
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Getting into art again ....

Thanks so much for all the welcome back comments! So nice to know people actually missed my art ;-) I finally caught up with most of your blogs and I do admit I missed you too! The wonderful art, the inspiration everywhere, the warmth of the online art community ....

I'm finally getting into the swing of things again. I made a new lyricsgirl. Which is a very long time ago!

And started a new mosaic :

I'm getting myself mentally prepared to start the Art Every Day Month. I want to make a whole bunch of small artworks, like painted rocks, miniature-paintings, magnets etc ... and I think this challenge might be just what I need to get my butt kicked into action. Why don't you sign up too! Should be fun ... :-)

And I got a really nice surprise in the mail this week! I won Maria's giveaway from the 29 faces challenge!
Here's what she sent me:


 Two ATC's and a wonderfully sweet card! Thanks so much Maria ♥

Well, I'll be back on Friday for the Paint Party and for the first day of AEDM! Hope to see you then! Thnx for visiting ♥


  1. Yay! I'm so glad they arrived safely! So happy you like them and thank you so much! xoxoxo

  2. Wauw wat een gave lyricsgirl heb je alweer gemaakt. Fijn dat je weer aan de slag bent en dat je weer vol inspiratie zit. De canvaskaarten op mijn blog waren van canvasboard en geen doekjes. Lekker plat dus en makkelijk in een enveloppe te versturen. Nu alleen de kopers nog vinden hahaha. Ik ga helaas niet meedoen in november. Heb weer last gehad van mijn schouder, dus moet een beetje oppassen en ik wil allemaal veel te veel :-) Maar ik kom graag bij je kijken wat je gaat maken. Ben heel erg benieuwd! Zet 'm op!
    xxx Marianne

  3. such a wonderful lyric! and lovely art too.

    art every day is tempting....

  4. oh I love your lyrics girl

  5. Congrats on winning Maria's giveaway! I'm intrigued by your mosaic, I hope to see it when you've finished!
    Jess x x

  6. Love to read that you will be participating in AEDM this year!
    I like the idea of a whole bunch of small artworks though I find that for myself a single track art works better. I´ll go back to scrapbooking this year plus I have created a Facebook group to post pictures taken with cell phones. Simple, fun and meaningful to record the month. :)

  7. Hi Denise, so great that you are getting back into art with AEDM, love the lyric girl and can't wait to see your completed mosaic - i might do the AEDM also, as i haven't done any art for ages and am starting to miss it - i'll go and check out the website - thanks for sharing!

  8. Denise, thank you, you've inspired me to take part in AEDM too! I've missed stretching myself since I did the 75 day sketch challenge earlier this year so I thought this would be a good chance to get sketching again in between the painting! Your lyric girl is wonderful and very poignant.

  9. Hi Denise, Wonderful art happening at your place as usual. I'm looking forward to the Mosaic.

  10. I love the lyrics girl and the idea of illustrating the words with just the right kind of girl, she's lovely. Congratulations on your prize for 29 Faces - well deserved.


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