playing around with different hairdo's for my girls, and this is my latest obsession: cutting out "real" hair and glueing it on top of one of my faces. Amazing how many different looks you can create that way :-)

On Thursday I had had enough of sitting at my computer with my todo-list and decided to get out into the sun and paint some rocks. I have one order for a rock that I sold some time ago and will now try to make another one of, so I figured I could just as well give all the rocks that I still have a basecoat. That way I can just do some in between, whenever I feel like playing :-)

Felt completely energized after that ;-)

And when I was looking for something I came across this painting that I had started months ago and kinda forgot about. It has a drawing on it already, so I figured I could just as well start colouring in. That doesn't take much time, and I can do it in between other things ...

Need to keep my creative juices flowing, don't I  ... ?☺

I finally managed to get my website completely up-to-date, and listed some more original art in my Etsyshop. These miniature-paintings were not in there yet but they are now!

These'll be the last pieces I will put in my Etsyshop for now.  I will have to close the shop in October, and won't be able to open it up again until after New Years, since our container will only arrive around that time. It's a good thing that my Society6-shop and Redbubble-shop can just stay open, as well as Lulu, where I sell my calendars. Making a new calendar is next on my list.....

So, that's it for now. Thanks so much for visiting, I really appreciate all the thoughtful comments and the encouragement you guys (or girls ☺) give. I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday.

I wish you the best of days, and a wonderful weekend ahead of you! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Fantastic idea to use real hair! Valerie

  2. Gorgeous work, love your journal page.

  3. I love the colours you used in that drawing you found! Lovely! I used to collect rocks when I was younger but I never knew what to do with them, it literally never occurred to me to paint them! They look so nice!

  4. you have a great sense of colour and line... your work is always glorious... will be interested to see what influence the move back to Belgium will have on your work... xx

  5. wow the real hair looks fab as does all of your work. Happy PPF, Annette x

  6. A lovely painting.I struggle trying to think of different hairs styles.That sounds a great t idea.

  7. Love your journal page, love her striped stockings, her bag and the surprised looking bird.
    I like your black and white drawings too, so complex and detailed with lovely interlocking images.

  8. Gorgeous girls as always and I love that hair. :)

  9. You amaze me! In the midst of it all, you continue to create wonderful art. Love the journal page and your clever collage. Happy PPF

  10. Beautiful journal page. What a fun idea to collage the hair. I am definitely going to do that! Good luck with your moving preparations. I think you are wise to take breaks for creativity. I find myself getting very irritable and tense if I don't have time to fit art into my day. But I am actually more productive (and a lot nicer) overall if I do take time to create.

  11. Love your journal pages and I can't wait to see the end result of your painting. What I saw when I click on the image, it was gorgeous so far, so I want to see the end result... soon ;)

    Have a very creative weekend!

    Nora Clemens-Gallo

  12. Just beautiful! I can't believe how prolific you are while planning a big move! I'm impressed!! xoxo Silke

  13. Your work is just amazing. I LOVE what you do. You do so many lovely things in so many different mediums. Wonderful!

  14. Beautiful work, as always! Love your attention to detail! Happy PPF!

  15. No truer words were ever said than that your girl and her fabulous funky outfit. You are so talented. So much inspiration here, you have such a great body of work. I'm glad you are still giving yourself the gift of creating while packing an organizing!

    Hugs Giggles

  16. Hi Denthe. Excellent girls as always. Love that you used real hair. Enjoy your free time too.

  17. She is really lovely. She reminds me of a "mod" girl of the 60s
    Have a very nice weekend

  18. Such fun pieces! I have a stack of bridal magazines, as I play folk harp, & it's a free subscription through a bridal group ..... would be quite the source for collage hair!
    Glad you took some time to create!

  19. Get out! The hair is so cool!! There is no end to your creativity!

  20. Great stuff! Love it all! Glad you got the mini's into Etsy! I need to work on that. Your girl is so cute and love the hair. Its so fun playing around, right? Happy PPF! Hugs, Rasz

  21. Art keeps us grounded in the midst of chaos. good luck packing. Great outfit onyour journal girl. xox

  22. Glad you found some relaxing art time- as in all your pieces your new gal is wonderful!! xo

  23. Yay!! I just snagged one of your originals from your Etsy shop. Can't wait to get it!! :)

  24. Love the journal page and all the goodies you now have listed, I do not envy you all the work involved in such a move. Thinking of you.

  25. GORGEOUS ARTWORK .. inspiring as always!

  26. I am amazed that you have the time for being so creative with all the to-do lists you have right now - and am a bit envious, too, since I haven't been in my studio over the past few weeks.
    Good luck on your move back. I know what an intercontinental move means, I haven't forgotten the crazy times back in 2001 when we moved to California from Germany. I can understand your reasons for going back. My family has shrunk to a minimum, so I don't have a real reason to go back, and my husband's family isn't really close. I think it would be different if we all were close - living so far away from them would be so much harder. Do you think you will miss Australia?

    1. Thanks Carola! Yes, I know I will miss Australia. I think all emigrants have their heart torn between 2 countries. I will miss the perfect (for me) climate, the warmth and kindness of the people, the beautiful nature and the lovely animals. But from Belgium I miss people, and those are not so easily replaced. We have a big family, and we are all pretty close, and it's only since I've lived here that I realize what a precious gift that is. A gift that I don't want to lose. And also, I feel in my heart I will always be Belgian. I'll never be Australian. I wish I was born here, and I wish all my family was here, but I wasn't, and they aren't, and somehow I thought that wouldn't matter, but it does....

  27. Wow - your move is just around the corner. I know when I move back to Oz from Scotland, how art was a fantastic escape from the lists + stress of moving. Gorgeous pieces - I love that you used real hair on your painting. It adds great texture. x

  28. Denthe, you are amazing to be able to do art with the to-do moving list hanging over your head! I wish you all the best in your new exciting adventure. I love this art you are showing today. The drawing/painting is really beautiful. I am especially drawn to the journal page at the top. Such a gorgeous woman.

  29. I am so excited with your move, maybe because I myself want to move too ha! I hope everything goes smoothly than you expect.
    Rocks! I love them! Every time I see one of yours, I want to paint one too! Your work is awesome! :o*

  30. Your journal page is so interesting to look at with all the different layers and patterns. I once saw an entire picture made out of real hair in a museum, it was wonderful and a bit creepy at the same time.

    Glad that you are still finding time to express yourself creatively!

  31. Your journal page is so interesting to look at with all the different layers and patterns. I once saw an entire picture made out of real hair in a museum, it was wonderful and a bit creepy at the same time.

    Glad that you are still finding time to express yourself creatively!

  32. I love those encouraging mini paintings! Painting rocks seems fun, I want to try that next.

  33. Ha Dente, ik ben elke keer benieuwd wat je laat zien,de vier miniatuur meisjes
    zo mooi de gezichtjes zo echt,ook leuk de werkjes tussen door met de stenen.
    het is hier echt genieten en kom met plezier terug kijken
    ik hoop dat je tussen de drukte toch nog lekker bezig kunt zijn.
    Een groetje Christiene.

  34. it is amazing how much art you can create as you chip away at your big move. such a joy to see what you have been doing.

  35. Gorgeus zentangle. I love your blog.

  36. Oh my gosh that trick with the hair is so cool! I love a young girl with white hair, too. And her clothes are so cool and pretty! Hooray for updating your Etsy shop, too. Holy cow, sometimes it's so tedious! I have to do that myself. Ugh!


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