
Tuesday 1 July 2014

Quick post :-)

Time to go to bed, so I'll make it quick. The colours for Summer of Color this week are more to my liking than the ones from last week: Pink, applegreen and a smudge of dark green ...

Pretty, aren't they?

So I made the first layer with pink and a touch of dark green, although it doesn't look that way in the scan:

When I have finished the second layer I might just take a picture instead of scanning it. There's a weird thing that happens every time I use fluorescent colours: my scanner doesn't pick them up at all! The lighter sports on here are actually the places where there's more of a fluorescent pink. And the ink splatters are really dark green and not that brownish colour it looks here .... But ... you get the idea ;-)

I also finished another floodle. If you don't remember what that is: it's a combination of a doodle and flowers. Actually, it's not really a doodle anymore, it's just a drawing, but anyway, the name sticks and I like it :-)

She looked a bit sad, so I thought the words were fitting ...

Okay, that's it for now, heading off to bed.
Thanks so much for visiting, I'll come round your blogs asap ♥


  1. This is actually pretty cool. I can just imagine where the greens are. LOL On my monitor I see only pink. How funny. Your LOST girl does look just that. Her face is truly beautiful.

  2. I like both your pieces. Your girl does look sad, as if she lost her loved one. Nice work.

  3. oh, i like the SOC colors this week. very pretty.

    nice floodle :)

  4. Love your floodles! and my scanner doesn't always scan colors accurately either- "(

  5. I really love your floodles! Can't wait to sew what your soc progresses into. X

  6. You captured her sad expression very well and with the wording you adding, it makes it perfect! Love it!

  7. I love this amazing floodle!


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