
Wednesday 28 August 2013

Artists that inspire me: Katie Young

Katie Young is a young Australian artist from Melbourne.

She works predominantly in oils and watercolour.

Her work is almost always a collection of portraiture or figurative work. She's also a photographer and a designer.

I like the soft dreamy tones she uses, and the contrast with the line-drawings on most of her canvases.

I am not sure whether the paintings on her website are organized according to date created. If they are, she seems to be changing her style a bit to more male figures and stronger face colours.

I have a preference for the paintings I'm showing here. I can't find a blog or a Facebookpage for her, so I'm guessing she doesn't have one.

She does have a website though, so if you want to find out more about this artist, go have a look here.

That's it for now. I am being busy with all kinds of projects, that needed to be finished by yesterday preferably. Needless to say I'm running short on time again. I will be back on Friday for the Paint Party though, because I promised to treat myself to at least a few hours of painting or drawing tomorrow..... Hopefully that'll make up for all the hours I spend trying to figure out my taxes .... UGH!

Thanks so much for being here! See you on Friday  ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. These are lovely. Thanks for finding them and sharing.

  2. Beautiful, thanks for sharing...!!

  3. i love that you share what inspires you. it inspires me too by exposing me to new work and artists. thanks!

  4. Hi Denise, beautiful art! How unusual that she adds those fine white lines to her work, i really like that, thanks for sharing i enjoy very much !

  5. Love this art, thanks for highlighting this artist to enjoy :)


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