
Friday 4 July 2014

Summer of Color week 4

The colours this week are so summer-y, I really enjoyed seeing all the art that was created by the Summer of Color-participants. Still, I'm longing so much to use my absolute favorite colours like yellows and oranges. Maybe next week ....

As I showed before, this is what my first layer looked like:

This was the colour-combination for this week: pink, apple green, and a touch of dark green:

And this is the result: some happy girls enjoying life. I guess the colours brought that out :-)

This week we had such beautiful weather. Winter has started here, but we had clear blue skies and sun the whole day. So I could finally paint outside (in summer it's usually way too hot). Took advantage to start 2 new canvases with a lot of dripping.

This is the first one:

This'll be another one like "Connections", so the background will change a lot before I start drawing the figures.

And this one I started a long time ago, but didn't get further than the first few layers. I decided to start adding some contrast with black & white, but when I brought it back inside, I saw that it was a bit crooked. I hate is when that happens! Lately I´ve taken the habit of only using box-canvases, but this one was an old one that was laying around. I really don´t know what to do now: continue or throw it in the bin ... ?

There are a lot of layers on there already, so I would hate to throw it away. What do you do in a situation like that? I have thought about using some MDF to glue it on, but it's 50x70cm (19.7x27.6inches) so that would make it really heavy. I'll just leave it like this for now ....

Well, that's it for now! Thanks so much for visiting! I'll be linking this to Paint Party Friday and to Summer of Color. Go have a look over there, and join in if you want!

Hope you have a nice day, and for my American visitors: happy 4th of July!


  1. Beautiful work, love those happy pink girls! Valerie

  2. Your soc piece is lovely. I always love to see how you're canvasses start life. I dint really understand what's crooked about the last piece-do you mean the frame of the canvas as you can't tell from the photo? It would be a shame to bin it as it's full of possibilities with all those drips on it already.

    1. Yes Nic, the wood that the canvas is stapled to is crooked, so it won't hang flat against a wall. I have no idea how to stretch a canvas, and I would still be afraid it would be crooked again, even with new wood. Have to think of a solution, as I really don't like throwing anything away ....

  3. Love these, When that happens to me I put it away for a while and then drag it out and a solution usually occurs. Its too good to bin,

  4. Great to see the finished SOC painting. Great use of this weeks colours. Happy PPF!

  5. I love your works of art, Denthe! And the one you made for the SOC this week is so creative and amazing!

  6. Beautiful soc...your spirit seems lighter in these soc girls!.. I gesso over ruined canvases and paint over them...often the texture takes me to a new place!

    Hugs Giggles

  7. Denthe I always look forward to seeing your art. You are an exciting artist with so much soul.

  8. fantastic SOC project and I love your "dripping" colors on your canvas!

  9. You did an amazing joy with those colors for SOC, Denthe. I love the backgrounds you have started. I am looking forward to your magic touch.

  10. Beauty and magic, you paint with both.

  11. Gorgeous use of this week's colours! Ooh and your drippy backgrounds are divine.

  12. Fantastic use of this weeks colours, your girls are amazing!

    Lurve your drippy canvas it is awesome. I would hang it as it is, see if you can see potential in there & take action when your Soul speaks... Me, i love everything about it, abstractly awesome:-) xxx

  13. Your pink and green picture is terrific. The pink figures seem to float above the green background, but in reality it must be the other way round. I like the long-legged cat and the whole painting is so beautifully balanced.

  14. That's some pink Denthe, you have captured the color in your figures perfectly. The crooked canvas, well I don't think I have ever really drawn a straight line, so I'm no help, I rather like crooked. xox

  15. love your summer of color finished painting!!! excellent.

  16. i love your pink girs, they really made me smile, your work is always so creative! I"m not sure what to do about the crooked canvas. Is it the wood that is crooked? Maybe your local art store can help? I hope you can save it, as it looks very interesting already.

    1. Yes, it's the wood.... It won't hang flat against the wall and that bothers me a lot in a finished painting. So i"m not sure whether or not to finish it ......

  17. Great post Denise - love your pink girls having fun! the crooked canvas - keep on going as you could sell it at a discounted price i suppose

  18. Your SOC painting is so whimsical and pure fun!

  19. Beautiful SOC painting. A fun piece for this week!

  20. oh I love the pink and green girls and your new work too. I can't wait to see it finished! The crooked wood is disappointing. :( Maybe you can just use it propped against a wall for personal use? I'd hate to see all of the work you've already put into it go to waste. But it still photographs well so maybe that ouldn't be considered a waste after all?

  21. thought I had visited - but not! I love your SOC painting - have to see if I can whip something up before tomorrow

  22. You were so lucky to get outside this week!! We had grey clouds + misty rain all week!! I love your SOC piece so happy and summery x

  23. Ha Dente, meisje houden van de kleur roze en dan schilder je van zelfs vrolijk-roze.
    Bijzonder mooi!
    raar daar het bij jou daar winter is maar je schilderd heerlijk door.
    zomers groetje Christiene.

  24. Would that we all live all the days of our lives :D Excellent quote for your dancing lasies :D

  25. I love those happy girls enjoying life! So pretty and vibrant! Looking forward to further steps in the paintings.

  26. Ah I love your happy girls :-) They made me smile!

  27. What a shame. I hope you manage to sort out the problem. Love the artwork on both. Very creative and original.

  28. All those layers are fascinating - no, don't throw it away! I love what you did with the color challenge - the pinks and greens look fabulous.

  29. I just love your happy girls enjoying life Denise... incredibly sweet.... and how good is this Qld weather.... wonderful that you got to paint outside... and loving the beginnings of your two new paintings....

    Jenny X

  30. I'm looking forward to seeing how the bottom two canvasses develop - like you say, I wouldn't throw the other one away. Is it really noticable? Maybe the MDG option like you said. Or - how are you with the sewing machine? I've seen some really cool dolls and bags made out of old canvasses!

    As for your SoC this week - it just made me smile! So bright and happy!

  31. I have the same problem with a canvas I have finished. Disappointing, believe me I know. I wonder if taking it off the frame and letting it hang freely on a dowel like a rug would work? It could also be reframed. I know that one lady artist cuts up her canvases and sews them into tote bags.

  32. Oh my gosh these are so wonderful!


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