
Monday 2 September 2013

Slowly getting out of my slump

Finally, sitting with my daughter on her bed last night, I had fun again just drawing and trying things out in my journal. No creative block anymore, no "everything I touch turns to disaster". For one moment I even had the urge to still participate in the 29 faces challenge, but luckily my good sense won this time. I don't have time this month. I DON'T HAVE TIME THIS MONTH. I just need to keep repeating this to myself every now and again... ;-)

I finished another doodle, but I'm starting to get a bit sick of them. Might have to leave it for a while ...

Here are some painted rocks I didn't show yet

And some new postcards for my Etsyshop

I am now working on a new calendar for 2014, and also want to self-publish a photobook with my art and some poetry. Not my poetry, since I don't have any talent in that area whatsoever, but poetry that is in the public domain. Looking forward to that. I might even make a notebook / planner, but that depends a bit on time left. Because those taxes are still waiting to be done, and lots of other boring administrative stuff too...

Hope your week has started well! Thnx for visiting, I'll be back on Wednesday with another inspiring artist post. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Weer zoveel leuke dingen die je hier laat zien... het is niet te zien dat je een dipje hebt gehad. Misschien is het inderdaad tijd voor iets anders als je geen zin hebt in doedelen. Ik vind ze nog steeds erg artistiek en leuk, maar ik kan het me voorstellen dat je eens iets anders wilt. Ik wilde eerst niet meedoen met 29 faces, maar ik kan de afwisseling ook weer goed gebruiken. En de uitdaging :-)) Jammer dat je niet mee gaat doen. Maar het is inderdaad erg tijdrovend. Ik zie je woensdag! Vind je post over andere kunstenaars altijd erg leuk!
    xxx Marianne

  2. Denthe, thank you for stopping by and for you comment on my blog! Love your work! I have some rocks I have been meaning to paint on forever! Been making postcards too just for swapping.

  3. I'm glad to hear you're getting out of your slump. Do you think that the doodles have helped keep the creative flow going? Your photo book idea sounds fantastic!xx

  4. I love your doodles so don't get sick of them please! ManonX

  5. i imagine if feels nice to have a shift with your art.
    i do enjoy your doodles, but sense that honoring your feelings will take you where you want to do. So lovely to picture you sitting with your daughter as you sketch.

    lovely week to you.

  6. Your project ideas sound fabulous Denise... love the postcards, doodle and painted rocks too.... I always think of a slump or time away from something as just a resting place before we dive into where our heart takes us next... have a happy week...

    Jenny ♥

  7. Love love your doodles, I fully understand a slump, after the death of my sister, I felt like my life was not the same, and would never be the same, but time moved it, and little by little I came back to myself

  8. Every one so beautiful, but the one that really speaks to my heart is the 'memories' pebble. Strange how something so simple can shine above all the other lovely artwork.

  9. Love the doodle and will miss them if you stop ...but I do understand the feeling. So glad that your getting over the slump..I think I see a break in mine also. I did go ahead and join the 29 Faces challenge..hoping to push myself back into creating art :) I doubt I will get all 29 finished..but it's a start .

  10. Wonderful projects, love your painting and doodle drawing and your neverending beautiful and unique fantasy and creativity.
    Big hugs Anja

  11. You have been in a slump & still created wonderful, beautiful things :) I missed the last 29 faces & got a third done on my 1st attempt, but hoping this time to do it, just wait for the next one :) when you can fit it in & it's enjoyable fun more than committing to more than you need at the moment (because then it's more like a chore) :)

  12. These look fabulous, wonderful work.
    xx Monique

  13. Your work is just beautiful...What wonderful pieces the rock the black and white doodle and the rest all so beautiful. thank you for sharing.

  14. Hello Denthe! Your work is absolutely beautiful! Lovely! I love the post cards! I also love the rocks! How do you seal the paint? I would love to pain some for my home. You should do a DIY post about it! :) lovely!


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