
Friday 13 September 2013

Calendars and Christmascards, and some doodles in between ...

No paint for me this week, boohoo ... Life is getting in the way big time! So I limit myself to some doodling, which is also a lot of fun. And now I come to think of it, in this doodle I did use some paint.... :-)

Besides life getting in the way, I worked on my calendar, and I made new Christmascards. Even though I think it's waaaayy to early to think about Christmas. But I've had some orders already, so I needed to get going.

Here are some more pages of my new calendar (here are even more):

My calendar will be available from the end of October, online at Lulu. I'll share the link when it's ready.
And here is (only a small) sample of my new Christmas and New Years cards:

These will be available in my Etsyshop soon.

And guess what? I sold 2 paintings this week!


which will always be special in my heart because it's my very first "Flora"-painting. I worked on two paintings during the workshop, but this is the first one that I finished.

And I also sold "May you walk gently through this world":

They are like my babies, but I know they're going to good homes, and I'd rather have them there than standing here in my cupboard ...

And speaking of Flora Bowley: a new course is starting on the 30th of September, with updated videos so even more yummy goodness. If you want to sign up for it, please consider using this link, since I'm now a proud affiliate of Bloom True. Since I did Flora's workshop, more than a year ago, my way of painting has changed forever. It is so much more than "learning to paint", it's a totally different way of looking at your painting process and following your intuition.

Well, that's it for now. Next week the spring-holidays start here in Queensland, and I'm taking some time off from my blog to have some quality family time. I also accepted a new commission, so I need some time for that as well.

Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. Thank you so much for being here, and for giving me your uplifting and heartwarming comments.

I'll still be posting on my Facebookpage, but my blog will be in "vacation-mode" until the end of October. Hope to see you back then! Meanwhile, have a wonderful Friday, and enjoy your weekend! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Beautiful silhouettes, the white outline always makes me thing of sugar, so I always imagine candy :oD

  2. I am so happy for your sales and commission. Can't wait to see some more calendar pages, Enjoy your creative break from your blog.

  3. Proficiat met de verkoop van je schilderijen!! En je doodle is weer prachtig. Ook met je kalender en kerstkaarten ben je al een heel end, dus binnenkort zien we wel weer een schilderij verschijnen :-)
    Ik kom ook nergens anders aan toe; ben gewoon blij als ik al één gezichtje per dag kan maken. Maar heb er wel zin in, dus kaartjes maken moet maar even wachten.
    Alvast een heel fijn weekend!
    Liefs, Marianne

  4. congratulations on selling those two pieces - they are two of my very favourites of your work. That's great you have a new commission as well. Enjoy your family time and I'll look forward to seeing you back in blogland in November.x

  5. Denthe, first of all enjoy time with your family and well done with all your projects. Even if you do not paint, still there is so much creativity around you. You are right that our paintings are like babies, sometimes it is hard to let them go. Have a great week!!!

  6. Am so thrilled to hear of your success Denthe with these beautiful works. Enjoy your time with the family. Happy PPF, Annette x

  7. Congratulations on your sales. things are really moving for you with incoming orders and commissions and a new calendar which is fantastic news:)

  8. Congratulations on selling our work. Wahoo. Love the calendar pages. The bird peeking around the waist is quite charming. xox

  9. Great work and congrats on selling - the buyers are to be congratulated, too! Valerie

  10. Beautiful calendar pages in your unique style. Enjoy your time off.

  11. There is such beauty and joy in your paintings and your use of colours, and combined with the lovely quotations you combine with them you create wonderful images.
    Enjoy your time out to enjoy quality family time, creating happy memories that will live for ever - nothing is more important. XX

  12. Your first piece is fabulous, the doodling pieces are really my favorites! HPPF!

  13. Beautiful doodling-girl. She is wonderful and You have painted, look at the face :-D

  14. Ha Denthe,jou kleuren en gezichten zo herkenbaar...prachtig
    je zit in de stijgende lijn een eigen agenda kalender en ook je kerstkaarten
    gaan straks de wereld over
    ook gefeliciteerd met het verkopen van twee schilderijen.
    ik wens je een fijne vakantie
    een groetje Christiene.

  15. Such beautiful cards and calendar pages. Love your colorful style. I really like the piece "May You Walk Gently Through This World"!

  16. Beautiful work! Your colors are so vibrant and full of energy. I hope you have a great vacation.

  17. Your style is so beautiful and is definitely your own. I love the ethereal appearance and the gorgeous colors that seem to blend and contrast at the same time. Congrats on the Christmas orders.

  18. Lots of beautiful color and of course energy. Your pages are always jam packed with vibrancy. Very nice and congrats on the orders.

  19. Beautiful work and congratulations on selling your paintings!
    Happy PPF.
    xx Monique

  20. the calendar is gorgeous, Denthe!!

  21. My comment timed out on me.... You truly have found your creative voice and style. It's been fun watching you grow to the amazing artist that you are!! These pieces are all so precious....Congratulations on the sales! There can NEVER be a mistake as to which art is yours!! I call that SUCCESS!!

    Hugs Giggles

  22. so many beautiful paintings here-love the first one-her pose and doodling is so lovely! And tho I don't want to think about Christmas yet either, it is time to start planning when you create your own cards and gifties-lest you barely get done at the end :)

  23. Just beautiful work, I always love seeing what you do.

  24. You're a busy one, congratulations on your easy sales, your work is beautiful, so poetic!

  25. nice post thanks for sharing such a wonderful post.......
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  26. I am a bit late. Work has been immense. I am sorry. Well, Denthe, it is always a pleasure to contemplate your unique fabulous pieces of art. I am your fan.Happy PPF!

  27. Denthe! Congratulations! Your artwork is uplifting and beautiful! You can tell you paint from your soul! Lovely!

  28. wow prachtige creaties!
    Gezellig weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  29. All of your work is so beautiful and inspiring. I always enjoy visiting and seeing what is happening in your world. Congratulations on your sales and commissioned piece!

  30. Lovely doodle! Congrats on the sales, that's wonderful! Those pieces are beautiful!

  31. Beautiful beautiful! I just love your art. That top piece really speaks to me too...

  32. it is so wonderful to see all the things you create
    each is beautiful and deep with feeling
    congratulations on the sales of your paintings~

  33. oh Denthe... I am going to miss you during your time away from blogging!! But i totally understand. We'll still be here whenever you decide to pop in.
    Your art is wonderful. You are one of the blogs i always love coming back to. Your calendar, FABULOUS. i want to buy one whenever it is available. And your doodles - omg... they are as impressive as your paintings. SO much goodness on this blog. Take care girl, and congratulations on those sales! WOO HOOOOO!! xox

  34. Love that girl on top - your skill in drawing hair never ceases to amaze me!!

  35. Congrats on the sales and all the exciting projects you have going. Those are the most fabulous Christmas cards I have ever seen! Take care and I hope your break is whatever you need it to be. Will look forward to your return! xo, janice

  36. Your calendar is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!!!
    And such a pretty girl you have there on the very top.

  37. Congratulations on the sales! I think doodling and sketching is a wonderful way to do something creative when we have less time, and it can often lead to ideas for paintings too. Your Christmas cards and calendar look fabulous!

  38. Wonderful..two paintings :) congrats on that!! Love your doodeling girl on the top! and your calendar looks very promising! ♥ Conny

  39. After seeing someone's 'calendar' of how many days to Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, Nope, not to early to think of Christmas. Love the doodles and how the calendar is coming along. Fun Christmas cards. Blessings, Janet PPF

  40. That's a beautiful 'doodle'! Well done on the sales, your paintings are so lovely, it's no wonder!xx

  41. Congrats on the sale of your paintings! So awesome. <3 Your paintings are so full of soul and wonderful light and colours. Wishing you even more success to come. ^_^ Enjoy your time with family and can't wait to see you back here in November.

  42. Amazing artwork!! I love the wonderful colors. Congrats on the slae of your paintings!

  43. I always admire your work. :) Have fun on the blog break. :)

  44. Hi Denthe! Congratulations on your sale. Your girl is beautiful. I love what you do!!

    Thank you for your nice comment on my past post. It means a lot to me, an more coming from an amazing and talented artist like you. You made me feel very special. Thanks again and have an amazing day!

  45. they are all delicious. Congratulations on your sale :)

  46. Oh congrats on the sale! All of they are so beautiful. I love your color pallet!!! Gorgeous!

  47. all your paintings are unbelievable Denthe.. not only your faces but ALL..
    thanks for sharing

  48. Beautiful doodle Denise with the splash of color... loving the calendar pages... and BIG congratulations on the sale of your paintings... am sure they will be very much loved in their new homes...

    Jenny ♥


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