
Friday 23 May 2014

finally mosaicing again (and a little bit of painting ...)

I finished a small mosaic that has been on my worksdesk since months. Don't know why, it was almost finished but I just didn't feel like working on it. Now I forced myself to finish it, and guess what? I started another one already because I'd forgotten how much fun it is :-)

This is the one that's finished:

It's small, only 12x19,5cm (4,7"x7,7"). I'm experimenting a bit with new sizes and formats.

This is the new one I started:

Lots of little details in the beginning, but I so love to see how it looks all together. I want to get it finished by next week Friday, so I can take it with me to the gallery.

In between, I've also been working on my second canvas from Tracy's workshop. I'm experimenting with negative painting, and leaving the positive space as much as possible as it was. I will have to bring details out a bit more but I'm going to try to change as little as possible. I'm really enjoying this, the nice thing is I only need white paint at the moment, so I can do it in between all other kinds of things, like cooking. Doesn't take much room and makes no mess. That's quite handy every now and then :-)

This is where I am right now:

That's it for this week. Don't forget there's still a sale going on in my Society6-shop. Free shipping worldwide, the cards are on sale at the moment and from tonight there will be 5$ off all tees, tanks and V-necks. This sale will be on until Monday at midnight PDT.

Here are some products from my shop:


 rugs! Believe it or not ... ;-)

 throw pillows, with or without insert

 different models of tops

 wall clocks

... and so much more. Have a look, the quality is superb!

Thanks so much for visiting! I'll link this to Paint Party Friday, go over there to have a look at the diversity of artprojects people created this week!

Hope you'll have a wonderful weekend ahead of you! Enjoy your day ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love the mosaic and funny to hear that you have the same housewife thinkig as I have...( means - ehat I do best between laundry, cooking and gardening ...
    cause I work on my kitchentable and have to make clear it whe n family need it.....

    Curoius about this painting will end up!
    Happy PPF!

  2. Wonderful work, love your mosaics, looks like a lot of work! Valerie

  3. Your mosaic is gorgeous and so rich with colour!

  4. I love your mosaic it is so beautiful, I love mosaics of all kinds but yours are so unique. Do you make your own tiles? they look so unusual I can't believe they were bought ready made.

    1. Thanks :-) Yes, I make my own tiles. But for the mirror in the middle, I bought the tiny little tiles that I'm doing now. Sometimes I mix them up with glass tiles, but usually it's just handmade tiles.

  5. Love your mosaic, I was going to ask the same question as Morag! Perhaps you could do a step by of your mosaics as you do with your paintings. The negative shapes in white create a really fascinating effect. Be interesting to see how it goes. Love your gallery work.

    1. Thanks! My mosaics are always spread out in time, starting with buying mirrors, sawing the shapes, making the tiles, preparing the shapes, and only then do I start the "real" mosaicing. Usually I don't make pictures from start to finish. But I'll try to remember next time ;-)

  6. Holy canoli! Love the mosaic work! Those colors are to die for!

  7. Love your mosaic mirror and love, love your work in progress. Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. Beautiful start of new painting and gorgeous and colourful mosaic. Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. Lovely mosaic's. That is something I have never tried. Your painting looks great I love a little white space.

  10. Your patchwork mosaic is terrific. Your negative painting is very intriguing, that looks like a difficult technique, but here you have already such good and unusual results.

  11. You do have such a beautiful sense of colour. The mosaics are stunning especially the circular central one. Great work on the negative spaces. Beautiful strong flowy shapes created.

  12. Gorgeous work....I'm excited to see what the gallery set up looks those mirrors are stunning...and I love the new painting...such an interesting style!!

    Hugs Giggles

  13. Your mosaics looks stunning, and that new painting is interesting as well. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

  14. I have always wanted to make my own polymer clay tiles - you inspire me. Painting with negative space really gives you a fresh eye when you look at things. I love where the painting is right now.

  15. Oh heyyy, your mosaic work is beautiful! And Congrats with your new shop! :)
    I will go and have a look. I was earlier thinking of a shop to put some of my works in..
    But it came to be only words and thoughts.. so far.. :)

  16. And I like your paintings as well! :)

  17. Again you have amazed me with your talent. Your art is always so interesting and inspiring. Can't wait to see that second mosaic finished. I will go look in your shop. hhmmm rugsss???
    Have a great weekend

  18. Denthe, wonderful art works this week. The mosaic is so beautiful. I'll be watching to see how the new one turns out.

  19. Your mosaic work is very special and beautiful. I wouldn't have that kind of patience :) Love your painting with the white and am so looking forward to seeing the end result!

  20. Lots of great color with your mosaic. Beautiful work.

  21. The mosaic is beautiful.
    And I really like the negative painting too - the white and all the colors are really nice together.
    Have a nice weekend - and thank you very much for the nice comment on my blog :)

  22. love that mosaic, and that type of painting looks sooooo fun!

  23. Denise, this is fabulous!Love to see your beautiful art everywhere, my friend!

  24. Denise, your mosaic work is so colorful. Would love to see the final look of your new painting.

  25. Your painting is looking fantastic and I can't wait to see where you go with it. I always love how colorful your mosaics are ...they make me smile.... A LOT!

  26. Dente, je weet me keer op keer te verassen, dat is op zich al kunst!
    wat maak jij mooie dingen prachtig!!
    weer met plezier mee gekeken.

  27. Love YOUR negative take on Tracy's workshop. Your style is front and center and this adds a different dimension. Great mosaic(polymer?) xox

  28. Negative painting is hard. It's like thinking backwards, and I have a hard time doing it. Looking forward to seeing what you do.

  29. Beautiful mosaic work and work in progress.

  30. I can't wait to see how this painting turns out,I'm a big fan of both yours and Tracey Vendugo's work. I'm really hoping to take one of her workshops in Texas next year.


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