
Sunday 3 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 3

Still weekend, so still not much chance to do art. So I decided to make some mosaic pieces.

I make my own mosaic pieces, and I'm getting low in some colours. And since I've 3 more mirror bases ready, and also want to start on some figures, I really need some new pieces.

Usually it's fun to do, albeit time-consuming .... But not today. Time-consuming: yes, fun: NO. I had bought a different kind of clay and it was hell to work with. Crumbling, hard, very difficult to get smooth and soft. My hands still hurt ....

So I ended up not doing as many as I would've liked. Oh well, lesson learned: stick to the one you're happy with ....

I hope I'll get some painting done tomorrow. My hands are starting to itch ... :-)

Thanks for visiting and leaving comments! I love reading your thoughts.
I'll be back tomorrow! ♥


  1. beautiful colors and shapes! You'll have so much fun using them in one of your creations!

  2. Grrrrr....I hate it when the tools I'm working with are awful! Still looks pretty ;)

  3. I didn't realise that you made your own mosaic pieces, so colourful. The second two pictures are like the mille-fiore glass technique, so interesting, and what patience you have. As you say, so annoying when a previously untried material fails to come up to expectations - I've done that with cookery too!

  4. Ik had ook geen idee dat je die allemaal zelf maakte. Dat is dus dubbel zo knap :-) Jammer dat je deze keer niet zo'n fijn materiaal had en dat je handen er pijn van doen. Ja, als je eenmaal iets hebt wat goed is, moet je daar meestal niet van afwijken. Maar volgens mij wordt het weer een prachtige mozaiek met die nieuwe kleurtjes!
    xxx Marianne

  5. Wow I hope you charge a fortune for those that is a lot of work...gorgeous pieces...but sorry the clay didn't work well...and those itchy hands.....not a good sign!!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs Giggles

  6. Love the colors and shapes!!! You are always amazing me with your talents ♥

  7. is there anything you cant do, a true artist

  8. Well, I'm sorry you didn't have fun, but these sure are pretty! I'd love to see those mirror bases when you get them put together! Enjoy painting tomorrow and have a great week! xo, janice

  9. I didn't realise you also made your own mosaic pieces out of clay - you are full of surprises, so clever!


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