
Thursday 26 June 2014

Another week that flew by ....

Phew, this week went by so fast I didn't even get to post twice ....

Not that I have that much to post, but at least I managed to finish my mosaic mirror and my SOC piece for week 3 :-)

This is the mosaic mirror:

It's approx. 25x25cm (9,8"x 9,8") and made of handmade mosaic pieces, glasstiles and (pieces of) shells. Had fun doing this one :-)

Summer of Color this week had colours that I'm not too crazy about. Here they are:

Lavender and grey with a smudge of plum .... I like plum, I'm not too crazy about lavender and I hate grey. Although grey can be very useful to let other colours pop. But in my "normal" paintings I never ever use grey. So this was a challenge. But then, it's supposed to be a challenge, right?

This is my first layer:

I spread some lavender and a tiny bit of purple with an old creditcard, and then added some plum with a paletknife. Didn't like how it was looking so I put some cling wrap on top and let it dry. Liked it much better then. This is such a simple technique but gives great results.

Then I brought out the figures with grey ...

I like it better than I thought I would, but still, I don't think I'll exchange my oranges and yellows for this combination just yet ;-)

And this morning I got a really nice surprise in the mail: Lee from "Defining me" had sent me 2 minizines. I had no idea what a minizine was, and I really really like it. She sent me one  about a camping trip with her parents when she was younger, and  one about a trip to Paris. It's such a lovely way to keep memories of something.

Here are some pictures:

It's hard to get good pictures of it, but I think you get the idea. It's filled with Lee's typical colourful quirky characters and I love it. Thanks so much Lee!

Okay, that's it for now. I want to thank you for visiting my blog and leaving all those lovely comments. I realy appreciate you taking the time, and I try to get to everybody in return. Although sometimes I'm not able to leave a message, usually because of Google+. But know that I visited you :-)

Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, and of course to Summer of Color. Have you had a look yet at all the gorgeous art in all those links? If you haven't, you should! I try to keep up but wow, there are a lot of participants in both challenges ...

Well, hope that you're having a great day, and that your weekend will be fun! See you next week ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I am totally fascinated by your technique and this has worked out so well again. I looked closely at your grey background and it is so smooth. Your picture is so beautifully composed and painted.
    Love your mosaic too, I like stripes.
    These minizines look fascinating and as if they would be fun to make, I'll check out Lee's blog, thanks for the link.

  2. I'm intrigued to know what does the cling film do to the paint? I really like this piece even if the colours are more some than your usual vibrant art.

    1. Well, best is if you have more than one colour. You then push the clingfilm on top of the wet paint and let it dry there, and it makes all kinds of interesting patterns. You can leave it on until dry or you can remove it right away, you can mop up the paint etc ... and this all gives different results. Those light lines in the first layer are made by the clingwrap. Really interesting, you should try it. Not sure whether it works with gouache though ....

  3. Love your SOC piece. I received the zines from Lee too . They are great fun.

  4. from all my SOC visiting it seems like many of us were challenged by these colors-but in the end the projects are all really wonderful-just like yours! Never heard of a minizine-great idea and lovely little gift.

  5. oops-forgot to say -your tiled mirror is really super!

  6. You did a good job even if the colors don't speak to you as your loved ones. The cling film technique is very useful and creates lots of textures if that's what we're looking for. I recieved the zines from Lee too, and had such a good time "reading" them. Your mirror is stunningly beautiful.

  7. I love your lavender, grey & plum page. It's good to try something different occasionally even if it confirms what we don't like.

  8. Love your tiled mirror and also love the way your images come out when you start working. Very nice use of the colors.

  9. I am' so' with you on the colour combination. You are anything but grey!!! I hate grey too, reminds me of school uniforms.. that said you have done a great job, I always enjoy watching your progress shots, you are such an innovative artist and are always so generous in your techniques.

  10. Your work has such a beautiful flow and lightness which very inspiring and unique. Thank you for sharing it.

  11. Hi! Love what you came up with.
    Considering you weren't too happy with the colors...
    but you left something to love .

  12. Well you sure made nice work of colors you hate and those zines are fantastic. Lucky you. xox

  13. You are awesome! I so enjoy your art. Have a great weekend

  14. I am thrilled by your technique . I love t your grey smooth grey background . Your picture is so wonderful .
    Your mosaic is gorgeous too, I really like stripes.
    The minis are fab - thanks for the link.
    Happy PPF!
    Happy SOC!

  15. I love how you make the figures pop out of your backgrounds.
    And those minizines are awesome!!

  16. Denise, I am yor fan and everybody knows that!Whenever I visit your blog, I understand the poetry of art more!

  17. Your piece for SOC is beautiful all in your own special style! Lee's work looks great too!

  18. i so love that tiled piece! Great work!What did you use to apply the pieces- I've heard of everything from Spackle to caulk-
    And for the colors you dislike immensely (heehee) a beautiful piece emerged! ")

    1. Thnx Jackie! For the 'normal' tiles I use PVA-glue, and for the shells I used my hot-glue gun.

  19. LOVE those colors for the week! I think I may like purple too much tho. haha! Great pieces!

  20. Yes, the week flew by! Where did it go? LOVE your SOC piece, just gorgeous!

  21. You did well with those 3 colors (that I have never used in that combination). I like your piece even though I do admire your oranges and other bright colors better.

  22. Good for you for attempting the challenge. Not an easy palette. Great outcome.

  23. I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY LOVE your SOC painting!!!!! I don't use grey much either but I love what you have done. The mosaic is great. ♥♥♥♥♥

  24. Great results from the SOC colours and love your gifts. Enjoy the weekend, hugs Annette x

  25. Wonderful paintings, as always. Mirror is yummy, too.

  26. Though they are not your favorite colors you have done a wonderful painting. Your gift looks great, it is so rich in colors.
    Have a lovely weekend

  27. What an impressive way to create unusual yet gorgeous art. Nicely done. Shame you're not amoured with it. I love the mosaic mirror too. Is it for your room?

    1. Thanks! I still have to finish the backside of the mirror (put hanging-system in place) and then I'll take it with me to the gallery to sell (hopefully ☺)

  28. You managed to get a wonderful painting out of a difficult color scheme! Kudos to you! I have yet to get involved with the SOC, it is so hard for me to limit myself to two colors and a smudge of another. I know, it is supposed to be a challenge. Well - you made it work! Happy PPF!

  29. prachtige creaties weer, mooi dat mozaiek en een andere kleur kan inderdaad een behoorlijke uitdaging zijn,haha, maar het ziet er perfect uit en leuk dat gekleurde journal!
    Gezellig weekend!
    Groetjes karin

  30. Wow absolutely gorgeous work,

  31. Yes, another week did fly right by, didn't it? I love the way you use these colors and your amazing technique! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us at SOC!

  32. Ha Dente , dat heb ik ook de week vliegt voor bij.....
    maar je hebt toch weer mooie dingen gemaakt in korte tijd
    je kleuren en je werken mogen er zijn!!
    een groetje Christiene.

  33. Your picture looks amazing! :)

  34. I like your SOC painting - but I know what you mean - I often use purple - but not lavender and grey. I don't even think I got any lavender in mine. But it's good to stretch our color muscles! Love your mirror-I picture it hanging in a beach cottage somewhere.

  35. I love that combination of lavender, purple and grey, it's interesting, cool, chic!

  36. fun to hear how you are not wild about this weeks colors
    it made me wonder what all three mixed together would create, maybe mud
    your piece turned out wonderful as did your lovely mirror.

  37. I loved your sic piece, it was such a beautiful quote!

  38. This is a beautiful represenation of this week's colours! Your paintings are so magical - they really speak to me. Your mosaic piece looks lovely, and thanks for sharing pics of the little zines you received in the mail - so much fun!

  39. Denthe made these colors work....I didn't post mine because I didn't like how my combo worked! You are always so inspiring! I was lucky to get two of Lees zines too!! Pretty cool....I love her whimsical artwork....she only lives a province away too!!

    Hugs Giggles

  40. I loved the colours this week and am in a quandary for next week when you will probably be in your element :P I think you did a fabulous job. Love your canvas this week and always love your progress shots :)

    Those mini zines look amazing!

  41. Very nice job. I love your use of the colors. You worked with them well.

  42. oh, Denthe, there is so much beauty you share here. I love my weekly visit to see what you have been doing. Thanks for your continued sharing.

  43. I enjoyed seeing how the colors turned out. It is beautiful. Blessings, Janet PPF


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