
Friday 28 February 2014

the last 2 faces!

It's finished! The challenge has come to an end. And as always relief mixes with regret. But I guess it's good that it's finished, because I really need to do some things with my shops, and I also want to make a Pinterest board. I'll have to monitor my time on Pinterest though. I  know I could easily get lost there for hours on end ... ;-)

This painting is the first of this kind I did since a long time (except for the commission I did in October) . I was looking through my old sketchbooks, and I still have so many drawings in there that I want to make a painting of one day ....

And since I need some more paintings for upcoming exhibitions I decided to paint this lady. She's also face nr 28:

I'm not sure it's finished. It's not so small (50x40cm - 19,7"x15,7") and I'm not used to having so much empty space on my paintings. I don't want to draw anything else on there, and I've been keeping myself from adding some words. But I'm still wondering. So I thought: you know what: I'll ask my friends from PPF!

What do you think? Should I add a quote or a poem, or just leave it like this? One thing I'll do for sure is add a bit of a darker border. But I'm not sure that's enough ....

And then face nr 29, the last one! It's again a painted rock. I'll have quite a few to take with me to the gallery tomorrow :-)

It's one of the biggest ones I've done so far, almost the size of my hand:

That's it for today! On Sunday I'll be sharing a mosaic of all the faces I did this month, and then it's back to posting 2 or 3 times a week.

I'll be linking this to Paint Party Friday, and to 29 faces. So much talent in both groups, go have a look! I want to thank you all so much for commenting and visiting, it has certainly kept me going this month :-)

Hope your day is beautiful, and for those of you still living with winter, I hope spring will come very very soon! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I like the empty space, it gives her room to breathe, I know what you mean though I too usually fill up every availiable space but sometimes less is more. I do so love those painted rocks! :)

  2. Je bent er al klaar mee :-) Ik moet er nog eentje. Je schilderij is erg mooi en misschien moet je inderdaad eens een schilderij maken zonder tekst. Niet iedereen voelt zich bij een tekst aangesproken en als er met de tekst geen klik is, verkoop je het ook moeilijker. Je kunt het natuurlijk altijd eens proberen; teksten toevoegen kun je later ook nog (misschien zelfs een tekst die de koper er graag op zou willen zien- het is maar een ideetje). Je stenen zijn altijd erg mooi; die ben je weer zo kwijt. Ben benieuwd naar de compilatie zondag; zal wel weer een heel mooie verzameling worden.
    xxx Marianne

  3. I also like the empty space, but after you have completed the darker border and had time to look at it am sure you will reach a conclusion. Love again your fab painted stones. Thank you for all your support with 29 Faces. Happy PPF, Annette x

  4. lovely works and it is always so good to step by and see your creativity! Thank you for sharing

  5. I'll pose this question to you and then you can decide whether she needs words..... Does that picture tell a story? I heard a teacher say all art should give the observer a story to be interesting!
    Plus your true nature seems to have words with it! Love the rock too!! You are just amazing! Every single time I am in awe of your work!

    Hugs Giggles

  6. Congratulations on a job well done

  7. First of all, thanks for getting know your work via this challenge, I really love your work. And secondly, thanks for visiting my blog so often, I appreciate that.

    I tend to overwork my paintings, that is why I say: leave that empty space! That turquoise is amazing, it doesn't need anything else. It leaves room for the viewer to create own story of that painting.

  8. I just love your choice of colors in both of your beautiful and unique portraits. I am also very amazed at your lettering in the small surface of the rock. Blessings!

    PS - The portrait works well as a minimalist piece, but I can understand your conflict.

  9. I love your faces and that stone looks fantastic! I think quotes and those squiggly lines are your signature. :) You can always paint over it if you don't like it.

  10. Oh gosh -- all this faces are so wonderful done!
    Love them all!

  11. love all of your faces!! especially the rock ones- so very cool! i also love the girl with her hair blowing with the message about evil- the message is a good one!

  12. Your final faces are great! One thing I find helpful when I am undecided if I should add something more to a work is to photograph it or scan it and play with it in Photoshop. Add something digitally and see if you like it that way.

  13. She very pretty and lovely on the green canvas. I especially like the funky rock! It's wonderful! What a great face and design and so colorful.

