
Friday 25 July 2014

making decisions ....

I've finally finished another page in my art journal. It seems I always work in stages, I have my journalphase, my sketchphase, my doodlephase, my boxphase, my rockphase, my mosaicphase, etc ... and sometimes all of these together when there's a market or a show coming up ;-)

The only phase pretty much constantly there is my canvaspainting-phase. And I have come to the difficult conclusion that that phase will have to be put on hold 'till the end of the year...


Why? you ask. Well, because there is too much going on at the moment. After living in Australia for 3 years, we have decided to move back to Belgium in October. It was a very tough decision, because we love Australia and we love the people here. And the climate. And the beautiful nature. But all that beauty and all that kindness cannot replace the people you grew up with, your family and friends. Our family is very important to us, and we've come to the conclusion that we don't want to be so far away from them anymore. We want the kids to grow up in a big extended family, instead of just the four of us. And we long to speak our own language again, to not have to search for words or completely miss the point of a joke. We had a fantastic time in Australia, but it'll never be really "home" for us.

So, moving from one part of the world to another is pretty time-consuming, with everything that needs to be sorted out and packed and tossed away, not to mention the administration, oh my, .... I have a todo-list that is now 9 pages long ....

The last months have been really stressful and frustrating, with me trying to do everything: keep on making art, trying to build my artbusiness, working part-time, and preparing our move back to Belgium. So in order to keep sane I've decided to cut back on my painting. My big paintings that is. I need at least a few hours to work on these, and I get so frustrated when I can't find that time. I will still be making art of course, that is something that I need to do, also in order to keep sane, but it'll be the small things, like sketching, doodling and working in my artjournal. Things I can do in between, that I can easily leave and go back to.

So today I started a new mosaic figurine. Whenever I pass the table I can put a few pieces down. Easy-peasy. And nothing too stressful :-) Plus it fills my need for colour.

At the end of October we will move back to Belgium, and it'll be another 2 months before our container arrives. Which means I will only be able to get back to my beloved canvases in the new year ....

(although I secretly hope in the next weeks to suddenly have lots of free time in which I can paint ....)

I will be making more pieces digitally, like products for my Society6-shop, new postcards, a new calendar and maybe even a diary. This week I decided to try out a little poetrybook. I finished it already, but have to wait for the printout. I've made 5 and will (try to) sell them in the gallery. If they sell, I might make new ones and put them up in my Etsyshop.

Here are a few pages:

And because this last week has been such a horrible week in terms of loss of human lives due to senseless violence, I thought this page was rather fitting:

Well, that's it for now. Another decision I've made is that I'll only blog one day a week anymore, on Friday. But I will keep on doing that, no matter what. Can't leave my friends from Paint Party Friday, right ;-)

Next Friday I'll link to Andrea and Dia, who will answer the questions for the round-the-world-bloghop some time next week. My answers to these questions are in this post.

Thanks so much for visiting! I hope your day is beautiful and peaceful, and let's hope this weekend we'll be spared more horrible news from around the world ... See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Wow you have a lot on your plate.....I will miss your posts but still glad that you still will post on fridays

  2. Wow Denthe. My post today for PPF talks about cutting back to just Fridays and about all the heartache that has been happening. I can understand your wanting to be back with family, because that is what it's all about. Happiness to you. Love your little postcards and especially the last one. Take care.

  3. Wow!! I thought that moving from FL to KY was a big task but this move will be monumentally huge! We moved to be closer to family as well so I can totally understand that desire. So happy that you will continue to post in the meantime. I hope the entire move goes as smoothly as possible!!

  4. Oh man.. moving is SO stressful - I can't even imagine the stress of moving country to country... Good luck! I hope you find time you didn't think you'd have!!! <3

  5. Hi Denise, Ik wist niet dat je pas 3 jaar hier woont. Kan begrijpen dan dat je al je familie mist. Ik woon hier al 21 jaar. Maar ik mis mijn familie in Holland nog steeds. Het blijft toch altijd moeilijk als familie zover weg woont. Maar ik leef hier wel heel graag in Australie. Kan me voorstellen dat dat wel een grote beslissing is om weer terug te gaan. Hoop dat alles voor jullie uit zal werken naar jullie wens. Ongelofelijk dat je evengoed nog zoveel tijd weet in te passen voor painting and creating. Vind het wel knap hoor dat je normaal ook nog canvases kunt maken in een week. Ik vind het al moeilijk genoeg om alleen wat de art journalen in een week en hier en daar wat tekeningen te maken. Ik ben blij dat je even goed 1 keer in de week hier wat op de blog komt zetten. Als je weer terug in Belgie bent, ga je dan in het Nederlands bloggen of blijf je dat in het engels doen?

    1. nee hoor, mijn blog blijft Engels. Ik heb er op verzoek van een aantal mensen wel een vertaalbutton opgezet, maar de meeste van mijn lezers zijn Engelstalig dus dat blijf ik gewoon doen :-)

  6. Welcome back to Europe, Denthe! Big changes, no wonder you feel a bit distracted! Moving is always such a stress maker, and I can't even begin to think what it feels to move from one continent to another!
    I wish you lots, lots, lots of time!!!!

  7. Wow Denise what a huge decision. I don't envy you the sorting and packing and living out of boxes-I didn't enjoy it when we moved to Scotland and like you I missed making art-that's when I did the 75 day sketch challenge just to keep creating somehow. It's a brave decision and obviously one that's right for you and your family.
    Your little digital books are lovely and I'm sure they'll sell. I love that piece you did in respect of the horrors that are going on in Gaza (& so many other places) right now. X

    1. Great idea Nic! I might set such a challenge for myself once I've packed all my paints away ....

  8. Love your work, as always, and I am sure we all work in phases, and I think it' important for our creativity. Good luck with your move, and perhaps we can meet up in Europe, Germany is not far from Belgium. Valerie

  9. Beautiful work. Good luck with all the arrangements for your move and I am so glad you will still be posting on Fridays.Happy PPF! #27

  10. Wonderful painting! And I understand your decision to move back. I always wanted to move to Australia but it would have been different for me since I have aunts and cousins living there as well. But I accumulated 9 pets and moving them to Australia would be close to impossible so I'm good here in Europe. :)

  11. What a decision, Denthe! And so many things to organize! Love your poetry book!! ♥

  12. Denthe, best wishes for stress free times on your journy- I understand the need for family- it is a good thing and when you are all settled at some point- you will breathe gently and know you are where you belong! Thank you for sharing ")

  13. what a hard decision. i moved a few years ago…but only 250 miles! I can't imagine picking up and moving to a new continent! that takes guts! but i think you will be happy to be back with family.

  14. Such a big event in your life, Denthe, but one I think you will be happy you made. Having family nearby is wonderful. I wish I were closer to my sisters and their families (1000 miles is too far). I love your art this week, but especially the last one. It expresses both in the quote and the painting how the world is feeling this week.

  15. I can't imagine a move like you're making Denise, but you sound very organized and I'm sure all will go well. It's good that you are still making some time to work on small projects and I bet once you start on the canvases again you'll be mass producing gorgeous pieces! Your art/poetry book is beautiful , an dyes, the last entry very fitting for yet another tragedy. Happy PPF!

  16. Good luck in the move!I feel the same about having family far away. :>/ Good thing you are not waiting any longer, even if it is difficult.
    I love that 1st painting, beautiful ♥

  17. Wow Denise this is a huge undertaking but I understand. Glad you are setting boundaries and still creating in a smaller way! You can produce just as much on paper for your shop. I wish you well on this huge endeavor....I hope it brings you tons of happiness!! Love your poetry book pages...very deep with gorgeous artwork. I have the need for color too that's why I surround my self with it... truly feeds my soul! I am so disheartened by the violence around the world too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  18. Great work Denise!!!! I do not envy you the big move but I know you will be happier back home. Family is so important. Love the little poem book idea and can't wait to see more.

