
Friday 1 August 2014

featured artist in the gallery

This whole week I've been busy getting all things ready for the start of my 2 months as featured artist in the Seaside Artists' Gallery in Redcliffe. I had a whole wall to fill, so it was time to get all my paintings ready. Do you remember this one?

I did this one in a workshop 2 months ago, and it didn't feel finished to me. Kept it on the easel all that time, and now with the exhibition coming up decided to do something with it.

So I stamped and stencilled a bit, put up some more collage, dripped some paint and dotted some paint on there. It's only now that I feel it's finished:

 "The sigh of a faraway song" - mixed media on canvas - 76x61cm
For sale in the Seaside Artists' Gallery in Redcliffe

It's weird, I didn't feel any connection at all to this painting. I did it in a workshop with a professional artist, and there were "rules" to follow in terms of design. And I'm not one for following rules.... Probably a good thing that I never did do an official art education :-)

It's only now, after 2 months staring at it, that I just started playing with it without thinking about rules, and I feel it's more my own now. Although I'm still not as attached to it as to some of my other paintings.

And do you remember this one?

I wasn't sure whether to put a text on there or not, so I decided to just leave it for then. But it felt too empty to me, so this week I decided to add some words. I deliberately used a colour very similar to the background, because I didn't want the text to stand out too much.

 "I'll find my way home" - acrylics on canvas - 50x40cm
For sale in the Seaside Artists' Gallery in Redcliffe

This morning I went to the gallery with all my stuff, and spent all morning putting it all up. Nina, the manager of the gallery, has given me extra room and tables for my small stuff, because she wants to help me sell everything so I don't need to take it back to Belgium :-) So nice of her!

Here's a picture of the main wall:

Tomorrow Saturday will be an afternoon tea to celebrate the opening. For those of you who are in the area: the address is 133 Redcliffe Parade, at the top floor in Comino's Arcade, at 2.00pm. Everyone's welcome!

I decided to take the small paintings that I made for this year's Summer of Color too, instead of putting them in my Etsyshop. In case you're interested in any of these, please let me know and I'll get it in the gallery. Here they are all together:

My little poetrybooks were ready just in time and I really like how they turned out. Should've ordered some more, but I first wanted to see how they looked. And now the sale is over of course .... I'll just wait for the next one I guess ;-)

Here's some more pages from it:

And then to finish this post: my 2 partners in the around-the-world-artsy-bloghop have answered their questions! And very interesting answers they are as well! Have a look at their blogs and the gorgeous artwork on there: Andrea from Falling Ladies, and Dia from "Dia's Creation Station". I love reading about how other artists think and work, and their answers are very recognizable to me. Thanks so much for playing along, Dia and Andrea!

Well, that's it for now. Thanks so much for your lovely comments last week and well-wishes regarding our move to the other side of the world. Next week I'll begin in earnest with my todo-list ....

Linking this to Paint Party Friday. Hop on over there if you don't know it already, always lots to see!
Thanks for being here, I hope your day is happy and your weekend full of love..... ♥ ♥ ♥ 


  1. Congrats on having a wall where you are featured! Your work is always most inspiring. Those little books look great, too. Hugs, Valerie

  2. your work looks so amazing grouped together on the wall like that... Like an injection of Spring colour... maybe that is why we are getting warm weather... your work is warming up the whole city...xx

  3. Love your grouped work on that great background!! Oh I am excited for you!! Love the poetry book... hope you sell loads!! Always love what you do!

    Hugs Giggles

  4. Your wall of paintings looks marvellous, good luck with the show.
    I really like your poetry book, it looks beautifully made.

  5. You know Denise I don't like rules when art is involved. They simply don't combine/match. I am glad you have been busy! Your art deserves to be seen my friend! Always your number 1 fan!

  6. such amazing color in your work, beautiful beautiful!

  7. Congratulations on your art show and that gorgeous poetry book! You have an exciting month ahead of you. Blessings!

  8. Huuugggeee congratulations on the showing. Your area looks fantastic!!! Wishing you lots of sales. Your art has always drawn me into it. Your colors have such depth and movement. It amazes me that you can add some test to a painting and make the entire piece come alive. You are a true artist that needs no rules.

  9. Denthe, how happy I am for you and the showing! A whole wall of Denthe is wonderful and bright. I know this will be such a success. Your paintings are beautiful and bright. When I try to follow "rules" it doesn't seem like the painting is really me. So always just be yourself.

  10. so great to see all your work together in the "group" photo. good luck with your show!