  14. Beautiful faces! The portrait looks empty to me on your page, maybe I would have felt differently, if it had been on somebody else's! What kind of surrounding do you picture her in in your mind? Is she outside or inside? Maybe you could just add a hint of the space she is in, instead of the abstract space I feel she is in now. Because of the green I imagine it could be a wood, but who knows? :-)

  15. I would keep the painting the way it is - a border will ground it. She really is the focus in that empty space and I think it's a wonderful painting.

  16. Wonderful big rock! xox

  17. Prachtig en uniek werk!

    Groetjes, Saskia :)

  18. Congrats on finishing the challenge. Its so gratifying to look back on all 29 and see how much you've grown. It was that way for me anyway last year. Your rock is killer! I love that face and the colors. Just beautiful!

  19. While I always admire and love your rich and full paintings, with so much details and interest to look at, I am enchanted with this clear-eyed lady. I think it is perfect in design and execution, and I like a painting to have space to exist and breathe. The acid test would be to offer it for sale and see if there are others out there like me who love the simplicity of the design, and like me spend time trying to read her thoughts and wonder what she is thinking.
    I was interested in Ilona's comment, and perhaps there is a little of what she says in how you feel about it - that you would appreciate it if it were someone else's painting.

  20. congrats on completing the challenge-that face is gorgeous!!! She's even very current with her trendy bob :) When I'm not sure of adding words or a quote I make a copy (scan) of the piece and add something digitally in photoshop to see how it might look. Your painted rocks are always fabulous!

  21. I think she is lovely as is.
    I also enjoy your art with words. It is so personal.
    there is a gallery in town, serious art and they will not accept paintings with words. They do not consider that serious art.
    Lovely weekend to you!

  22. Both the faces are beautiful. I love blank backgrounds but sometimes I feel a quote or a thought can make a piece more meaningful.
    Happy PPF

  23. Love your rocks and congrats on the 29 Faces. Great work.

  24. congrats on 29 faces, whew! The first girl is beautiful, and fine all on her own!

  25. Denthe your painted stone is incredible and it inspire me to do something like that for my first selling event ;) Just wonderful!! ♥ Conny Mix It Monthly

  26. That rock is a favorite, wonderful! Your lady is special too, very lovely and peaceful with that dreamy relaxing green background, it soothes!

  27. Gorgeous colors on your rock faces.

  28. PS. I wouldn't add any words to it. If you wanted to lessen the space, you could put a darker area to the upper left, same color only darker and gradually getting to the rest of the background.

  29. i like her the way she is, but maybe a little darker around the edges would be nice. Your rock is so cool too!

  30. I am so impressed! Your work is so beautiful - so full of life and color - and it is quite an accomplishment to finish the challenge. I did it last year and it was tough, but I did learn a lot. I don't know what I would do with your paining; I can see it either way. Lotta help I am ;O xo

  31. Congratulations on finishing! These are great. Beautiful beautiful paintings!

  32. I love the colors, so soothing and relaxing. Her eyes are really beautiful. I love your painted rock as well. I am glad to have finished as well! It sure was fun! It also was fun seeing your work through the month. Hope to see you around!

  33. Congratulations on finishing the challenge Denthe.
    The painting is beautiful the way it is and the words are okay in some paintings but in this one….doesn't need it, just my thoughts.

    Annabelle : )

  34. I like the picture without words, but then I look at her and she seems to want to say something. Perhaps I am used to seeing your quotes and am thinking, I wonder what quote Denise is thinking about here! :)

  35. That womans face is wonderful! She looks so self assured...what I need right now. LOVE the colors on the rock. You always use such beautiful colors.

    Happy Paint Party Friday!
    I'm late...Happy Saturday!

  36. Expressive faces! I especially like the different colored eyes on your rock - :)

  37. I am so impressed with your painted lady. She is perfectly executed. The shading and colors are fabulous. I also love the rock art. You made me smile today.

  38. Love the painting of the girl - the colours are so vibrant (i think i would add some words). the rock is my favourite - so colourful and vibrant like all your art - i enjoy reading your posts and always look forward to receiving notification of them in my mail - thanks for being very inspiring

  39. Oh wow, I love them both!
    Hope you've enjoyed the project as much as I have!


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