
Tuesday 27 May 2014

getting distracted

It's very late already and I should be in bed by now, but I got distracted. Again.....  By Pinterest ...

I now understand how you can lose hours and hours on there without even realizing it. And it's not as if I go there deliberately. No. It's very clever how they set it up. I get emails from Pinterest telling me that maybe board so and so would interest me, with some pictures. And usually, there's some board that interests me. So I think: I'll have a quick look....

Problem is: it's never quick. Because from looking at one board I see another board that's even more interesting, and then I have to check out the interesting pins as well ... And before I know it my evening is gone and I need to go to sleep.

Need to change that. And sooner rather than later ...

Managed to work on my mosaic today. It should be finished by Friday.

And I also tried out something new in my journal (being very inspired by the flowers from Alisa Burke ☺):

And now I'm going to shut down the computer and GOTOSLEEP !
Thanks for visiting! See you on Friday ♥


  1. Ack,Pinterest is my all time waster! It's too easy to go from board to board pinning all of the beautiful,lovely,inspirational things. :) I like how your mosaic mirror is going and the one you finished before(that you shared on PPF). Your journal page is also very nice,I'm liking how dramatic the flowers look against the more subtle nature of the girl's figure.

  2. I totally agree! I start of being drawn in by a cute animal photo next thing I know half the evening has gone and I've been around the world and back worth all sorts of new hairstyle inspiration all courtesy of pinterest!
    I love this new floral doodle (floodle?!) It's really effective with the Black between the flowers!

    1. haha, floodle! I think you just inspired me to do a new series ... ;-)

    2. "Floodle", great idea to do a series!

  3. I know exactly what you mean! I have spent about the last six months on instagram. Completely neglecting my blog. I am back to blogging and enjoying you blog and catching up:)

  4. wow het ziet er allemaal weer prachtig uit!
    Maar dat Pinterest is funest inderdaad,haha.
    Groetjes Karin

  5. I like your lady in the flowers. She is very lovely.

  6. I know what you mean about pinterest! i end up forgetting what i actually wanted to see in the first place! love your drawing with the girl and the flowers, actually its stunning! i'm amazed at your artwork - i'm a fan

  7. I hope you got some good sleep. It is amazing how much we can get done if we turn the computer off! Your drawing with flowers is so lovely.

  8. Pinterest sucks some of my time each and every day!! I too need more self-control!
    Love your flowered girl - I'm taking the Alisa Burke Flower Power class now myself!

  9. Lovely mosaics Denthe. I like your sort of side-step into another approach to your art with the flower girl. She is lovely, and somehow I feel she is just the start of something that will combine your various styles into something very specially Denthe.
    Thank you for you kind comments on my post, things are getting a little easier and I am determined to put all my will-power into getting better.

  10. The mosaic looks terrific! And go you for staying on track to have it done by Friday! Woohoo!


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