
Wednesday 6 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 6

Today, I felt like making a lyricsgirl again. For those new on my blog: I started making lyricsgirls after noticing how beautiful some lyrics are. Almost like poetry. So I wanted to use it in combination with illustration-like images.

Today's lyrics are from Heather Nova and Eskobar. Looove that song! Done with markers, background is panpastels.

Managed to visit everyone who left a comment here (except for some who don't seem to have a blog), but still didn't get around to visiting other links from AEDM. Time's just too short ....

Thanks so much for being here! I'll be back tomorrow!


  1. i don't know that song…i'll have to check it out. always love your lyricsgirls drawings.

    i know what you mean about song lyrics…some are just so beautiful. i always wish i was good at stringing words together.

  2. Super gedaan!! Je bent weer helemaal goed op dreef. Leuk om weer elke dag iets nieuws van je te zien :-)
    Keep up the good work! Liefs,
    PS Ja, leuk dat boekenfestijn. Ik ga ook elk jaar even neuzen als het mogelijk is :-)

  3. Missed your work!I am glad you are participating too!

  4. I to love lyrics, the way they run together and make sense, and how sometimes they are spot on with your life, I love your girl,

  5. i write poems myself in Dutch, German and English. I am glad I found Your blog. greetings

  6. I know what you mean about trying to comment on all the blog links. It is so hard. Love this girl and the words of the song you have added to it.

  7. Congratulations on being on the cover of The Woven Tale Press e-magazine. Great work, gained a new follower.

  8. very cute Denise! love her and the words

  9. Love her!!! I can't keep up with all of the post either....
    i'm barely keeping up with being able to post myself.
    i knew this month would be crazy

  10. A beautiful girl with sad eyes that match the lyrics. I have always preferred songs whose lyrics are like poetry, and I love the way you illustrate the lyrics. Some of the songs of Dr Hook have lovely poetical lyrics, I don't know if you know their work - I had never heard of them, but about 25 years ago a friend said that because I loved poetry I would really like their songs. I always appreciate your visit and comments on my blogs, so thank you for them when I know that life whirls so fast.

  11. LOVE the lyricsgirl! It's really stunning how you get across the emotion of the lyrics in her expression in this style (as opposed to painting, say.) Brilliant!



Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !