
Friday 8 November 2013

Paint Party Friday and Art Every Day Month - day 8

Well, I have a creative week behind me! The AEDM-challenge forces me to do something every day, and as a result I finally got my gear into action and started some things I had been wanting to do since a long time. I painted some new mosaic-bases, I gave some more rocks a base-coat of gesso, started preparing a new magnetic sheet to create new magnets, AND made some art! No better way to get rid of a creative block!

Today I've been working on a new mosaic figurine. This is the base I started with:

I first make a drawing onto MDF, and then usually get my hubby to saw it for me. But not this time.... He figured I needed to be able to do this myself. Actually, I agree with him, but I have an irrational fear of saws. When I get stuck (which usually happens right away) I start panicking and try to loosen it and something breaks off .... Which I don't really want since it can take me a long time sometimes to draw the figure exactly as I want it.

And then my 13-year old son stepped in and did it for me! He sawed 5 pieces for me! Perfectly, I dare say. So proud of him! One of these days I'll learn to do it myself, but for now I'm happy to let him help me ;-)

I haven't done as much as I would've liked. I kinda forgot how much work it is. Fun, but a lot of work. It's like making a jigsaw ... This is what I have so far:

Since this is not a painting, and I'm linking to Paint Party Friday, I'll give you a quick overview of what else I made this week:

Day two: a one-line doodle: 

Day three: new mosaic pieces:

Day four: a miniature-painting:
Day five:painted rock:
Day 6: lyricsgirl:
Day 7: sketch:

And then I got another surprise this week. A few weeks ago I was approached by Sandra from The Woven Tale Press, an online magazine for writers and artists with the best of the creative web. She asked me whether she could share some of my work in her next issue.

And that issue came out yesterday. And guess what? I was on the cover! Well, obviously not me, but one of my paintings! Wow, that's such a nice feeling! I was glowing all day :-)

Here it is, if you click on it it'll bring you straight to the issue on their site. Go have a look! Some very interesting articles in there too!

There's some more work of mine in there. So I'm a very happy person :-)

Well, that's enough for today. I'm linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, and also to Art Every Day Month.

I want to thank you all for taking the time to visit me and making comments. Each and every one is appreciated very much! Hope you're having a wonderful Friday, and wishing you an inspiring and creative weekend! See you tomorrow! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. WOW! that's all amazing!
    Happy PPF!

  2. Denthe, your work is amazing. Each piece is truly beautiful. Congratulations on not only being in the magazine but being on the cover. Now, I am off to look more closely at your work.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Congratulations on being featured in that magazine. Your art looks great on the cover. I'm like you with saws -- if your son can do it, that's perfect! I can't wait to see the finished mosaic.

  5. Wow, you've been very busy! Congrats on the cover, that is very cool!

  6. Awesome Denise - congrats for being featured in magazine and on the front cover too!! your art is so worthy of this

  7. Oh my, you have been busy, wonderful work again, and congrats on the cover. Valerie

  8. It's certainly been a hectic week! I'm not sure I can do it all over again for the next 3! I love the cut out girl you are making into a mosaic and that little painted stone is stunning!

  9. Oh and I nearly forgot tp say-huge congrats on your magazine cover and spread!

  10. Glad to see your work again and congrats! You deserve that and more! Happy PPF and greetings from Brazil!

  11. Congratulations on that amazing cover you are always such an inspiration!! I am amazed at that cut out so impressive...can't wait to see it finished! Love all the art today and day seven has me speechless it's so gorgeous..the all the other I love too!! Good job!

    Hugs Giggles

  12. Gefeliciteerd, super mooi. Geniet elke keer weeer van je mooie werk.
    lieve groetjes Marja

  13. You have such patience, and your mosaic lady will be marvellous with so much detail and colour. Looking at the squares on the cutting board I reckon she must be about 12" or so tall. Lovely.
    The week's creations look good all together like this and it's nice to be reminded of them.
    Congratulations on being published in the on-line magazine - very well deserved.

    1. Thanks so much Jez! Actually, she's about 24" tall (60 cm) and 14" wide ....

  14. Lucky you have such a handy son to help you out. :) Figurines look fabulous as well as all the drawings. :)

  15. Félicitations pour la couverture de magazine :)

  16. GREAT BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON THE PUBLICATION!!!!!! Your work is amazing and no big surprise here that it made the cover ♥ I love your day 7 sketch and can't wait to see it with color :) and your mosaics are always stunning!!!

  17. Firstly, it threw me for a moment that you'd already posted so much for Day 8 and then I read that you are in Australia and it all makes sense!

    Love your mosaic that you have started. So free flowing!

    Your one line drawing is fun and harmonious.

    Your paintings are beautiful - the colours and those eyes! I think I need to try painting on one of the many rocks we have collected...

    Your drawings and lettering, really seem like self portraits, deep and deliberate. Beautiful and brave.

    Congratulations on having your work in a mag! so exciting. Wonderful!!

  18. Congratulations for the "Woven Tale Press" your works looks so good! You are such a creative and colorful person and that mosaic figurine will be another special piece, wonderful!

  19. what a productive, creative week!! woohoo. and you're published! wow…congrats to you.

  20. Woooooow! Such a wide spectrum of art work! The pieces are all so beautiful. You have an amazing talent.

  21. Thanks for sharing so much. I love the mosaic you are working on. For me..... I LOVE power tools and have worked with them since I was a kid.

  22. Congrats on having your art on the cover. Awesome! You've been mighty busy. I really like all you have done. I'm especially loving that silhouette shape for your mosaic.

  23. Wow! I love it all but the rock and one line doodle was just too cool! Congratulations, what a great week you had :)

  24. "You" look stunning as a cover girl-congrats!!! You have quite a beautiful collection of projects here-very impressive!

  25. Congratulations on the magazine cover, that is wonderful!!

    i loved seeing all your art, each piece!
    are the mosaic pieces glass?
    so kind of your son to cut your pieces for you! He did a great job!!

    1. Thanks Tammie! No, the mosaic pieces are made from polymer clay, although I sometimes use glass ones too .... I make the clay ones myself, and I would love to learn one day how to make my own glass pieces ....

  26. Geweldig!! Wat een mooie creaties en wat goed dat je gepubliceerd bent!! Proficiat Denise!! Ik ga zometeen nog even naar de link van het magazine kijken. En een 10 voor je zoon: volgens mij ook een hele handige creatieve kerel!!
    Fijn weekend!
    xxx Marianne

  27. Congrats on the magazine! Love the cut out figure, the magazine had a picture of a finished piece have you done them before? Love your faces, the hair is fantastic.

  28. Wow, congratulations on the publication of your work! that's a great magazine with awesome articles...gorgeous view of your work on the back cover too. Enjoy your mosaic in progress Happy PPF!

  29. Congrats on cover girl. I love using my scroll saw. You'll get used to it. Very nice work.

  30. I love your art and so happy for you being on the mag's cover!

  31. Wonderful work Denise, how good to have a handy teenage son to do your cutting! and a big congratulations on your well deserved publication. I just adore the day 7 sketch

  32. Congratulations !!! You truly truly deserve all this and much more my dear friend:) your creativity is ever inspiring !

  33. Congratulations - your work looks great on the cover. I actually like to do things like your mosaic although I haven't tried anything that detailed. Can't wait to see her finished. You've have a good art filled week it seems. Lovely work as always

  34. Congratulations on being on cover and featured, that's really wonderful! Beautiful pieces all, so much creativity! <3

  35. What an inspirational and impressive week of creativity. Congratulation on being selected for the cover.

  36. Wow so many beautiful pieces! I love all the different methods and materials you use. That online looks incredible! And how awesome to have magazine covered with your art, congratulations!
    Happy PPF

  37. Saws are neither nor my friends! it's good your son gave a helping hand there! :)
    Nice of him!
    Your art work is fantastic, the figure that is sawed and painted on is lovely, full of
    freedom and dance! :)
    I admire your way to draw the hair and the way you manage to separate the hair!
    and your faces are beautiful! :)

    I think I'm a bit sleepy now or tired.. I just 2 minutes ago wrote a comment to you here
    (I thought). suddenly I saw I had posted my comment to you in MY blog!! hahah! lets's
    hope nobody was in right then.. :))

  38. Super - Super cool! Congrats on your painting on the cover - what an honor! I LOVE your mosaic - it will be absolutely stunning - and I love your day 7 drawing almost as much! Love her expression and the way you have drawn her hair! Wonderful!

  39. Congrats, but I can understand why they chose you. Love you work. I wouldn't want to work on a saw either. . .don't think you need to do that part of it. . .love the mosaic. Blessings, Janet PPF

  40. i am so pleased with the way you have done the mosaic, each piece is beautiful done,i also congratulate for being published in the magazine. you are better aware with the techniques of online painting
    , you truly deserve such a huge appreciation.


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