
Monday 4 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 4

I managed to make a tiny little painting today:

These miniature canvases are 10x10cm (4"x4"), and I always like to make a whole series of them. They have almost sold out in the gallery, and I'm now experimenting with canvasboard, so that I can sell them in my Etsyshop without having to charge ridiculous shippingcosts. They are mixed media, the text is supposed to be shining through the paint, but alas, not this time. Too many layers of paint on there before I was (more or less) satisfied ....

Linking again to AEDM. I must admit this daily posting takes some getting used to ... ;-)

Thanks so much for visiting. I try to visit as many links as possible, but already 243 (yes 243!!) people have signed up, so it's next to impossible to visit everyone, unless I want to spend all day in front of the computer and not make any art. Which is not exactly the purpose of this challenge ..... . I intend however to at least have a look once at all the participants.

I'll be back tomorrow :-)


  1. This is beautiful even if the text didn't show through as you had wanted. You do the most soulful human eyes ever! I know what you mean about ridiculous postage costs - even for paper goods it always ends up costing me more than the price I've set on Etsy. I also agree - the daily posting is a lot on top of creating every day too so, like you, I just can't make it round as many blogs as I'd like to.

  2. Ha Dente, een prachtig kunst werkje op een heel klein doekje
    dat is al kunst op zich......
    Een mooi sprekend gezichtje!
    Liefs een groetje Christiene

  3. I love your ladies and the colors you use are so bright and clear. Happy AEDM!

  4. Denthe your characters are the kindest I know :) Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog!! Of course you are in the lotterypot ♥ Good luck for the win :) ♥ Conny
    Piaroms Art Journaling

  5. that is a lot of people doing art every day!
    your painting is wonderful. i don't think it is that easy to make tiny pieces.

  6. Gorgeous piece and a great sentiment.- it's all in your perspective.

  7. She is beautiful Denise . This is my first time doing AEDM I too hope to complete 30days of art-:)

  8. Wow...4"X4" is tiny for so much detail. You amaze me, my dear. Love that yellow background and your beautiful lady. xo, janice

  9. That is a huge amount of fabulous art for such a small space!!

  10. Fabulous Denise, your painting and your quote, love it so much.
    Lovely greet and big hug

  11. Great little art piece - i don't know how you do it, but you're very good at it!!! Glad you are selling some of your art work!

  12. Knap portretje. Ze blijven leuk, die kleine canvasjes!!
    xxx Marianne

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks Darlene! Can't find your blog. Do you have one?

  14. Love it!!! I know what you mean about trying to get to all of the participates's impossible... which is too bad cause there is some amazing art that I"m missing I'm sure :)

  15. A lovely sentiment and a gorgeous painting to go with it. Lovely work.

  16. What do I like about this lovely lady? Her big eyes and luscious lips, and those marvellous chestnut curls. She deserves life to be kind to her.


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !