
Friday 19 September 2014

Calendar 2015 and other bits and pieces

I seem to be unable to paint lately. I hardly get a drawing done. And I could do it if I wanted to. I mean, I cannot keep making phonecalls and keep packing, isn't it? I need a rest of that once in a while. But I have found that when there's unrest in my head or in my house, I can't paint. The only thing I feel like doing when I'm giving myself some time off is relax in the couch and start reading....

So it's a good thing that my daughter and I still have the habit to sit together on her bed every evening before she goes to sleep, because that's when I manage to get these little drawings done.

I'm still planning on making a year planner for 2015, but I figured I don't need to finish it before I move to Belgium. When I'm there, it's still 2 months before the year's over. So in between I'm making these little drawings that I want to use somewhere in the planner. I enjoy making them :-)

Meanwhile, my calendar is finished and available for sale! I received my calendar less than a week after I ordered it, and I've looked it over to see whether there are no mistakes, and luckely there aren't so I put it up for sale!

This is the cover, and I'll show you every page that's in there. Although you can also see a preview on Lulu, but it's just more fun to show it here too ;-)

And here a view of what it looks like inside:

Do you remember my small poetrybooks?

I put some for sale in my Etsyshop this week. There are only 4 left, so if you want to grab one don't wait too long :-)

Oh yes, there's one thing I'm painting right now: a wooden box for my daughter, who will be 12 next Thursday!

A few years ago, I found these wooden heart-shaped boxes in a store and bought about 4 of them (I know, I should've bought many more, can't find them anymore now). And every time I finished one for a market, my daughter saw it and made me promise she could have it if it didn't sell. And every time this box was one of the first ones to sell ...

So now I only had one left, and yesterday I suddenly remembered, so now I have to hurry to get it ready in time. Which will be hard because today is the last day of school for the kids (at least here in Australia) so after today I have to work on it when she can't see it ...

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks so much for visiting!  I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. Looking forward to seeing all the incredible work shared over there :-)

Oh yes, here's my funny for this week :-)


Hope you're having a fantastic day, and something fun to look forward to in the weekend! See you next week! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Nice giggle at the end there! I realize I am a lot more creative when things are orderly too! Your calender looks awesome. Your little characters are so sweet too! I love hearts so I can't wait to see your dear daughters box done up!

    Hug Giggles

  2. Love the calendar, and thanks for the laugh, too. Valerie

  3. No wonder there's unrest in your mind, so big things are to happen! Have mercy for you :D

    Your calendar looks so delicious!

  4. I love your little drawings, especially the birds, and your poetry books and your calender are amazing, what an astonishing set of wonderful paintings.
    By the way, congratulations on being one of the Soul Food 2015 artists, I look forward to your lessons.

  5. The calendar looks awesome, I know what you mean, I can only create when there is peace. Thanks for the giggle at the end.

  6. Love everything! Especially the calendar. :)

  7. Your artwork is always so inspirational. Beautiful!

  8. Such fab artwork - I love your calendar!

  9. Wow, just LOVE your calendar! Simply gorgeous :)
    Happy PPF!

  10. Ha Dente al je stukjes en beetje zijn mooi,en je Kalender is prachtig!!
    dat je niet meer met je hoofd er bij bent kan ik wel begrijpen......
    De regel van jou dochter heb je niet uit geschreven.....maar ik denk dat ze jarig is,en twaalf jaar word?
    Komt goed gewoon door gaan....
    Ik wens je een heerlijk ontspannen weekend.....
    groetjes Christiene.

  11. The calendar is full of your artwork - it would have to be gorgeous. I just painted on some wooden boxes and it took me a while. It's different to paint on something that has 4 sides and make it cohesive. The abstract one I did was way easier.

  12. Your calendar is very colorful with your work. It's beautiful. I'm sure the heart box will also be just as beautiful. Great work.:)

  13. Love your calendar and your new drawings Denthe. Life is hectic for you at the moment, but to find solace in a good book is good for the soul. Annette x

  14. Oh Denthe, what amazing work. The calendar is exquisite. I was trying to find my favourite one but they are all special. The quotes are fantastic too.
    I know its a tough time for you right now, but you'll be able to paint once you're settled I'm sure.
    I think it's lovely that you spend time with your daughter at that special time of night and draw those beautiful images.
    Thank you for sharing... it's always a pleasure to visit

  15. It's a busy time for you but you're doing so great, your calendar is fabulous and I love your sketches, so clear and flowing, there is a real flow and ease in your work that's beautiful.

  16. Cute funny. The calendar is gorgeous....xox

  17. love the calendar, so colourful and expressive, i'd love to have one of them hanging in my home, so i can admire your art month by month

  18. Your calendar is gorgeous! I'll bet your sketches are even more precious because of your limited time and how you spend it with your daughter - precious memories!

  19. Congrats to your daughter in advance! Such a treat to see your post, all the art is gorgeous! :oD

  20. I have been reading more than painting lately as well.... I love your calender! Do you do your date book on lulu too?

  21. Your calendar is so beautiful. You certainly are moving a long way. I have the opposite problem from you, I want to draw and paint but can't find enough time. The drawings that you do with your daughter are lovely, hope you get settled quickly when you move and good luck with getting the heart box done. I'm in the same boat, school holidays (sigh).
    Have a great weekend.

  22. your calendar looks amazing, and I don't envy the packing and organising you must be going through... but you still found that hilarious pic... it made me snort my tea!!!

  23. Lovely, awesome, beautiful art........ calendar is simply gorgeous. Wonderful that you and your daughter share evening time together. Love the funny at the end.

  24. Love your colors and your magical way with the brush!! Happy PPF!

  25. The calendar looks amazing, congratulations! I sure hope your move goes as smoothly as possible. Good luck with everything!

  26. How extraordinary...your artwork touches my heart. So, you are going through a wintery time--sometimes we artists need to break for a bit, then renew when spring comes. Your work is amazing--it fills my eyes, which is the greatest compliment I can give.

  27. wonderful art, I love these pages!!!

  28. Ha! That's a good one! AND I LOVE your calendar! And the poetry book looks amazing too - very cool. I pinned them both and will be back for the calendar! Love it, xoxo
    Oh, and when is your daughters birthday? Kendra will be 9 on the 27th! xoxo

  29. Gorgeous calendar!Amazing pieces, my friend!

  30. Congratulations on the completion of your calendar! Lovely! I like the thought of you sitting with your daughter before bed and drawing. I can understand having trouble getting down to real artistic productivity when you have something as big as a move on your mind. A lot of mental and emotional energy is going into that...not much left for deep creative pursuits.

  31. Too funny. . .excellent sense of humor. I love the quotes in the calendar and the artwork. Blessings,Janet PPF

  32. The calendar is striking, Denise! I am in awe with your art and thank you for showing them all side by side...makes it so powerful...Congrats ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  33. What sweet little drawings! It's hard to focus when moving, it's so involved! Beautiful calendar images too!


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