
Friday 1 November 2013

Art Every Day Month Day 1

Well, November is here already and I'll have to accept it. No use in getting all stressed out because time is flying so fast. I'm gonna take each day as it comes, and try to be all zen about it ... Who knows, it might work .... ;-)

I'm off to a good start with AEDM. I finished my mosiac! Just need to get a hanging system in place and it's ready to go to the gallery.

Here are some details:

I've been making and painting the base for 3 more!

Last Friday I delivered the commission-painting to the lady that ordered it. I was very nervous, because, no matter how you try, you cannot get into someone's head to see the picture they have in there of what they want. It's always a guess, and I'd hate to let them pay for something they don't really want. But she loved it. It was a painting for her daughter, who lost her best friend unexpectedley half a year ago. It struck a chord with me, because I lost my sister so unexpectedly also half a year ago. It was a pleasure making the painting, despite the nerves. Here it is:

And lastly, last week I mentioned I didn't make any art at all during my family-visit to Belgium. But this week I was looking through my photographs and I realized I DID make something.

My eldest sister organized a big family-reunion while we were there, and I wanted to bring her a present. So I bought a nice plant and went in search of a pretty pot to put it in. A few hours before the party, so not much time. And all I could find was a black (!) pot ... Not my favorite colour at all!

But I had brought some paint markers with me (for all the art I was going to make ... ☺) so a light bulb went off in my head and I decided to make a doodle-pot out of it :-)

Let's just say that after a few hours I could hardly use my hand, but I finished the pot! Didn't get any good photos of it, this is the best one I have:

She loved it. Thought I had bought the pot like this ... Despite the hurry I enjoyed doing it and might make some for myself in the future. Or for others..... It really does make a unique gift.

Well, that's it for today. I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, and also to Art Every Day Month. Can't believe I'll have to write on my blog again tomorrow .... Better start preparing some things then .... ;-)

Thank you so much for your visit and your lovely comments. So good to be back in the blogging world! Hope you'll enjoy your day, and will have a bright and joyful weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Love your wonderful mosaic with this bright "Denthe Colors"!

  2. The mosaic is fabulous, and the pot even more so! Valerie

  3. Hi Denthe, I have not visited your blog for a while and it was so nice to open your page and see so much of beautiful and inspiring creativity filled with so much heart and I love your colours and compositions they just seem to flow beautifully. Thank you for sharing and big, big hugs.

  4. Prachtig gedaan; alle drie fantastisch!! Wat een mooie mozaiek en een schitterend schilderij!! En je bloempot is een juweeltje. Alle drie zo verschillend maar echt unieke "Denthe" creaties.
    Well done!!
    xxx Marianne

  5. I love your frame! And the art that was commissioned. Very beautiful indeed. And the pot is just gorgeous. What a great idea you had. Thanks too for the link to AEDM. I might give that a whirl.

  6. happy Day 1 :)
    i always love your work. it's going to be a good month!!

  7. Beautiful work. I love the doodle pot idea. I'm always getting my inspiration at the last minute, too. I love the way it turned out. Something about the white on black is especially striking and classic.

  8. I love coming to visit here - your work is so beautiful and you are such a versatile artist. That painting is just lovely - I know it will be cherished. I think that flower pot is fantastic - I can imagine how your hand felt after that. Time is always flying by - I guess we all need to relax and fly with it.

  9. Your pot and frame are both fantastic! I love them, oh and your beautiful touching picture is so full of feeling, the words are beautiful! I love coming here!

  10. Hi Denthe. Love the pot. You did wonders with it. I'm sure she loved it. The painting is just beautiful with just the right words. Very touching. Awesome work as always. Thanks.

  11. such beautiful arts!
    the frames details are amazing!
    the commission, well i can see why she loved it, so moving.
    and your pot, that is an awesome piece!

  12. wonderful projects Denthe. Your mosaic is gorgeous and your painting is so touching and beautiful.Love your tribal looking pot too!

  13. That mosaic frame is fantabulous. And I love the pot your got too. It is Aboriginal looking. Happy PPF.

  14. Every time I see something new you have created, I am amazed at the extent of your skill and artistry, and feel there is probably no artistic venture you have not mastered. Everything here is so wonderful, as always. I love the mosaic, and the commission painting which included one of my favourite poems, which always links in my mind with Christina Rosetti's poem on the same subject.
    And what an inspired idea for the black pot, which brings it to life. So glad you are back, and hope that life gets easier.

  15. Lovely, creative pieces! wonderful mosaics and a very touching painting! <3

  16. What a creative person you your painting for the commission, your frame and the pot...all excellent :)

  17. beautiful work. Have a fun PPF. Kim

  18. Love your mosiac and the pot, especially the pot! The painting is beautiful.

  19. Wow impressive Denise...Love the mosaic, the pot and the commission! You can probably sell those pots you make! Wonderful diverse always I love it!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. I love your painting and the quote fit the painting perfectly, I bet she loved it, who wouldn't, and the pot was great, and of course it looked beautiful, what a great idea

  21. Denise - your art is amazing - how beautiful, haunting and personal that painting is!!
    LOVE that pot - well worth the cramped hand!!

  22. I love your doodle pot so much - such an innovative idea! I bet your client was absolutely thrilled with your painting. It is gorgeous + such a beautiful quote too x

  23. Amazing art again!!! Love the pot and that painting is very moving... love the mosaic too ♥

  24. Wow, so amazing. I loved seeing the mosaic and of course everything else. Your site is always so amazing. Love it,

  25. Hi Denise, so gorgeous your commissioned painting and the black pot turned out to be sooooo unique and very nice - i really love it. Oh yes, and the mosaic is outstanding! love your work so much thanks for sharing

  26. Wow!so much creativity here! What is the mosaic frame made of?it looks beautiful. Your commission is gorgeous and no wonder the lady loved it. As for that plant pot-it's outstanding-you are so resourceful and there would definitely a market for those.

    1. Thanks Nic! The mosaic frame is made of MDF. I make the mosaic pieces myself, although I sometimes use glass ones too.

  27. So much colour and creativity! I like your mosaic with all those interesting textures too.

  28. All the three projects look awesome. The painting of the girls look so beautiful and I love, love the wordings on that. That doodled pot is such a wonderful creative piece .
    Have a wonderful week

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Your creativity astonishes me. You COULD definitely find a buyer for that piece. Did you spray it to set the markers on it? (I had deleted the comment b/c I had put couldn't. . .dang.) I love the picture of the 2 gals. . .beautiful and heartfelt. Blessings, Janet PPF

    1. Thanks! No, no spray, I used the markers directly on the plastic. I cleaned it first with some degreaser though ....

  31. I absolutely love your mosaic and the painting with the beautiful quote. Great idea with the pot-doodle! I'm late for PPF - busy week-end!!!
    Have a wonderful week!


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