
Saturday 2 November 2013

Art Every Day Month - Day 2

Only the second day, and I'm in trouble already .... The weekend is always a bit hard for me to make art. Too many other things to do.
So I made it easy for myself and finished a one-line-doodle that I'd started before.

Just start in one corner and keep going in one line until the whole page is covered. It's a fun thing to do when you're short on time.

Thanks for taking a look, and also for leaving so many wonderful comments on my last post. I truly appreciate it! I'll be back tomorrow! ♥


  1. I love this ... all the faces! Marvelous. Happy AEDM.

  2. That's such a cool idea! And it looks fabulous too!

    1. Fantastic that you #1 - did it. you finished something. #2 - you took a photo and uploaded it. #3 - you wrote a few words of explanation for all your AEDM2013 admirers #4 - you are an inspiration all the way around.

    2. Your one line art is always amazing!

  3. easy? I don't think so. it's fabulous!!

  4. Wat ontzettend leuk.... ik dacht dat kan nooit, dus de foto vergroot en een heel stuk van je lijn gevolgd. Geweldig@!! Klopt helemaal!! Geniaal.
    xxx Marianne

    1. Hahaha! Me niet geloven hé ;-) Echt waar 1 lijn, enkel de oogjes en de lippen heb ik er achteraf in bijgetekend.

  5. What a cool idea! Great job! Happy AEDM!

  6. happy day 2!! love this illustration :)

  7. What a clever idea and it looks brilliant for something you were able to do quickly!

  8. Oh, my goodness. This is so great! You never cease to amaze me! xo, janice

  9. What a cool idea!! Love how it looks too!

  10. A really fascinating one-line doodle, it's like a maze that one's eyes want to follow around in order to see the various images. You inspire me to have a go ...... not just yet but I'm tucking it into my 'to do' file in my mind, so thank you for another idea, dear inventive lady.

  11. I am always amazed at how you do these One liners and they look so planned and GREAT!!! Something I must try...once I get over the intimidation factor :)


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