  11. Wow, very nice grouping. Good luck with the show, you'll do good I'm sure. I do love the poetry book idea. Well done! You go girl!

  12. Such grace and simplicity of line--your colors are so vibrant and bright. Your poetry books look lovely.

  13. congrats on being a featured artist, and such lovely work to display!

  14. Your wall looks amazing !!!! All of that beautiful art in one space is impressive. Best of luck with the showing and hoping you sell it all. Love the little poetry book pages you shared too. Have a great weekend.

  15. I love the added texture & color you added to the first one - frames the subject well. Those little books are wonderful! Hope you have wonderful feedback and enjoy the 2 months ahead.

  16. Squee! Look how great your work looks on that wall! I hope it's a wildly successful engagement for you!

    "The sigh of a faraway song" is magnificent! You finished it out beautifully. <3

  17. Congrats on your show! Your art is gorgeous as always. :)

  18. Your paintings look fabulous, such wonderful work and so good to show it off. I've been reading about your big move back to Belgium you've got a lot on your plate, so all the best for these next months!
    Your poetry books are so lovely, I always had a poetry art book in mind but haven't got round to doing one yet.
    All the best for your show!

  19. I love how you've completed the pieces... Ahh ,rules! LOL! Workshops are great inspiration, and learning new techniques, but then it's' time for integration onto my style!
    Your show is Lôvélÿ, that red wall rally makes your use of color pop! I hope it goes really well, and you have less to pack! Your move back to Belgium sounds exciting (once the mundane part is over)
    thank you for your kind words about my art and words!! I'm excited to see Andrea's post... like you, I feel I know you a bit better now .... I admire you're work so much, it's fun to get a glimpse behind the scenes!!

  20. Your work looks gorgeous on that wall - I know you will sell most if not all of it. Good luck with your move - I know how frenzied that is!

  21. gosh, my message disappeared.
    anyway, i loved seeing your finished pieces. Sometimes it takes a while for the completion to present itself.

    I wish you an awesome gallery show, it looks wonderful. wish i could stop in for a visit.

    can you tell me where you had your book made? It looks gorgeous!

    1. Thnx Tammie! I had my book made in a local photoshop. It's a nice size (20x14.5cm - 8"x6"), and they had a sale going on so I took advantage to try it out. Wish now I had made some more, since 2 are sold already (I had only 4 ...)

  22. Oh. just love everything about your work. Did you do the poetry book through Lulu? Your work look awesome in the gallery. I wish I could stop in. Best of luck.

    1. Thnx Jo! No, I do my calendars through Lulu but not this poetrybook. It's made by a local printer shop. Usually any printer where you can develop your pictures also has photobooks. I made a poetrybook with Blurb, but the shippingcosts turned out so high that I decided not to put it up for sale....

  23. your art looks beautiful and your creativity is so inspiring. Good luck at your art show. Beautiful work, Denthe!

  24. Wow! Your paintings look so marvelous hanging on that red wall! They really pop! Your work is so fluid in line and color - really beautiful! Best of luck on your gallery show! Happy PPF!

  25. Love your books....The wall looks amazing. Hope the show goes well. xox

  26. Your artwork looks great on display. I wish you every success with the exhibition as featured artist.

  27. Congratulations Denise! Wonderful accomplishment! And best wishes for a successful show! xoxo

  28. Your work looks like it belongs in that gallery. Congratulations!! The display is gorgeous. And, your poetry book..oh, my!! Stunning!

  29. Congratulations and good luck for the gallery event! The pictures are wonderful! And I love your little booklet! It's such a wonderful idea to combine your beautiful art with poetry! If you sell one of these little booklets, please let me know! I would love to buy one!

    1. Thanks Stefanie! I will have them up for sale in my Etsyshop in the future, just not now since I'll have to close my shop in October because of the move, so it's not really much use to list too many new items now ... I might make several different ones, they're really fun to make and I have so many more images I can use :-)

  30. Dente,mooi een muur vol met jou kleurrijke kunst !!!
    hier word je echt vrolijk van......
    ik mag het graag zien groetjes

  31. Hope ur gallery goes well and you sell some art - your poetry book is so gorgeous, what a great idea

  32. Incredible how all your art looks together and the red wall fit so well too! Wish you tons of sales and I love your sweet lyric book!! Looks awesome!
    ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  33. Oh wow it looks os amazing up in the gallery!! I wish i could have come to the opening!!

  34. I do like the changes you made to your WIP, especially the words.. .they weren't abrasive on the painting blending into the background like that. The paintings were nicely arranged. I love the poetry book and all the color in it. Blessings, Janet PPF


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