
Friday 20 June 2014


I finished my painting! I decided to keep the white, since so many people were in favour of it, and also because it's different for me and every now and then one has to try something different, right?

I really loved working on this painting. It's a completely different way of painting than my more intuitive paintings.  Mostly because I can do little pieces at a time, and don't have to get out all of my paints and brushes.

I tried to leave as much of the background as possible. When I make another painting like this, I'll take more care with the background and keep in mind that it's actually the end layer in most parts. With my more intuitive paintings almost all of it gets covered or altered, so that's a different way of working.

I don't have that many in-progress pics, but I'll show you what I have:

 I started this painting in Tracy Verdugo's workshop. This is the first layer. Mostly symbols added with different materials and in different ways.

 second layer: it needs some colour!

   Third layer: more colour and drips. I used a lot of acrylic inks on this canvas. Love the brightness of the colours. Although they re supposed to be waterproof, I found that not all colours are when I went over it with the white paint.
Fourth layer: still more dripping ….
Fifth layer: softening it up a bit, bringing it all together:

Drawing my figures on there. Most come from my imagination, although I could “see” the two big birds and the dog. And I took care not to cover areas that I really liked, like the bright colours of the tree trunk.

  Starting to fill it in with white. Nice and easy, taking my time …

 Almost finished the first layer of white

 Second layer of white and starting on the faces
More working on the faces

 And this is the finished painting. I call it "Connections", because to me it's an expression of how close all living things are connected and how we are dependent on each other. It's a square box canvas of 61x61 cm (24”x24”)

 And then my SOC-piece! The colours for this week were dark teal, coral and a smudge of white:
This is the first layer: coral and some white spray ink.

And this is what came out of it. A bit surreal, I'll admit, but then in almost of all my paintings there's a bit of surrealism ;-)
It's made on canvasboard and is 20,3x25,4cm (8x10 inches).

I found this quote on Pinterest his week, and thought it was perfect for this little canvas.

Well, that's it for this week. I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday and to Summer of Color. So many talented participants in both of these art parties, so go have a look, there will be lots of eye-candy :-)

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your sweet comments. I hope your day has started well, and your weekend will be bliss 
♥ ♥ ♥


  1. awesomeness..... The while makes it look more magical, if that is possible ♥

  2. You have made lots of wonderful work again! Valerie

  3. I really enjoyed your works in progress, but the SOC entry is wonderful and makes a very, very bold statement.

    BTW, I intended to get here last week, but time became a huge factor, for which I must apologize.

  4. Wonderful. Love how you created the background.

  5. Your first painting is unbelievably wonderful, both the technique and the painting. This is an amazing way to work, covering some of the painting with white to reveal the many images, and without the process steps I would have wondered how on earth you managed to make this. I seriously love this painting and thank you very much for being generous enough to show the steps which make it even more interesting.
    Your SOC piece is marvellous too, I am in awe of your technique and painting ability.

  6. Great project, lovely to see a breakdown of your pieces.

  7. Impressive this Connections piece is stunning...a show stopper...should be in an art gallery...truly you all the way....I love it! Amazing...and great soc too!! I hope this new piece ends up in a show! LOVE IT! You always inspire!

    Hugs Giggles

  8. It's always lovely to see how others do their paintings. Your piece is very different and personal. Also your SOC piece is special, I like them both.

  9. I love this painting. It's almost like negative painting at stages as you cooled in the white background to define the subjects instead of the other way round. The title is fabulous and something in very much a believer in.
    Your soc piece is lovely and yes most of your work is wonderfully surreal-i love that about it!

  10. *coloured* not cooled. I really should spellcheck before hitting send!

  11. Denthe, thanks for the color therapy!!! Needed some on this rainy and grey day in Finland.

  12. I like the white. It makes the faces pop, yeah?

  13. Beautiful! I really do love the white! I was actually wondering if it was hard to get a solid white over the colors. I can't believe you got it to cover in 2 coats! That's awesome! I feel like I always have to do layers and layers.

    1. Well, in some places I had to go over it three times. But most of it is 2 layers yes ....

  14. This is the most fabulous painting!! I love the white. it's just wonderful!!

  15. Wow!!! So much to see and really impressive! Your art is always full of interest and your amazing process, a real journey! I really love the white backgrounds, your beautiful ladies and nature really stand out that way!
    The SOC piece is great too, a perfect quote to go with it!

  16. OK, I know you are probably getting tired of hearing me say this.... but you are amazing!!!!! Your art is so inspirational and you make it seem so effortless. I love it all!!!!!

  17. this is such a wonderful piece. I see something new and fun as I move around the canvas. I especially love the kitty! :)

  18. Two separate (and both very beautiful) ways of doing art. I like the white background but your intuitive, colored backgrounds are unique to you. I always look forward to seeing what you have found hiding in the colors.

  19. Your work is so beautiful and unique!!

    I wish you a happy Paint Party Friday!

    Smiles, Saskia :)

  20. I'm so glad the SOC challenge has led me here to discover your blog and your art. Love it!

  21. Zo verrassend Denise; al dat wit in je nieuwe schilderij. Wat een werk, maar een prachtig resultaat. Super!!
    xxx Marianne

  22. Your Connections painting just blows me away!! I'm completely fascinated by your steps and what you see in your pieces. Great job with the SOC colors too!

  23. I just saw your comment on my blog. That is not a stencil. That's the fabric. It had bright white designs which were brought out when I spray misted the fabric. Hope that answers your question.

  24. I Love the background white of your piece and love seeing your process. Your white background and shapes reminded me of a fantastic artist called Christine Robinson. I follow her blog and adore her work. unlike her you use the human figure and the shares it creates to fill the space, WoNdErFul!!!

  25. Thanks for sharing your progress pics. Really like your art pieces! Happy PPF

  26. I saw this on fb and I love how you have used those gorgeous colours together. Oh and of course Lottie supports Holland ;)

  27. I am so glad you kept the white space and I love the colours you have used too. Great to see your finished painting for the SOC challenge.

  28. your paintings get better and better! i love this new style

  29. Both paintings are wonderful. I love that I can continue to look in different sections and find a visual treat.

  30. So that's how you paint it! I love how the colors really pop with plain background. Great paintings-both of them.

  31. I will have to try painting like that - I love the white surrounding the fabulous color. Have to see if I can get a piece done for SOC as well.

  32. It is gorgeous with the white... a fabulous finished product... and your summer of colour piece is beautiful... brightened up the dull days we have been having I am sure...xx

  33. Your art just blows me away!!

  34. Your work is always full of beautiful color and so alive. Well done. Thanks on the subject of Blogloving. I may look into it.

  35. Denise - I LOVE both of these so much! I know I say that a lot but the white layer leaving the background underneath in your "Connections" painting is truly amazing!!
    Your SOC piece just makes those colors sing!

  36. I like the white background too, and beautiful soc piece!

  37. I so love the white background makes the painting so alive. Love your SOC piece..

  38. Absolutely Spectacular! Denthe, your art is amazing to me- I am a fan!
    The second piece you show is so very cool too and I love the words to wrote!

  39. Both your paintings are beautiful. It is always magical to see the different steps of your paintings process. The white background does look lovely.
    Happy PPF

  40. I wanted to say very nice complimentary things but all the words have been taken up! Instead I will go with WOWIE WOWOWOWOWOW!!! Really beautiful stuff!

  41. I love how you have shown the steps throughout the work! Fascinating to see into the mind of another artist! Wonderfully creative and vibrant! Happy PPF!

  42. Just saw this at Magically Mixed Art Community. I love the painting. I really like the white background. It sets the great colors off beautifully. I have Word Press for my blog, and am following you through their blog reader. I love all your bright colors. I like to use bright colors also.

  43. Ha Dente, de liefde voor kunst is bij jou te zien in je schilderwerken.
    Je schilderij is prachtig geworden!!
    En voor jou eens echt anders, leuk toch het wit er in gelaten.
    Het was weer mooi om mee te kijken.
    Liefs een groetje Christiene.

  44. Enjoyed the process and result, have a nice weekend

    Much love...

  45. the finished piece ... wonderful! and it speaks connection, yes. Love the process photos as well.

  46. I'm flummoxed by your talent - such wonderful and creative pieces! I came to see your SOC piece, which is wonderful and vibrant with the quote that fits it so wonderfully. But I feel so privileged to also have seen not just your wonderful "Connections" piece, but see how it was built layer upon layer. Your work is delightful.

  47. Love your piece and your blog!! so much color, feast for the eyes!
    thank you for your visit and your kind comment.

  48. Hooray for doing something different. Frequently! Totally gorgeous product. All those faces and figures are so fluid and pretty.

  49. Es ist immer total interessant zu sehen wie sich deine Bilder entwickeln! Das 1.gefällt mir am besten ich liebe die vorwitzige Nase der lady :-)
    LG Anja

  50. I absolutely love your beautiful work! And the piece that you made for the SOC challenge this week is simply amazing. I just love that quote so much!!!! Joyful and wonderful art!

  51. It is absolutely fantastic to see how you develop your art! I have looked at your photos several times and was swept away. Wonderful work!

  52. Wow, another superb SoC piece :D

  53. All of your work is so colourful and lovely :-)

  54. Beautiful. Beautiful. Beautiful. Chops literally agape at both of these. Thank you so much for the progress shots on the first one. The second, oh I love that quote and the colours are perfect for SoC.

  55. wow am loving your latest painting and the white is so perfect. Also love your SOC picture. Hugs Annette xx

  56. oh! your painting came out wonderful, i love it. I love the white and how summery and bright it makes it. Such attention to detail and wowza, just gorgeous!

  57. Wow!! Your art is always so impressive! I just love that last one so much with all of the white. It's pretty spectacular!

  58. Your imaginationing is amazing. I love how you bring all these colors and characters to life. Thanks for sharing your process. I always look forward to seeing your work.

  59. Amazing pictures -a nd so unique :)
    Love them - the colors are great!

  60. I so love what I see Denthe!! The white gives it so much more definition and the colors pop out so beautifully....I also love to see all those yummy stages of the progress.. ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  61. Denthe! These pieces you've created are beautiful!! I love them! Hope you are well!


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