
Tuesday 5 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 5

Well, if I thought yesterday's painting was small, today's is even smaller .....

I painted another rock, and this must be the smallest one I've done so far.

It's still not quite finished. I always write a quote on the back, stil  have to do that, and now I notice I also forgot to put highlights in her eyes. Oh well, I'll finish it and show it at the end of the week when it's time for Paint Party Friday.

See how small it is?

Thanks so much for visiting and leaving your wonderful comments. They keep me going! I'll get back to your blogs tomorrow, because I'm feeling a bit under the weather today and I hope to beat it by going to bed early for a change ....

Linking up to AEDM. Have a look there for all kinds of creative goodness!

I'll be back tomorrow for Day 6! ♥


  1. i love your little rock painting! i'm in awe! i've tried painting rocks before and it's not easy.

  2. Love your rock painting - Great Character!

  3. love your rock lady. always fun to meet another one of your characters! Happy AEDM!

  4. She is gorgeous and glamorous! Great job.

  5. My first time visiting you - I can't believe this is a rock! Love it, and what a great idea to put a quotation on the back! I'm coming from AEDM.

  6. Beautiful detail ~ I never would have guessed it was so small!

  7. Ha! How wonderful! I can't believe how much detail you managed to get on a small rock!

  8. How fun is this! AND a quote on the back. Wonderful - what do you do with them? Outside? Inside? gifts? Piles of them? I'd love to know.

    1. thanks Tammy! I use them as paper weights, although this one might be a bit small ... It can get really hot here in Queensland, and with all the windows open my papers sometimes fly all over the place. So it's quite handy to have some rocks ready ;-)

  9. Just wonderfuld this faced stone in your hand! I could go out into the garden to look for some - but It's dark and late and I will go to sleep... But I hope I will remember this...

  10. oh Denthe... your rock girl is gorgeous!! Love this. Amazing how much character she has with such little detail. Beautiful work, girl! xox

  11. Love it!!! I collected a lot of rocks from Wooli Beach down south, they are so fiddly to paint on LOL, you have it mastered though, just wonderful :)

  12. She is adorable!!!! Just love her ♥

  13. so much gorgeous detail on a little rock - amazing!

  14. Leuk gezichtje en zo knap dat je dat op zo'n formaat zo gedetailleerd kunt schilderen. Hopelijk helpt het dat je vroeg naar bed bent gegaan.
    xxx Marianne

  15. I hope you're feeling better! Your little pebble is lovely. I find it so very difficult to paint faces that small even though that's exactly what I'm doing at the moment for my small canvas boards! Get well soon
    Jess xx

  16. wow schitterend gedaan zeg en dat op zo'n klein oppervlak!
    Groetjes Karin

  17. Hope you are feeling better by now. Your rock painting is lovely as always. A few of your pebbles of this size would look very nice mounted in a shallow box frame, if you could find a way to make them stick. Perhaps you could be lucky and find some that were flat on each side.


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