
Friday 23 August 2013

For all you touch you cannot keep

Thank you so much for all the sweet birthday wishes! I celebrated it by painting all day Monday, and finished my painting! I named it "for all you touch you cannot keep", after a favorite poem of mine from Rod McKuen. Because for me, right from the start, this painting was about loss.

As with all of my more intuitive paintings, I had no idea what images would emerge, but I had the need to start a new painting and pour all of my feelings onto the canvas.

Now that I've finished it, I feel that this painting is about loss and the different ways people deal with it. Some look up, trying to find a piece of that what's lost, trying to find a ray of light, others live in denial, or close themselves off from the outside world, want to be left alone, still others fall down, maybe for a long time, maybe forever.

However way we deal with it, it hurts, for everybody. There's so much sadness in the world. But it's also important to keep seeing the good, to appreciate what's left, to keep going even if you don't want to. And especially: to be compassionate to others. Show understanding, show patience, be there for them, even if they push you away.

I have to warn you that this is a very long picture-heavy post. If you only want to see the finished painting, just scroll down to the end. If not, here's the in-progress journey from start to finish:

leftover paint from other projects. I always have a canvas laying nearby to clean up my brushes and my palette.

I decided to do some collage. First time I tried this on a painting, and now I know I should've waited until I had some more layers, because there's no sign of it anymore in the finished piece ....

Some spray-ink, and the leftover paints from my Summer of Color paintings (all colours are on there, except sage, sepia and grey ...)

Okay, the groundwork is done, now it's time for some serious scribbling and dripping

Love the strong pigment-rich colours of Golden paint

working in some images and shapes, all very random, no idea yet which side would be up.

My new Golden paints had arrived, and naturally I had to try them out on my canvas ;-)

Painting some more random marks, starting to bring out some images

can't get enough of dripping my new sparkling colours ....

Looking for figures and finding them everywhere. I also see a big fish, try to ignore it but it keeps coming up so I just go with it ...

Bringing out the images, wondering how many more I'll put on there

Painting the faces, trying to bring the fish a bit more to the background

Too dark for my liking, so here we go with the dripping again :-)

Painting the other faces, decided to ignore the face peeping over her shoulder (can you see it?), but brought in a small figure falling down.

Well, yes, of course, the bird had been waiting there patiently all the time, so I had to bring it to life .... I also felt it needed roughening up a bit, didn't want the figures and faces to be too smooth. Don't know why. Maybe something to do with grief, and the way it scars all of us ....

 Lightening everything up again and bringing in circles, the symbol for infinity and how life goes on. For me it's also a symbol of lost loved ones going up to heaven. We search for them but can't touch them anymore, they're out of our reach. Also added another little bird ☺

And this is the finished painting (finally!). I decided to also add some bubbles, another symbol for fragility and how we cannot keep what we touch.

This is to show the texture on the painting. I love how each layer adds something to the endresult.

Phew, are you still with me? Then I'd also like to show you the present I received from Sharon. She had a give-away during the Summer of Colour, and I was one of the winners. I won 2 postcards, but she ended up sending me also a cute little folder to put the postcards in. Lovely surprise, and Sharon, thank you so much!

These are the 2 cards I won. Love the colourful quirky characters ☺

This is the outside of the folder that the cards came in

and the inside. I love the loose colourful way of painting, and the uplifting quotes.

Well, I bettter finish here! Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday, lots more to see over there on their blog!

Thanks so much for visiting! Hope you're having a wonderful day, and a weekend full of fun, sun and warmth! ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Denthe, what a heart felt painting representing the different ways of grieving. Do you now have a sense of relief of your grief? The process you endure in your painting is so spiritual and symbolic, thoughtful and inspirational.
    Beautiful and powerful. Congratulations!

  2. A poweful painting, I loved to see the painting emerge from your abstracts (many of which I would have been happy with!) It started to sing to me when you added that gorgeous hot pink! Inmersing yourself in painting is a wonderful way to deal with the joys and pains of life. I am pleased that the cards arrived okay.

  3. I'm speechless, gorgeous work, fantastic WIPs, very moving!

  4. I always love to see the process of a painting, not just the finished piece. Love all the layers you did, and how the painting emerged, and all symbolism of it. It's beautiful!

  5. Very tender and beautiful canvas! <3

  6. Your work in this week is so gorgeous, dear Denthe!
    Wonderful birthday time in a creative Expression in your special colors.
    Happy PPF and have a fine Weekend

  7. Such a beautiful post Denise... so happy you had such a lovely birthday... and got painty... and love love your latest painting... such emotion... and expression... truly stunning... and soulful...

    Jenny ♥

  8. Lovely work on your pictures, and how nice to receive those cards from Saharon! Valerie

  9. I am glad to hear you had a good day o Monday:)
    Your paintings are beautifully expressive and emotive. The canvas can be a good friend in times of extreme emotion and the results are often the most powerful of works. Thank you for sharing your wonderful art. HPPF

  10. marvellous paintings really like the bright colours

  11. I loved seeing the whole process , the pics were wonderful.

  12. thank you so much for sharing your fabulous progress, what a delight to watch you work!!

  13. soooo beautiful - another wonderful, stunning painting!

  14. Thank you for sharing the steps to this gorgeous painting and the symbolism. I look at your work and I feel your emotion.

  15. I love seeing progress photos! Stunning!
    Thank you!

  16. Denthe thank you so much for taking the time to share the steps to your powerful and beautiful painting. I can feel and see the emotion in all of your work but especially this piece.

  17. Love how you pull out such a beautiful painting out of such a messy background. :)

  18. What a treat to see the step by step of your painting!! Fascinating...and so incredibly beautiful. You rock the colors. I love seeing through your eyes as figures emerge... The emotion and loss and strength you understand so well, really threads through this piece. Beautiful. Have a great weekend! Kathy

  19. very moving and beautiful post. I love all the symbolism and imagery. Your finished painting is stunning. Love what Sharon sent you too! What a great surprise in the mail!

  20. Beautiful and moving work Denthe. And lovely gift fom Sharon.

  21. Your work is so beautiful and always so emotionally powerful. Love seeing your recent art!

  22. Lovely creations and very wise and heart full thoughts. Thank you for sharing, Denthe and have a creative and inspiring week.

  23. I love this piece - you can see that your poured your heart and soul into it and that it is something very personal to you. I adore seeing your process from start to finish so don't ever apologise for showing all the stages. It's always interesting to see a piece develop but particularly so for your work because it is so intuitive and you feel your way through to the final piece - I really really love that about your work.

  24. Adorable work Denthe!I am your fan!Hugs from Brazil.

  25. Your gorgeous finished piece is strong and expressive. I love the faces that you brought out from all those beautiful bright colors.

  26. Prachtig zoals je het schilderij tot stand ziet komen!! Bedankt voor de foto's; ik vond het heel mooi om te zien.

  27. Denise your painting is so very powerful and meaningful-so very beautiful. Thank you for taking so much time capturing all your steps to completion-I am so fascinated by it!!! I received two cards from Sharon too :) They're displayed on one of my dressers in my art room and I love them!

  28. What a beautiful and meaningful painting. I followed your process all the way through and just love how you find your images. Very powerful piece. I've always been your fan. Thank you.

  29. This was so amazing for me to see. . .how much you put on the canvas and how it then turned out. . .absolutely beautiful and soulful. I too am a big fan of Rod Mckuen (I still have his books) since I saw him at Illinois State in the early 70s. When he read, it was powerful. Blessings, Janet PPF

  30. Absolutely lovely, Denise, and so poignant. Your art reflects your beautiful heart. xo, janice

  31. What imagery you have for your painting here! Absolutely amazing and true. Love how you have tried to roughen the faces to symbolize grief and life that is not always easy for us.So many layers of meaning in your painting, enjoyed going through the process.

  32. It is so interesting to see your progress, Denise. I looked at every single picture, and it is fascinating how the shapes slowly evolve. I've never painted this way, but I think this would be so worth to give it a try. It has so much power.

  33. I never tire of "watching" you create - you have so much patience (or at least seem to) I think I rush things too much - try to quickly to find images when I am painting/collaging intuitively. Beautiful painting and wonderful post.

  34. it was so cool to see your process, i love the finished painting!

  35. It's wonderful to see all that goes on beneath the surface of your paintings. I love seeing how you achieve such depth of color and texture. Beautiful work!

  36. Denise - your art is always beautiful and this work is especially moving. . . love to watch *the figures you "see" emerge from your painting - love that a bird always makes an appearance!

  37. Such a beautiful and tender post!! The art is so powerful and deep with emotion! I agree we all grieve uniquely, but moving on is the only thing we can do for sanity! Glad you spent your birthday painting...good for you...I believe it was very cathartic painting that transpired!! Good job and thanks for sharing your heart and beautiful art!!

    Love Sharons whimsical work, I also got a package a while back that I treasure!

    Hugs Giggles

  38. Nog van harte gefeliciteerd,
    Je kunstwerken zien er weer prachtig uit!
    Leuk om de voortgang op deze manier te bekijken.
    Fijn weekend!

    Groetjes karin

  39. Ha Dente,je schildering is prachtig!!
    ook mooi zo als jij laat zien hoe de schildering onstaat
    en ook een een betekenis heeft.....heel bijzonder.
    Ook leuk de kaarten een echt kadootje.
    Een goed weekend Christiene.

  40. So amazing process see all the beautiful figures come to life :) Loooove it so much ♥ Conny

  41. Wow, I love your painting so much, it's gorgeous. The colors, the style, the process. I'm just blown away. Beautiful.
    xx Monique

  42. i so enjoyed the journey of watching this painting unfold and become the beautiful touching piece that it is. it must be so interesting to create like this. Plus you do it so well. your shading is gorgeous and the way you bring your characters to life so that they live on your canvas is amazing.

  43. Happy belated birthday! The canvas is stunning, I like the way you build up an image and bring out what you see, it's such a intuitive way to work. Beautiful.

  44. I love to see your progress shots - the finished canvas is absolutely stunning and obviously of the heart. x

  45. A great piece, Denthe! Thank you for sharing the process, and congratulations on the prize! :-)
    Happy PPF
    Ilona xx

  46. i enjoyed watching your process. the beauty and subtle layers
    are beautiful in your piece. thanks for sharing it all!

  47. Your paintings with their vibrant colours are beautiful! The collages are great too :)


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