
Thursday 7 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 7

Today I started on another mosaic, but got very little done. I also finished a sketch, so I'll post that as my contribution for day 7. I am always working on a lot of different things at the same time, so I can choose every day which one I will be working on that day. So today it was a sketch:

I will probably add a coloured background to this some time, but not today. It's late already and I want to visit some blogs before I dive into bed.

Thanks for visiting! I really enjoy reading your comments and hopping over to your blogs to see the wonderful art you created. Tomorrow I'll be back for Paint Party Friday, and of course the 8th day of the AEDM-challenge. Hope to see you then!


  1. Het is weer een schattig meiske. Weer knap gedaan met die haren.
    Lieve groetjes,

  2. I like to have a few things going at the same time, too. That way I won't be staring at a white canvas wondering what to do…what to do….

    very nice sketch btw

  3. Sweet girl, and I like the way you have put the writing across her dress. I am sad for her, and she must look for a bridge to help her cross each river.

  4. What a sweet face! Nice sketch. I always like to just do some drawings if I don't have much time. They sometimes evolve into something wonderful later. But she is already wonderful…

  5. She is so sweet and stylish!

  6. Really interesting hair on your sketch.

  7. She's lovely, I really like the hair! Looking forward to seeing the background colour but I think she looks perfect as she is. :)
    Jess x x

  8. this is definately my favourite sketch of all the ones you have done! i loooooove her, the eyes are so sensual

  9. So,so pretty and I love her hair. Simple, delicate and beautiful. Thank you for sharing

  10. Awesome portrait as always, love also the wonderful writing words.
    Groetjes Anja

  11. oh your girl is fabulous and I love the writing, and the hair, did you get that I like it

  12. This is such a wonderful drawing! Love the hair and eyes. Her eyes look sad but wise. There is a sparkle there amidst the obstacle of the river.

    Beautiful work.

  13. This is wonderful! I'm in awe of how much expression you were able to put into a sketch!



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