
Wednesday 5 March 2014

Having fun

Now that the 29 faces challenge is done, I have some more time to play with Photoshop. Ooh, the time you can lose on there ... I am discovering so many possibilities, but then I make about 10 versions of 1 image, and then I can´t choose anymore which one I like best....

I have been adding new art to my Society6-shop. Because this week it's again free shipping on most products (not on framed art prints, stretched canvases and throw pillows with insert). I just loooove Society6 :-)

Here are some new products that are available:
stationary cards

art prints and stretched canvases





And so much more .....

If you would like to take advantage of the free shipping order, you need to go to my shop through this link.

And guess what!? I finally opened a Pinterest-account! `Well, actually, I opened it months ago already, but then found it too complicated to figure it all out and just left it until I would have more time .... According to all posts and links and reports on the net Pinterest is really easy to use ...

Well, not for me it isn't. Some sites just don't resonate with me, and Pinterest is one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love browsing through Pinterest, but I find it quite hard to figure out things that should be fairly simple. But anyway, I did it, and I even made 2 boards already! If you want to have a look, and maybe even follow me (☺) here's the link.

It's getting really late, and Society6 takes a long time to upload (the files need to have a really high resolution), so I'll just continue tomorrow. I'll post more images on Friday, or you can just hop into my shop regularly, because I put new products in there all the time. The free shipping ends on March 9th midnight.

Thanks so much for having a look, I'll be back on Friday!


  1. Mooie dingen heb je in je shop!! En ik heb je pinterest ook bekeken; ben zelf geen lid bij Pinterest, dus kan je waarschijnlijk ook niet volgen. Lijkt me wel erg leuk, maar hoe zit het met copyright als ze weer dingen van jou pinnen???
    Tot vrijdag!!
    xxx Marianne

  2. Denthe, what gorgeous work you do and those products are just awesome!! I checked out some of your 29 faces - wow! You do beautiful work. It's been wonderful to see the development of so many other artists' out there in the past months/years. You've grown a lot as an artist. BRAVO! xx

  3. Wow Denise! i just adore the art with the girl and bird - its just so adorable and i also love the mug - i hope your selling lots of your stuff cause its really beautiful

  4. I love pinterest, denise! In fact I have so many pins it is a bit embarassing! Love your work as usual.

  5. i've starting following you on Pinterest. I really like it. I find it easier than bookmarking sites.

  6. Following you on Pinterest. ;) Seriously wish you could sell your rocks, they are the best!

  7. I'm following you on Pinterest! I use it to store images that inspire me, like a folder of treasures when I feel I need a boost. :) My boards are here if you'd like to see them:
    I shall pop over and see your new Society6 items now! xx


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !