
Wednesday 17 July 2013

Artists that inspire me: Kelly McKernan

Kelly McKernan is a fine artist and illustrator based in Tennessee.

She's only 26 yrs young, but has an amazing body of work.

She creates mostly watercolour and gouache paintings, but has also illustrated some children's books.

I love the ethereal fragile look of her female figures and the transparancy of her layers

I also really like the little squares in the background of some of her paintings.

She received a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in 2009, and has been working as a full-time artist since 2012.

If you want to see more of her work, you can visit 

Hope you enjoyed seeing her work. Thanks so much for visiting, I'll be back on Friday for the last Summer of Color! ♥


  1. Bedankt voor deze tip!! Ik ga zeker nog even op haar site kijken want wat heeft ze mooie dingen gemaakt.
    xxx Marianne

  2. another amazing artist Denthe!
    thank you for sharing her art, i had never seen it before
    mystically beautiful~

  3. Thankyou for sharing this lovely work Denise and your doodles are fantastic!xx

  4. Beautiful work!! Looks very Alponse Mucha inspired, which as I love those elegant Art Nouveau ladies is a good thing!! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Great feature! She is an amazing talent. I too like the transparency... Beautiful.

  6. Kelly's work is beautiful... I love her gorgeous and powerful art... thank you for sharing Denise...

    Jenny ♥

  7. Wow wat is het werk van Kelly mooi. En zo erg speciaal en apart. SUPER.
    Lieve groetjes

  8. Dente,wonderschoon mooi dat je haar in beeld hebt gebracht
    prachtig werk een genot om naar te kijken.
    Een groet

  9. LOVE your inspired artists - not mainstream and so cool!


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