
Tuesday 20 May 2014

Quick little post

Long time ago that I did a sketch. It was fun, really should do it more often. When I scanned her and saw her on the computer I had the feeling something's off, though I'm not sure what ....

I think it's something with her eyes, though it could be something else entirely. Guess I'll have to look at her a bit longer in order to find it ;-)

And despite a promise to myself to finally start a new mosaic today (people in the gallery keep asking me about it), I just couldn't stay away from the second canvas I started in Tracy's workshop. I so want to work on it. I'm trying out something new, and having lots of fun in the process :-)

Finally, believe it or not, but Society6 is having a promotion of free shipping again! I love Society6, they so regularly have promotions, and I always use those to also buy things for myself or for a friend. Here are some products from my shop that I haven't shown yet:
 wall clock
phone cover

Well, that's it for now! Hope you're having a wonderful day! Thanks for visiting ♥


  1. The sketch is lovely! Even if you do "find it," I think you should consider keeping it. I have a quote right by my desk from Poe: "There is no exquisite beauty . . . without some strangeness in the proportion."

    Society 6 does great printing, and that pillow is gorgeous! I am darn tempted! :D

  2. Denthe, your work always amazes me. I love how you expand your boundaries with art & push yourself further and further. Your products are gorgeous - especially that pillow! Thank you so much for sharing your process. i know you are inspiring MANY other artists out there... xx

  3. Awe, I love it all! Your shop items are SO cool too - I love the clock and that pillow is so vibrant! If you don't mind my asking, do you like selling there? Have a great week! xoxo

    1. Thanks Kristin :-) Yes, I love Society6. Of course, it's big and there is a lot of competition, so you have to do your own marketing, I don't think it's easy to get found through their search engine. But it doesn't cost anything, you can make as many products as you like, they regularly add new products and they often have promotions like free shipping. I often use it to buy products for myself or for friends or family as a gift. I think they're great, and the quality of their products is very good. And it's so much fun to try out your art on all these different products ;-)

  4. wow what great products, and as far as my eye can see there doesn't seem to be a darn thing wrong with that woman in your painting, she is beautiful

  5. hm..I don't see anything wrong with your girl.

    I really love the phone cover. She's so pretty.

  6. Absolutely love your artwork!!! You have such a beautiful style!!! Really LOVE that pillow!! Can't wait until I truly find my style. Happy Painting to you. :)

  7. I like her eyes, and your new goodies look great, the clock is such an unusual idea!

  8. I like your sketch. I'm glad you enjoyed doing her. She is quite lovely. I am going to check out Society 6. Thank you for the info. Have a wonderful day!

  9. YES! It's SOC time again! SO happy to have you play along - and thank you for the Society 6 info - I will look into it! xoxo

  10. The clock is so cool, what a great idea. xox


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