
Friday 30 August 2013

A bit of this and a bit of that ....

I am in a bit of a slump this week. Too many things that I need to do and not enough time to do them. Which is not conducive for my creativity.

As a result, when I decided to give myself a few hours of art time, nothing came out. Do you know that feeling? When your head is full of ideas but you can't get anything down on paper? I had made a whole list of things I wanted to try out, but one after the other didn't go as I wanted and in the end I felt more like screaming ....

The only thing I finished was a sketch I did a while ago and printed out on watercolour paper to give it a bit of colour.

Might use this for my calendar, that I also have to start working on if I want to get it finished in time ...

Meanwhile I've been making ipod- and iphonecases for my Redbubble shop, and also some ipadcases.
Here are some examples:

Made 10 different designs, and it's possible a lot more will follow, because this was FUN! You can check them out here.

These are 2 of the ipadcases, also 10 different designs. You can check them out here.

Remember the paintings I made for Summer of Color? These?

I've put them up for sale now in my etsyshop. Free shipping worldwide!

Did you know the 29 faces-challenge is about to begin again? On the first of September! Head over to Ayala Art's blog and sign up for it if you want. It really is a lot of fun. Not sure yet whether I'll participate, probably not since I can't do the whole month. Which makes me kinda sad, 'cos I've been doing it since the start last year. But, well, I need to prioritize a bit when I'm short on time.

One last thing: a friend who bought 2 of my prints sent me pictures of them framed. She goes around recycleshops and searches for great-looking frames. Here are the 2 she bought:

I LOVE how my prints look in those frames! And what a great idea to search for frames in that kind of shops. Good for the environment, and a unique look. Thanks Tina!

Well, that's it. It doesn't look as if I did much this week, and that's true, at least artwise. Hopefully next week will be better .... (although my taxes are still not finished :-p)

Thanks so much for being here, I hope your day's been good so far, and your weekend will be bright and happy! Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Hi Denthe! Thanks for your comment on my blog! From reading the topic of your post I think I may be a little late now to say of course you can share my Sketchnote! I'm glad you liked it :) Those frames do look lovely with your prints in them, I particularly like the last one as I love the colour turquoise!

  2. Beautiful work, and good luck with your shops! Valerie

  3. Ha Dente dat gevoel is mij ook bekend veel willen doen
    maar past niet in de tijd.
    Jou gezichtjes zijn zo levens echt
    heel mooi jou agenda gezichtje.
    Jou vriend heeft twee mooie kunst stukjes te pakken.
    veel plezier met jou mooie werk
    Een zonne groetje Christiene.

  4. Good luck with your shops, I love the frames on your prints.

  5. Yes best of luck for your shops! I know that feeling, it happens often to me too at this time of year when there is so much to be done with school starting up again and endless lists of to take time out and just relax when you can. I've recently started a little yin yoga it definitely soothes and relaxes me!

  6. marvellous faces..I love the blue glad you have started yoga too I love it and that is where I get lots of my ideas from

  7. Denthe, Denthe, my never fail me to surprise me with your unique style!I love your work!Happy PPF and hugs from Brazil!

  8. For having no time you still had oodles to share. Your simple sketch is lovely with the color added. How fun to have your art on peoples phones all over.

  9. wonderful iphone case.... and that portrait your friend framed with orange background and some white left in her hair is my favorite! love the contrast! I think I am sitting out on the 29 faces too, yet I am tempted.

  10. Your faces are beautiful. This one in particular has a wonderful delicate beauty to her and I love the hair.

  11. Well for feelong unmotivated you sure were able to accomplish alot. Cool iphone cases. xox

  12. Every time it is such a pleasure to see your beautiful creations Denise. LOVE THESE ALL.
    Lovely greet

  13. Love your sketch and best wishes on your shop opening!

  14. Love the ipad cases Denthe! I took a look over at Redrubble. They are gorgeous! I love your sketch...quite a different look for your art. Beautiful and very intense. Such incredible talent you have my lovely! HPPF

  15. Your watercolor sketch is so beautiful Denise. Love seeing your wonderful art on the various products and the framed ones are fab too!

  16. Don't beat yourself up, this is a wonderful post. Shows your diversity with links to your amazing art!! once in a while you need a post like this...and love your water color...gorgeous..

    Have a great week full of productivity in anything you do!

    Hugs Giggles

  17. Your friend did a great job finding good frames for your beautiful art, Denthe. I love the sketch that you colored at the top of the post. Very beautiful face.

  18. I know that feeling. I just read somewhere that when you are in a slimp you should create 100 I tried drawing 100 flowers. It works!

    Happy PPF!

  19. I have been in a rut for a while now! I love the girl you painted though.. she's gorgeous! Loving those frames too! Happy PPF!
    Heather Santos
    Sparrows Journey Blog

  20. Your work looks so good framed!! I did so love your summer of colour pieces, i'm sure they will sell very quickly!!

  21. Awesome cases and great work. Hope you get out of a rut quick, that's no fun. Take care and good luck with your shops.

  22. That's a beautiful portrait! And Tina did a great job on framing your art!

  23. I love that girl - she is a bit different from some of your other work - just shows your versatility. I love your art and those cases are gorgeous. Ruts come and go but creativity is forever!!!

  24. I know how you feel, i's sometimes difficult to concentrate and get creative, if one is too busy... Beautiful portraits, the cases look fun and the prints look great framed!

  25. I have a hard time believing you in an art slump! You make magic come out of plain paper! Your work here proves that! HPPF!

  26. Wow prachtige dingen heb je weer gemaakt!
    Die ipodcases zijn gaaf!

  27. I know what you mean! I am totally in the same position, but T least you created something, which is a plus!! Love your iphone cases and the girl you managed to create is just beautiful x

  28. Hey you - I'm conflicted over 29 faces too - Was all geared up to go and some important family things have come up that are taking up most of my free time -no way I could post 29 faces in a month so I'd hate to link up - Wonder when the next one is??

  29. I understand about what you feel. I too get into this kind of mood. I'm sometimes overwhelmed by all that I have to do that in the end I do nothing.
    Love both the paintings that your friend bought and framed/ I've joined 29 faces challenge this time but am not sure whether I can complete it or not.Still will go on till I can. Hope to see your art there too.
    Wishing you a creative week

  30. I love your images with birds... they make me dream

  31. Fantastic work! I especially like your summer colour series! I'm a huge fan of op stopping frames, I have a garage full of them, they do make for unique frames.

  32. Hello Denthe! I know how you feel. I feel like that often. I wanted to thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. Your work is beautiful!

  33. oh my! you have been busy! wahoo!
    everything looks wonderful. I wish you success that makes you smile and smile.

  34. I love that you do something and think of something else. So original, you are. Blessings, Janet PPF


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