  19. Wow, that seems monumental to me. How hard to leave and all that packing for a big voyage. Moving a short distance away is so daunting, never mind half way round the world. Good luck and we will keep bolstering you up while you complete the process. xox

  20. Dear Denthe, good luck with the moving process. Your art is beautiful and unique wherever you live :)

  21. I think its true we have to go where our heart is, moving is so stressful, there is so much sadness in the world at the moment, that is true but your work today is amazing and makes me happy just looking at it,

  22. Your beautiful work is such an inspiration to me, I will miss it. However sometimes life just gets in the way and you have pick your path and follow it. I admire your clarity of mind in your decisions and wish you good luck getting from "point A to point B" (half way round the world). Time flies. Blink and it will be behind you. Happy PPF

  23. Hi Denise, When i read your post re going back to Belgium and leaving Australia i felt weirdly upset, even though i've never met you i feel like i know you through your art. As you know i live in NSW Australia and so that's why i feel a bit upset, i feel like a friend is leaving - very weird! Like you said family is most important and can't be replaced and that's where you feel most comfortable. I bet you and your family have had wonderful experiences in Oz! you sure are going to be busy over the next 3 months - moving to another country is HUGE! thank heavens we will still be able to keep in touch via the internet

  24. I can imagine what a mish mash of feelings you must have going on inside you. Like Laurie said, we go where our hearts are. Your work is just stunningly lovely and you will have that with you no matter what part of the world you live in.

  25. lovely pages Denthe, and wow, good luck with your move!

  26. Wow, what a huge undertaking! But I am sure your art will only benefit in the end. You'll keep doing art, just not large painting. And when you get back to painting you'll have a different perspective. Good luck with all of it!

  27. So many beautiful pieces of art Denise!
    The choice of poems for your book is wonderful, it shows your thoughtfulness and awareness of
    life and what is going on in the world!
    I hope you will be happy with your decision of moving and I wish you and your family all the best! And hope you don't get too stressed in the process in the months lying ahead of you. :-)
    Happy PPF

  28. That is a big move and you are right - something has to go. I suppose you want to keep your sanity - so the big canvases can wait. Love your mosaic figure - so much wonderful color!

  29. Wow big changes coming up! I do really understand what you mean about wanting your kids to grow up around extended family and speaking your own language. I never had a very big family but since having kids my family has become so much more important to me. And teaching my kids Dutch while being immersed in another language and culture (my husband is English and I spoke English exclusively for years before having kids, I think and dream in English!) is tough. Good luck with the preparation and moving. I definitely think an art journal is perfect for such a transitional phase and suitable for working small / with limited supplies in case they bulk have to be packed away!

  30. You have a LOT going on right now--I love the way your art expresses your feelings. Your use of color and light are extraordinary.

  31. Whoaaaa you do have a lot going on. Moving is so stressful as it is but moving like this is a LOT. On the other hand what a grand adventure. I admire your decision to be close to family. As you know your art is so thrilling and full of life. I will be joining the blog hop too.
    Have a great Sunday

  32. I love reading your posts and seeing all your works! But looks like busy times ahead for you with moving and all that. But, it's good that you are going to be with family and your children with extended family. The poetry book looks lovely and so inspiring! Great, Denthe, as always!

  33. Moving is one of the most stressful things! I've never moved so far as you but i did move 5 times in 3 years which was not good! I'm taking a class in mosaics soon, I can't wait! Good luck with everything, and I look forward to seeing your doodles and sketches :-)

  34. wow wat een beslissing, ik kan me voorstellen dat je daar stress van krijgt. Heel veel succes de aankomende tijd met alles op je to do list en gelukkig blijf je af en toe nog wel wat op je blog zetten!
    Groetjes Karin

  35. Denthe, I am so happy for you and think you made a wonderful decision to have your children surrounded by your extended family in Belgium! I hope everything settles down for you so you can sneak some time to paint on canvas! Your last page for your poetry book is so fitting for the recent acts of violence. It shows such emotion! It is great that you will still be participating in PPF! Best wishes to you!

  36. oh, you are moving, that is a huge task! Sounds like you are chipping away at it though, which is great. Good that you are not leaving art off entirely, it is so good for you, we can all tell! Lovely to see what you have been up to! I wish you the best with your move!

  37. Ha Dente de tijd word krap en je wil nog zo veel voor je vertrekt
    maar zo als je zegd je eigen taal spreken je kinderen op laten groeien
    met familie daar is nu de tijd rijp voor...want voor je het weet vliegen ze uit.....
    Ik wens je het beste ......
    Een groetje Christiene.

  38. Just wanted to let you know I have finally answered the blog hop questions and linked to you.,...

    Thanks so much for letting me play along. I am going to be away for a week or so and I wanted to get it done before I left...

  39. Wow! You are one busy lady right now! Hang in there! I think moving close to family is truly wonderful!


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