
Friday 25 October 2013

I'm back finally ... :-)

It seems like ages ago that I wrote something on this blog. When you go from 3 times a week to nothing in 5 weeks it takes some getting used to posting again. But after spending a wonderful month in Belgium with family and friends and almost no computer, I'm ready to get going again!

Believe it or not, I didn't draw or paint a single thing in those 4 weeks! There were too many other things to do, and now I notice, the longer you stop being creative, the harder it is to pick it up again. In the week since we've been back, I've been looking through my sketchbooks and artjournals without one single idea of what I was going to create. Big, BIG art block. I did do some art though. I worked on a commission for a painting that needs to be ready by tomorrow.  I will share pictures of it later.

Sooo, without much to share today, I thought I'd share some pictures of my new calendar 2014. While I was in Belgium I ordered some copies and I'm pleased with the way the colours came out.

This year I chose to use parts of my paintings for the different months, with of course a different inspirational quote for each month ☺

This calendar can be ordered on Lulu, same as last year. It's also possible to see a preview of the entire calendar on there.

And, pure by coincidence, I came across a post about "Art Every Day Month", a challenge that starts on the 1st of November where you commit to creating something for every day of November. And I've decided to take it on! Maybe that'll fire up my creative juices. Have a look at their blog and join in! The more the merrier.....

I haven't been visiting many blogs lately due to my limited time on the computer, but I'll make up for it this weekend! I'm linking this to Paint Party Friday. Looking forward to seeing what you all created!

Thanks so much for visiting! I hope you'll have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. glad you're back Denise! i was wondering where you were! hope you had a great time - beautiful calendar

  2. Your calendar is lovely! I love your colorful art. Glad you had fun on your trip. Sometimes I think it's good to take a break from art, but it's a lot like riding a get back on and your body remembers how to do it...smooth sailing ahead. HPPF!

  3. Really a piece of art! Happy PPF - Irma

  4. Glad you had a great time in Belgium, which is quite near where I live. Love <our calendar! Valerie

  5. I have also had a creative block and havent posted since finishing the 29 faces challenge!
    Your calendar looks great and I love the vibrant colours. Thanks for the link to art every day month. I might just take up the challenge too!

  6. Votre calendrier est magnifique, j'aime votre style!

  7. Ben blij dat je er weer bent. We kunnen wel weer wat meer kleur gebruiken en ik heb je een beetje gemist :-) Je kalender ziet er toppie uit! Helaas gebruik ik zelf nooit zo'n kalender maar ik hoop dat je er veel verkoopt!

  8. You were missed terribly! I even came back to see if you were back yet!!Glad you had a good time though. I think you may find new things pop up for you on the creative front. The break may have been came back with new eyes!! The calendar looks wonderful and it's very inspiring!

    Hugs Giggles

  9. Good to hear you had a great time in Belgium! The new calendar looks fabulous!

  10. The calendar looks awesome! I am looking forward to seeing you create art every day in November. Have fun!!!

  11. glad to have you back but it's great that you had a wonderful time with family in Belgium. Sometimes I think it is good to switch off from everything (including art) and just focus on something else - like being with your family. Still, I'm glad you're back and will be creating more wonderfully colourful intuitive artwork. Your calendar looks brilliant!

  12. Hello Denthe! how good to see you again and I hope everything is fine with you now.
    So fun to see your calendar again, I still have the one from 2013 on my wall :) I like it
    very much! :) I would like to make a calendar too, maybe I'll try it for 2014.. Just I don't
    know from where, which company, to print them out yet.. Have to muse a bit more.. ;)

    I will take a look on Art Every Day Month, I might join it too..

    and a look to your calendar 2014 :)

  13. and same to me.. I haven't painted for a long time! :)

  14. Like you I had a break after 29 Faces, and then found it hard to get started again and found myself looking back through old sketchbooks. But in spite of that a break from art and blogging is a good thing in the end. I'm so glad you are back, I love your artwork so much.
    But now you've done it ....... I've joined up for Art Every Day in November - but at least it doesn't have to be every day, so there is no great pressure and I can look forward to it.

  15. glad you had a nice time visiting with your family. so happy that you're back. oh, and thanks for the note about AEDM…i will check that out. I'm looking for something to keep me inspired. lately i've been in a rut!!

  16. Glad you are back and had a wonderful time with your family. Your calendar looks great. What a great idea. Thank you.

  17. I hope things are well with you! I am glad you are back. Sometimes you just need a bit of a rest to get your mojo working. Believe me it will. Nothing can stop the amazing creativity you have.

  18. Welcome back! Your calendar looks great! I know what you mean about the art block thing. I let mine go on for many years and now live in fear that I will let it happen again. So far, so good! You'll get back in your groove soon, I'm sure.

  19. It is good to have you back. What a great break. Blessings, Janet PPF

  20. what a gorgeous calendar!!! You have been missed but I'm glad you had such a wonderful time away. Sometimes it's nice to take an art break but I do agree that the longer you're away the harder it is to just delve into it again. Happy PPF and welcome back!

  21. Welcome back. I missed you and your beautiful art. Your calendar looks awesome and thank you for sharing about the November challenge. I would love to try it.
    Happy PPF

  22. Beautiful art, cool to see it on a calendar!

  23. The calendar looks "yummy" - those colors are good enough to eat!

  24. We've missed you, Denise! So happy you will make up for your absence with posting every day in November! Your calendar looks amazing!

  25. Lovely to hear from you, that is a beautiful calendar, signature denthe!

  26. Oh so good to see you back amongst us, your calendar looks beautiful!
    Hugs Kat xx

  27. Welcome back :-) it seems like quite a few people had a break after the 29 Faces!
    What a wonderful calendar! And thank you for the hint about the Art every day Month! It might be a good choice for me as well, without the pressure!
    Happy PPF

  28. Glad you had such a good time. I agree it is harder when one isn't doing it- but also good to have a break too. Happy PPF. Lovely to see your gorgeous art once more.

  29. So glad to see you back! Art Every Day Month will definitely get you back in the swing of things. Glad you reminded me of it...I'd better get ready! Sounds like you are doing well. Glad to hear it. Your calendar is gorgeous! xo, janice

  30. how wonderful to have a commission!

    I bet if you just started drawing something would pour out of you. I rarely have ideas before i begin a piece.

    your calender looks gorgeous.

    A month in Belgium with loved ones sounds fabulous. nice to have you back too!

  31. welcome back. what a vibrant calendar. the challenge sounds like a good way to create and get back into the swing of it.

  32. I adore your calendars. :) Welcome back.

  33. Welcome back!!!! I can tell already your new calender is going to be amazing :) I'll be ordering mine very quickly !!!!

  34. good the brightness of your paintings

  35. Welocome back =)
    Your calender looks wonderful, great idea.
    xx Monique

  36. i love your colorful calender and welcome back!

  37. Oh your paintings are magic and wow, what a beautiful calendar!

  38. Welcome back!! :-)
    I love your calendar denthe... and i totally understand "getting away" from it all for a month. I'm sure once the creative juices start flowing, it'll be hard to slow it down. Good for you for getting away to visit family & friends. Can't wait to see your work again. xox

  39. So glad to see you back - I am the same, the longer I am uncreative, the harder it is to get back into it, but the AEDM challenge is such a great one to do. I'm unable to do it this year, but have enjoyed it the last couple of times I have done it! Can't wait to see what you produce! x


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