
Friday 12 July 2013

Week 5 Summer of color

The colours this week, Candy Apple Red and Yellow, were quite a challenge for me. I love warm colours, especially all yellows and oranges, but red and yellow together creates a strong contrast that I'm not sure I like so much. On top of that, it's hard to make different shades of red, since it turns very quickly to pink or orange.

So I didn't mix any shades, but used 3 different reds that I had. Here's the result:

It almost looks like a modern version of the Belgian flag ;-) (or the German for that matter, both have red, yellow and black in them). I had to add a quote again, once again pretty sad, but it just fitted the expression on her face. Still my way of working through my grief I guess ....

And then I finally did something I've been wanting to do since January. During our holidays my daughter and I gathered rocks to paint. We once saw these at a market and wanted to try it since. But we couldn't find the right stones, smooth and flat and round, until we were at a beach in New South Wales. So naturally, getting weird looks from hubby and son, we dragged some home, and they've been laying in the garage since then.

Still trying out how and what to paint on them, but I must say I love it. I like how the form of the stone determines the end look, and no 2 stones are alike. These are 4 that I finished:


and the faces also have a quote on the backside ....

Planned to take them to the gallery, but my son already seized the coloured face one. There isn't another stone that's exactly the same size and form, so he doesn't want it reproduced on another stone, he wants this one......

Never mind, I plan on making many more. Here's a face in progress, and the 2 stones my daughter started. We're planning on devoting the entire Saturday to painting rocks .....

And then to finish, I have another question for the experienced Google+-users out there. I vowed never to get a Google+-account, because I haven't been hearing many positive stories about it and I don't want to shut out people from commenting because they don't have a google+-account. But now it seems I'll have to. I have been doing a workshop with lifelong access online, but they're moving from a ningsite to a google+-community. So I want to get a google+-account but I don't want anything to change in my blog. I don't want to appear as a Google+-user, I want people to be able to comment and to find my blog. How can I do that? Sharon once sent me a link about changing back to Blogger from Google+, but I'm a bit chicken to try it out for fear of doing something that I can't undo. So basically what I want to know is this: What happens when I sign up for a Google+-account? Does anything change in my blog or do I have different options?

I would be really grateful to get some advice on this......

That's it for now. Thanks so much for visiting and leaving those wonderful comments. Hope you're enjoying the lazy summerdays (in the largest part of the world anyway), and I wish you a wonderful weekend full of laughter and love. Linking this as always to Paint Party Friday and to Summer of Color. Take a look over there, you won't regret it!

Oops, and I just noticed that I'm the featured artist on Paint Party Friday this week! Thanks so much Eva and Kristin ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. I think your colours look great together!

    You are going to have so much fun painting rocks on Saturday! The colours on the ones already completed are delightful. It is no wonder why your son insisted on keeping the coloured face stone!

    Amazing lettering and fine lines on the backs of the rocks! Your face in the works looks almost 3-D.

    I am having very good lazy days of summer thank you. I have been fishing.

    Sorry I can't help you with google+, I am trying to figure it out myself and the point of it!

    Happy weekend and painting with your daughter!

  2. Love the painting! And of course the rocks ROCK! HPPF!

  3. Love your Soc painting, so beautiful! The colors really work well. Great rocks, too, really wonderful lettering!
    I changed to google+ without much thought, I admit :) I haven't noticed any weird changes in my blog, people can comment as before, but then I don't know so much about this...

  4. You have used the colour combo fantastically!! Especially as you stuck to just three reds ( I cheated a little ) I don't like google+ as I prefer having a blogger profile and like you am upset about the changes, although haven't a clue how to improve things, It took me a good few hours yesterday trying to work out how to add the bloglovin link!!

  5. Prachtig schilderijtje Denise, ik miste ook de overgang van geel naar rood. De kleur oranje is er eigenlijk zo mooi bij, maar dat was niet de uitdaging :-) Je stenen zijn ook prachtig. Ik heb dat heel vroeger ook eens gedaan en zelfs diertjes en poppetjes gemaakt door ze op elkaar te plakken en ze te schilderen en wiebeloogjes erop. Was heel erg leuk om te doen. De quotes erop vind ik ook heel erg mooi.
    Heel fijn weekend en schilder ze samen met je dochter :-)
    xxx Marianne

  6. Wonderful painting and love the stones. I wish the German flag looked so good! Valerie

  7. I painted stones this week shown on my nettyscraftings blog and also on Facebook, painting them is so theraputic. Loving yours and the new painting for SOC, Happy PPF, Annette x

  8. Lovely piece, Those rocks are awesome, love them. HEY I am glad you didnt follow that link, I have been told by a friend that when she tried to convert from G+ back to blogger she lost all the benefits of G+! This was a few weeks ago.It seeems as if you did it before the change you are okay, but after they are being difficult about having both. But there must be a way!

  9. Bien, I like that of painting rocks, is a bopnita idea. Greetings.

  10. love the colours and the pebbles


  11. Congrats on being the featured artist on PPF
    It is an interesting colour combination for your work but I do think you have pulled it off and made the colours work well together especially with the different tonal shades and black lines.
    Your painted stones are a great and fun idea that will be a good seller for those looking for something handmade and unique that wont bust the bank. I am sure you and your daughter will have a good time painting them, maybe she could put some in the gallery too?
    I have no idea about google+ but I would feel the same as you, as you know I lost my blog roll from changing things on my blog which I wish I had left alone now because I cant get it back!

  12. Love your SoC painting!! I'm having trouble with mine...I keep getting orange messes!!

    These rocks are great! How do you write so neatly on a rock? I'm impressed.

  13. lovely work for the SOC theme and your painted rocks are beautiful!

  14. The three shades of red work so nicely with the yellow for your SOC piece, Denthe. And, those painted rocks are just adorable - what fun for you and your daughter to do this together. I think spending time with your loved ones and doing art are two of the best therapies during difficult times.

  15. Denthe, this is fantastic! I just love these stones! I don't know how you made such small stones and beautiful faces. just so wonderful. i don't know how the google 1 works...i thought they were ended it so i am totally confused that people are still sending me requests. i'm sorry!

  16. Congrats on that gorgeous painting over at PPF-love it!! Beautiful SOC piece and those rocks are so pretty and look like so much fun to paint! Can't help you with Google+. I joined and have an acct only to view those who completely switched over but I rarely go to it as I don't know what I'm doing there :) Good luck and happy PPF!

  17. I hate G+ it is messy and repetitive, I never go there and have a note saying "do not add me" and I am afraid of deleting it because all they say is they will "attempt" to have my stuff as i had it before.... that is not good enough for me, i wish I had used another email for it :(
    I am probably in the same group, because I have to use it too, but.... I won't. I guess I will miss that part of the group.
    I have been thinking of changing my stuff to another email then try to delete the G+ but it is so much work! All the sites are melted together now!
    The stones are awesome! Ans it is so cute your son wanted one, that is the best compliment :oD

  18. Ha Dente,leuk kleuren te gebruiken die je anders niet zo snel zou nemen.
    Een mooie kleuren combie mooi om te zien.
    Ook leuk dat je zoon zo snel keus heeft gemaakt voor dat het weg is.
    Dochter lief gaat al aardig mama haar kant in.
    De stenen vind ik echt te gek en heb ze zelf ook klaar liggen.
    Liefs groetjes

  19. Stunning sad painting....yes she emotes how you feel....I always find it amazing how a persons feelings even my own end up in the artwork... Love the rocks and think it's a wonderful way of bonding with your daughter! Hers are as precious as yours!!

    I am not getting google plus...I hate when I hit up someones profile and it goes there instead of their seems like all the big companies want the hits off our blogs. Hope you find a way to avoid it!!!

    Hugs Giggles

  20. You have such a distinctive style that works beautifully with these color challenges!

  21. Loved that you are the featured artist this week at PPF. Your red and yellow is beautifully done, even if I am not fond of those two colors together. You were so clever to think of using several different reds to do this.

  22. Lovely rocks! Wonderful shapes for painting.

  23. Amazing painting, your art always makes me smile and yes the rocks sooooooobeautiful the blue with the white..I looove them!!! Ohh and congrats on the featuring ♥ Conny

  24. I love this one, as I've loved all of them, just beautiful. Unfortunately I can't help with Google+, I think I'm even more confused than you and have refused to join out of fear of messing up my blog as well.

  25. So happy to see you featured on PPF. Those stones are just stunning as is your SOC work this week. I'm sorry I can't help you with GOOGLE+. I don't understand it at all... Happy PPF!

  26. Dear Denthe, gorgeous painting, lovely composed with great strong and warm colours. I like your stones. they are so nicely done. inspiring works thank you for sharing and I hope you enjoy summer days too, big hugs to you!

  27. Hi Denise, such amazing doodling and colour! and i love the rocks that you painted, so cute and amazing

  28. Fantastic painting.....and those rocks are wonderful and so sweet. Can't help you with the google + xox

  29. Your SOC posts have been so amazing - love the mosaic look! Your rocks are so cool - hope you have loads of fun painting them with your daughter all day tomorrow!!

  30. prachtige creatie en die stenen zien er schitterend uit!
    Fijn weekend!
    Groetjes Karin

  31. A beautiful red/yellow painting, and the girl with the sad and thoughtful face.
    I'm so pleased you were featured as a winner on the charcoal/pink week.
    I agree with you about the dilemma with Google +. I really don't want to use it, but I suppose in the end they will impose it upon everyone. I get really disappointed when I can't comment, but I can see your necessity. It will be interesting to see if you find a way to have the best of both, or as they say round here 'to have your butty and your bun'.
    I have signed up for your Newsletter - I am such an admirer of your work.
    I keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  32. Your entry for this week's PPF/SOC is beautiful. I had a lot of trouble with these colors and not a lot of time - I love what you did. Those rocks are so beautiful - I'm not always a fan of painted rocks - but yours are wonderful works of art!!! I would have taken more than one LOL. I love the lettering on the back - not so easy to do on a stone. About blogger and Google+ - I will email you about my experience. Too long for here.

  33. I love love love your sweet rock paintings and your beautiful SOC piece with the oh so true quote.

    Sorry can't help you with your google issues....I don't really get it myself!

    Good luck :)

    Karen x

  34. Love your SOC piece, very brave use of color.
    I have a google+ account but I also have a blogger profile and the blogger profile is what shows on my blog. You have specifically choose to get the google + profile on your blog. Default (still) is the blogger profile. So basically, when you make your google + account nothing should change in your blogger setup.
    Happy PPF and SOC, have a great weekend.

  35. I love your painted rocks! So beautiful!!!! and your SIC piece is just gorgeous!

  36. WOWW, wonderful rocks, looks like fun to make these and spread them in the garden :). The painting is beautiful too, I hope things get better with you. Pray for a little bit of healing everyday and much love to you.

  37. Love your rocks, how fun this is! HPPF!

  38. Congrats! Your work is so whimsical and full of energy! Love it!

  39. Denthe am I glad to visit your page again. It has been a while. Your SOC page is very beautiful. But I'm so inspired by the painted stones. Love love those painted faces.No wonder your son is treasuring one of them.
    Prayers and Hugs to you

  40. Beautiful work this week, my dear! Red and yellow is definitely a challenge but you really pulled it off. I love that you have such a consistent vibe and look going in your work. The real you and what is in your heart really shines through. I have to say those rocks are just stunning.

    I haven't switched to Google+ for the same reasons you haven't. I really find it all very confusing and haven't had the time to try to figure it out. I hope you get some good advice here.

    I hope you have a peaceful week filled with hope and healing. - xo, janice

  41. So happy to see you featured on PPF. You know I enjoy your art and your blog. I am a google+1 user. I clicked the butter to have my blog as g+1 it changed my blog look and my long time followers who were not g+1 could not comment so I unclicked it. I have my blog and I can see g+1 followers on my tool bar. It is kind of the best of both worlds.

  42. Those rocks are super cool! A fabulous idea x

  43. You have been in my thoughts on your journey through grief. I love the piece you did with the SOC colours and your stones are stunning. I have no advice on Google+. I needed to get it for the same reason you did, but I don't get it and don't use it well. I need to figure it out.

  44. I totally adore anything you do. Just love your girls and birds. :) Stones have been on my mind a lot lately. Hopefully I'll get to go find some to try and paint them.

    For the question, I have it set that way that I have google+ even though I don't use it unless I have to but my blog stayed the same. But I have no idea how this happened. I did it a while back and just signed up for google plus but nothing else changed.

  45. My daughter loves painting on rocks but can't find rocks big enough. I love the look of them. Blessings, Janet PPF (I find that I can't make a comment on a google + account.)

  46. Wow! Those rocks are so cute! I love how unique each rock is with the lettering. What a great idea. Congratulations on being featured!


Thanks for taking the time to comment! I love hearing your thoughts about my work. Because I am getting too many spammer comments, l have to use Captcha, sorry. Hope this is not a problem for you !