
Monday 15 July 2013

New doodle and new postcards in my shop

Thanks so much for all your lovely comments and visits to my blog! Still trying to figure out Google+, still kinda chicken to sign up, but getting wiser.... Thanks for all the advice ♥

I finally managed to finish another doodle. Here it is:

The painting rocks session with my daughter on Saturday didn't happen as we planned. She was feeling a bit sick, sneezing and blowing her nose all day. She did manage to finish one of her rocks though, because she wanted to give it as a present to her dad, who had been away the whole week and was coming back on Sunday after a visit to Bali to see his father. I started several new rocks. No photos yet, will post them later.

Did make new poetry cards and am still adding them to my shop.

Here are some:

That's it for now, time to go to sleep ....

Thanks for visiting, hope to see you again on Wednesday with another inspiring artist post, IF I can find an artist in time who'll give permission....

♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Wow, Denthe, your girls are stunning, the colours so rich, and the quotes so true!

  2. Wat zijn ze weer prachtig!! Je doodle is als gewoonlijk weer uniek en de dames eronder zien er weer TOP uit. Natuurlijk heb je ook weer fantastische teksten gebruikt. Zo knap!!
    Lieve groetjes,

  3. Well, that is much more than a doodle in my opinion and your poetry cards are stunning. Thanks you for sharing your soulful art. I am amazed at the creativity that flows through you!

  4. These are all so beautiful. Your doodles (and I use that word very loosely as they are so detailed and way more than doodles!) are so beautiful!

  5. Ha Dente,wat maak jij prachtige vrouwen de één is nog mooier als de ander.
    Ook de zwart wit doodle mag er zijn...
    Mooi als jij naar bed gaat beginnen we hier te leven.
    Ik kijk uit naar je volgende post
    Groetjes Christiene.

  6. Loving your gorgeous cards Denthe, hugs Annette x

  7. Weer zo mooi Denise. Wat leuk dat je stenen geschilderd heb met je dochter. ik hoop dat ze snel weer wat beter is.
    lieve groetjes Marja

  8. WOW I adore your doodle work, it is so unique, I'm everytime fascinated, just as by the other beautiful face paintings!
    xox Anja

  9. i love seeing your art
    and the tender heartfelt messages that flow into these days
    wishing you success that makes you smile with your post cards!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !