
Sunday 2 March 2014

Overview of all my 29 faces challenges ... :-)

It was a very busy weekend and I didn't get any art done. Frustrating, but I'm hoping to have some playtime tomorrow ...

I did manage to make a mosaic of my 29 faces though. Oh, I always love making these mosaics, it really gives such a sense of accomplishment seeing them all together like that.

Here's February 2014! (clicking on it will make it bigger)

And just because this challenge is so much fun, here are all the mosaics from the very beginning:

February 2012 (the very first time!)

May 2012 (the first year there was also one in May):

September 2012 (a busy month for me, so that month I did only oneliners):

And February 2013:

And that was the only one I did in 2013. The September 2013 one was the first time I didn't participate, because I was away from home for half of the month. I really missed it though ....

Soooo, I want to thank everyone of you who supported me throughout this challenge, left wonderful and encouraging comments, and took the time to visit me. And of course Ayala Art, who had the brilliant idea 2 years ago to start this challenge, and takes the time to keep organizing this twice a year. Thanks and hugs to all of you ♥ ♥ ♥

I'll be back some time this week, not sure yet with what .... ;-) Hope to see you again ♥


  1. You are a true veteran of 29 Faces! How satisfying it is just to see all those montages and examine all the lovely faces, all so different, and as you say, to look back gives a real feeling of achievement.
    I shall take inspiration from you and post last September's montage - my first time of the challenge - along with this year's montage which I hope to post on Friday.
    Such an impressive post.

  2. Fantastic! I love seeing all the previous 29 faces months. Such a beautiful range of color and styles! Yours was one of the most inspiring blogs to visit for my first time at it. (Also you left really nice comments!)

  3. Oh goodness...I'm loving all the 29 faces collages I'm seeing that everyone is doing. I may just have to find some time and do one too. Love seeing all of yours!

  4. Congratulations on completing 2014. All of your faces are absolutely wonderful. I truly love your style of painting - the designs you create, the colors you choose -everything.
    Have a wonderful week!!

  5. I LOVE LOVE LOVE seeing all your beautiful faces together in one post - Gorgeous!!

  6. Oh my gosh, overwhelmed at your talent but even more so seeing it on mass like this!!! Utterly fabulous, no wonder I am such a fan, your faces (& art) is inspirational!!

  7. these are great to see. I remember some of them, i guess i've been following you for a while!! i especially remember the month of one-liners!!

  8. These are so fun, and I enjoy seeing your previous pieces. Your rock people are especially fun! I have some extras from my collection for got stone message that would be perfect to use for some!
    have fun with your next project/inspiration!

  9. Congratulations on your completion! They are all wonderful! Your journey was a beautiful one. Thank you for sharing your lovely art with us. Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, I truly appreciate it!

  10. What a fabulous collection, and so good to look back to the beginning and see all the different styles. Thanks for sharing.

  11. I missed your early challenges and how lovely to have the opportunity to look back at your wonderful faces, It is so interesting watching your style develop, you have such an original and distinctive style which radiates colour and life.

  12. Beautiful beautiful faces Denise... and just love seeing all your challenge faces together... congrats on completing another one...

    Jenny ♥

  13. Wow, you are a faces afficionado! No wonder you are so good at it!

  14. Wonderful, my friend!Congrats!

  15. Loved seeing how your style has developed over these past years!


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